TEHILIM ALERT – Hagon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Taken to Hospital

k.jpg9:15AM EST: [UPDATE BELOW] Sources have confirmed to YWN that Maran Hagon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita has been taken to a hospital on Thursday afternoon. Rav Kanievsky was not feeling well all morning, and at approximately 2:00PM (IL), was transported to Maanei Yeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak via private vehicle. Prior to the transport, a doctor arrived at the famed Posek’s home, examined him, and decided to have him transported to the hospital for further tests.

As of this posting (9:15AM EST), Rav Kanievsky is fully conscious and resting comfortably in his hospital room. Further details will be posted as soon as they are confirmed and made available to YWN.

tehillim1.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) Please be Mispallel for Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim ben Pesha Miriam.

UPDATE 12:00PM EST: YWN has learned that Rav Kanievsky has been released from the hospital, and has returned to his home. His condition is Boruch Hashem stable, and is reportedly suffering from an infection.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. refuah shelaimah
    klal yisroel (and the whole world needs him)
    no doubt “resting in hospital” no doubt means travelling thru shas and poskim while he sits/lies there.

  2. In addition to Tfilos and Tehilim for Refuah Shleima for Moreinu VeRabeinu SHLIT”A, it would be appropriate for us to learn his Sforim. Among them are:
    (a) Breisa DiMeleches HaMishkan with his Peirushim.
    (b) The recently published Derech Chochmah with his Peirushim.

    Information regarding other Sforim by HaRav HaGaon SHLIT”A and their availability (which Sforim stores have them) will be sincerely appreciated.

    We hope and pray that the Ribono Shel Olam will grant Moreinu VeRabeinu SHLIT”A immediate Refuah Shleima and Arichas Yamim to enable him to continue his wonderful Harbotzas HaTorah to Klal Yisrael Ad Bias Goel Tzedek, VeAd BiChlal.

  3. Wow. This made me so nervous to see the Rav in the headline. We need him now more then ever. Maybe you should take it down if hes okay its just gonna scare people.

  4. what is the matzav? how can you not keep this as the top headline? he is the pulse of klal yisroel – everyone needs this gadol hador – do we know how much he is maigin on klal yisroel – may klal yisroel be zoche to have him with us ad bias goel tzedek

  5. Following up on Comment No. 2:

    Other Sforim by HaRav Chaim Kanievsky SHLIT”A include:
    (a) Derech Emunah
    (b) Shoneh Halachos
    (c) Ishai Yisrael
    (d) Kiryas Melech

    A good U.S. source for these Sforim is the Sforim store of Rav Biegeleisen: (718) 436-165.

    By learning his Sforim, we ask the Ribono Shel Olam to grant Moreinu VeRabeinu SHLIT”A immediate Refuah Shleima and Arichas Yamim to enable him to continue his wonderful Harbotzas HaTorah to Klal Yisrael Ad Bias Goel Tzedek, VeAd BiChlal.

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