Nearly Two Thousand Gather To Celebrate Kinyan Hamasechta 2024 [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

In a huge office complex in Holmdel, New Jersey on January 7th, 1,200 men learn in what was transformed into a virtual beis medrash, with the thundering kol Torah normally found in yeshivos. Who were these men, and why were they learning so animatedly in Bell Works on a Sunday afternoon?

These were the members of Kinyan Hamasechta, pounding a retzufos seder at the Annual Worldwide Kinyan Hamasechta Event. Over 1,800 Kinyan members and their wives gathered from Eretz Yisrael, the UK, Panama, and tens of cities throughout the continental United States to celebrate what they all shared: the incomparable simcha of true kinyan in their learning.

They may have looked like average baalei batim, but as R’ Yitzchok Wagner, Nasi of Kinyan Hamasechta put it, “We are not baalei batim that also learn, we are bnei Torah that happen to work. When a baal habos has made his learning so much a part of himself through clarity and chazara, he views himself differently. His she’ifos for gadlus reflect the image of a ben Torah that happens to find himself in the workforce, and he continuously raises the bar for himself and his family. And his wife too, respects him for the ben Torah that he is.”

After the seder, a siyum was made by a member of Kinyan Hamasechta. It is impossible to put into words the ecstatic dancing that followed, the warmth and simcha of the Kinyan Hamasechta Family sweeping every person in the room into a display of true simchas haTorah. Kinyan Hamasechta is indeed a family – one heart beating in unison to the rhythm of Abaye and Rava.

During the dinner in the Main Atrium, R’ Dovid Newman shared a thought from the Beis Meir. Chazal tell us not to make our davening kevah, rather we should make our Torah kevah. Chazal are teaching that it is not so much a person’s tefillos that are koveya his fate, it is his Torah. R’ Dovid added, “All the more so when it can be called “torascha”, your Torah, through chazara and kinyan! Tonight we are joined by over 1,800 bnei chabura and their wives who are passionately dedicated to making gemara ‘torascha’! May this zechus protect and save us, and bring us only bracha!”

The guest speaker was Rav Elya Brudny shlit”a, who highlighted the incredible transformation Torah brought about in the lives of the lomdei Kinyan Hamasechta. In a voice choked with emotion, he cried, “If this is the transformation we see today, just imagine what the next generation of Kinyan Hamasechta will look like! Who knows if it is this revolution that will crown the melech hamashiach b’meheira v’yameinu!”

The Rosh Yeshiva then focused on a unique aspect of Kinyan Hamasechta: the sense of camaraderie that Kinyan chaburos have, and the close, intimate connection that a baal habos can find with a Rosh Chabura who cares deeply about him. He implored the bnei chabura, “Hold on to your Rosh Chabura tightly!” And turning to the Roshei Chabura, he said, “Roshei chabura, please, hold on to your bnei chabura! You are their rebbi!”

R’ Avi Levitan, Rav of KTT in Pomona, explained that Kinyan is not just a revolution of limud haTorah, but more importantly, a revolution of ahavas haTorah. “It is this tremendous love for learning that leads a baal habos to feel that he needs to take along his gemara on vacation.” He then recounted an incredible story about a member of his shul who unknowingly “advertised” Kinyan Hamasechta as he was observed chazering with his son throughout the duration of a flight! “It is the fiery love of Torah, a product of untold numbers of chazaros, that brings about such stories!”

The feature video of the event focused on two members of Kinyan Hamasechta, following them through a day with Kinyan. They go to work, spend time with their families, but their day revolves around their learning. Beginning with early-morning learning sedarim, chazering at work, at home, on-the-go, and posting and sharing their chazaros with members of their chabura, they epitomize the life of a Kinyan member: learning with clarity, chazara, and using the power of a chabura to stay committed.

As the video came to an end, the spotlight zeroed in on the figure of a young Eliezer Zachter at the podium. Eliezer, son of a participant in Kinyan Hamasechta was there to share a letter he had written to his father. He described his pride in seeing his father chazering late at night by the dining room table, and rushing out to his daily shiur. He shared that though his father is very busy with work, he senses that Torah is the most important thing to him. He spoke about the glow on his father’s face at a recent siyum, the product of small daily commitments that add up to a thorough knowledge in a masechta, and shared how it inspires him to do the same in yeshiva. The simplicity of the message, that yes, Kinyan Hamasechta impacts and shapes our families, weaving ahavas haTorah into its very fabric.

The evening ended with a hartzige kumzitz with R’ Eitan Katz, the words of the songs becoming tefillos for further siyata d’shmaya in learning, and expressions of thanks to Hashem for giving us the opportunity to learn His Torah each day in a way that it is firmly ingrained in our neshamos – with clarity and kinyan!

For more information, please visit, or reach out to R’ Yehuda Orlansky at [email protected]

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