REVOLTING: Neturei Karta Protests After Ramapo Town Supervisor Calls For Hostages’ Release

Dozens of baby killer supporters gathered outside the Ramapo Municipal Building and Police Department headquarters on Sunday afternoon to make their voices clear – they support evil terrorists.

As first reported by Monsey Scoop, roughly 60 Neturei Karta Iran lovers demonstrated outside the Municipal Building – hours after Town Supervisor Michael Specht made his own stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict clear. Specht posted on his WhatsApp status a simple yet powerful message: “100 Days. Bring Them Home.”

Specht was marking 100 days since October 7, when Hamas terrorists burst into Israel, massacring 1,200 civilians and taking roughly 240 others hostage. More than half of those hostages are still in Gaza.

Despite having 100 days to rethink their evil position, Neturei Karta is clearly not budging. Their evil truly knows no bounds.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

44 Responses

  1. There’s only one thing to say, they make a big chilul hashem. It’s one thing to hold that the Israeli government isn’t supposed to exist, and another to support the killers of other Jews. They have a lot in common with the kapos by the Nazis.

  2. Aside for the general rishus of the Neturei Karta the very fact that they run around with Palestinian flags and other symbols of Palestinian nationalism proves that their whole argument of “we are Americans who have no loyalty to foreign countries or ideologies” as they frequently claim and speaker here is doing is pure lies.

    At this point not only are they viscous antisemites and Hamas sympathizers, they are also such strong Palestinian nationalists that there us little difference them and the Zionists when it comes to the Three Oaths. Although the Zionists tried to gain control of Eretz Yisreol in a lot less bloody way, with much less cost to Jewish (or non-Jewish) lives and with much more advance agreement from the nations of the world than the Neturey Karta and it’s Palestinian friends are looking to do

  3. It’s time for the Monsey kehilla (or wherever these people live) to stand up and disown these people and to say that we have nothing to do with them, that they do not represent Yiddishkeit despite their religious appearance. Have there been any proclamations to this effect?

  4. They are campaigning in the wrong place. They need to be brave and campaign outside at DES MOINES, Iowa where the action is.

  5. They hold American flags, yet they barely even know the 50 states. Most of the people in this video likely couldn’t even tell you the states around New York.

  6. Had these idiots been there on Oct. 7 they would’ve been slaughtered like sheep by these same Palestinians that they love so much

  7. I can’t believe I used to think that these guys are ok.

    @moishe: Satmar denounced their actions. It’s not the job of the Satmar rov to follow these guys every single day and denounce them non stop.

  8. Soros is paying them , paying Taylor Swift to ……she will marry and do exactly what Soros says, not much different than Tom Cruise and his X’s…..the thing is secrets……worse is ‘TEMPTATION’….after reading of Rabbi Meir and his wife…..I’m terrified of this word TEMPTATION

  9. The community should have come out in droves to drown them out. They have no shred of rachmanus on the hostages and their families. Its despicable on every level!

  10. “MosheKapoyer
    Where is the Satmar Rov? Why doe she not come out publicly denouncing these rabid anti semitic dogs?”

    1. I guess you meant HE not she.
    2. He did come out against them.
    3. They have nothing with Satmar, they protested against him when he came to monsey.
    4. They are not Neturei Karta they hijacked the name.

  11. @Matt – The Eidah HaChareidis disavowed/distanced themselves from the NK decades ago. As we see, time and time again, without a Rebbe to guide any individual or group of individuals, not only CAN one get it all wrong, one MUST get it all wrong for MESORAH is a CONDITION for Torah. Moshe kibeil Torah mei’Sinai u’masruha . . .

    In spite of the fact they are correct that Israel is NOT a Jewish State, and in spite of the fact that the Torah forbids the formation of such a state, אף על פי שחטא, ישראל הוה and, under most circumstances, we would be obligated to be michaleil Shabbos to save the lives of the people/neshamos they are condemning and CERTAINLY we must be mispallel for them (אל תקרי חוטאים אלא חטאים).

  12. @UncleMo – And do you think the the vast majority of Americans – educated in their wonderful “free and equal” educational system could name the 50 states or even tell you the states around New York.

    At the end of the day, the amount of professionals who come out of “THEIR” systems of education, the amount of money spent on chesed, medical equipment and treatment, and the amount we are all dependent on them and the products they provide (e.g. food) far outweighs the contributions so many of our “neighbors.”

    Not to ignore the chillul HaShem on bit. Not to say their hatred towards ANY Yid is justified. Just to address your claim.

  13. Every member of the Neturei Karta is a LUNATIC.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a RODAIF.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a MOSAIR.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a CHILLUL HASHEM.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a SHONDA FOR THE G0Y1M.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a FANATICAL ANTI-SEMITE.

    When Rabbi Shteinmann ZTL came to Monsey, they spit on his face.
    When will Jews get SERIOUS about stopping this very dangerous evil?

    According to an article written by Yerachmiel HaLevi
    on 2023 November 10, on Quora (dot) com,
    the Neturei Karta are RAISING MONEY
    for Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran!

    Please contact your Member of Parliament or
    Member of Knesset or Member of Congress to
    demand that all these traitors be placed on
    a terrorist list & banned & prevented
    from raising funds in our respective countries.

  14. Besides saying thst Israel does NOT represent Jews, which is the utter truth, & waving 🇺🇸, what is wrong with a protest of such?
    There r no Palestinians flags, besides one attention seeking person totally not belonging to this crowd of AMERICAN Jews. Not a single poster in solidarity w Muslims. THIS ISNT NK!
    These are Torah abiding people saying to the world that ISRAELS actions do NOT represent American Jews. GOOD FOR THEM!
    They’re absolutely NOT NK. No scarfes. No flags.
    And can anyone explain where they G d forbid say something against the release of the hostages?
    U people are rabid Zionists and shld all be ashamed of yourselves!

  15. @moshekapoyer
    The Satmar raov DID publicly condemn them and it was reorted on YWN.
    He doesnt have to come out after ecery protest and recondemn.

  16. Another way this protest highlights the Rishus and aczhoruis of the Neturei Karta is that their entire “Judaism” revolves around Zionism and the state of Israel (albeit in opposition) For many of them Zionism and the state of Isreal is their full time occupation. Yet when they discuss Yidden are being killed or held hostage in Eretz Yisroel they scream “We are American Jews. What goes on in other countries has nothing to do with us!!!

    (Alternatively they cheer on those who are doing the murdering and capturing of Yidden living in Eretz Yisroel and talk about how much they care about those living in Gaza. Their claim of being Americans with no interest in what goes on in other countries is completely ignored when they can cheer on those on those who murder Jews.)

  17. The Shulchan Aruch, chelek Orach Chaim,
    Siman Kuf Nun Gimel, Sif Yud Gimel,
    teaches that money which was collected
    for the purpose of building a synagogue
    may be used to free hostages [Pidon Shebuyim].

    What would the author of Shulchan Aruch
    say about Neturei Karta members protesting
    AGAINST the freeing of Jewish hostages?

  18. YWN, did you verify this information? From my understanding, this event had nothing to do with Neturei Karta. They were a Satmar group, who believe in the ideas of the previous Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum. The Neturei Karta were specifically asked to stay away. One of them however, showed up and is seem holding up the Palestinian flag. Satmar protests and demonstrates against the Israel State but never aligns themselves with Palestinians.

  19. stop exposing them, don’t give them the space……there is no answer to their behavior other than Shin Bet……..removing their status as Jews and publicizes their removal , SHAME WORKS___we don’t shame Jews…..I don’t consider them anything other than a scab on a wound that refuses to heal

  20. To Rebbetzin G….,
    The English speaking rabbi at the podium is Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro from Far Rockaway, NY he has a shul in Bayswater, NY

  21. First of all we didn’t want to carry the American flag in this rally as we never carry the American flag. The only reason we did so now is because the few Latino’s and Blacks and now attacking us in Williamsburg’s for our solidarity with the Palestine flag.

    They were set to come to Ramapo and Monsey to attack us, so we are using the American flag to get them off our backs. When the heat cools down and my Palestinians friends find another way to trick the Blacks and Latino’s then we would go back to normal to throw away the American flag in the trash were it belongs.

    Who you think controlled BLM, it was my ANTIFA friends and Palestinians. We used their platform to pretend to be their friend so we can promote the Palestinian cause. Allah has blessed us Neturei Karta members and one day we will have Israel all to our self. May Allah bless the real JEWS of the reform Jews with their gays and female rabbi’s to join us the Neturei Karta to marry each other and bring transgender to our fold.

    Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss (Spokesperson of Neturei Karta New York Division)

  22. Thank you Reader1891! So you say that the ame of the spokesman for the NK is Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro of Far Rockaway NY and he has a shul in Bayswater NY.

    Does his kehilah know that he is the spokesman for NK???

    There is a mitzva to be mefarsim (publicize) his activities on behalf of the NK and his association with them.

    Spread the word! He deserves the appropriate “kovod”.

  23. Rabbi Shapiro was a nephew of the Divrei Yoel’s second Rebbetzin. He was, at one time, very involved with Yiddisheh neshamos who were lost, troubled, etc. He wrote a sefer when he was very young – late teens perhaps, which received the haskamah of the Holy Divrei Yoel zy”a. He also wrote a book about the shita made popular by the Satmar Rav – Rav Yoel – but which was the widely held opinion of most Rabbonim – Chassidish and Litvish alike – called The Empty Wagon. Most recently, he spoke at the Chof-Aleph Kislev Seudah of the Satmar Rebbe.

  24. “Rabbi” Shapiro is a first class menuval. Facts matter some times. There are lots and lots of skeletons in his filthy closet. And it will all come crashing down one day.

    Seems he is very makpid on keeping the satmar shita, while ignoring the most important halachos in Yoreh Deah.

    Ask around to some major Rabbonim. They know the truth about this sleazebag.

  25. According to an article written by Yerachmiel HaLevi
    on 2023 November 10, on Quora (dot) com,
    the Neturei Karta are RAISING MONEY
    for Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran!

    Just because you read it somewhere doesn’t make it true. Aderaba, if you have information that they are doing this then you should immediately call the FBI and inform them of it; if it proves true they will immediately be arrested and charged with giving material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, which is a federal crime.

    No, that would not be mesirah. See Choshen Mishpot ch. 388 for the details on why this would be permitted.

  26. R Yakov Shapiro has nothing with NK. THIS WAS NOT A NK RALLY.
    These were American anti Zionist true Torah Jews saying that Israeli does NOT represent us. Nothing about hostages. All a lie.
    We care more about the hostages than Bibi does.
    May G d return the hostages unharmed and may peace reign.

  27. To Miriam.
    Rabbi Shapiro has everything to do with NK. Just google his name and watch his idiotic rantings on YouTube regarding Israel.

  28. This was not an NK rally. The guy with the Palestinian flag showed up after everyone else just to photobomb it. He turned up with two guys who started videoing and taking pics of him right away.

    Note that nobody else besides that guy – who looks obviously different to everyone else there (looks like a Chabadsker) – has anything pro-Palestinian because this was not a pro-Palestinian rally.

    This was probably a setup by the Monsey Scoop people from the very beginning just to discredit it.

    If you can find any pro-Palestinian quotes from Rabbi Shapiro I’d be curious to hear them. From what I’ve read and seen of him he is always very clear that he is not pro-Palestinian.

  29. This rally had nothing with NK nor with anything going on now in Israel. The man with the Palestinian flag is a known weirdo who just photo-bombed the rally.

  30. @Rebbitzen Goldenpickanicerscreenname, read my comment, that’s your answer.

    @Miriam, @Smileyface123, your are so right!

    Just for all those tripping up themselves in their fervour do express their hatred for every jew not so woke zionist, let me tell you this, if you really care, you’d notice two things from the video’s itself:
    1) The guy taking out the palestinian flag did it in a very hidden and hasty way, trying to hide it from most of the protesters there, and
    2) Harav Ya’akov Shapiro was the speaker there, a very normal, litvish no neturei karta whatsoever (anyone who read his book will know about him writing about the Neturei Karta’s methods), and would not have allowed the palestinian flag to be taken out had he known.
    This protest was not a neturei karta as the typical of ywn misleading clickbait title says, nor pro-palestinian.
    It was a mainstream Satmar protest that was held, not in regards to ‘anti-release-hostages’ rubbish the zionists are so desperate for you to believe, rather in their sensible concern of Jews, especially religious ones, having to bear responsibility and be on the receiving end of dangerous people and their actions because of the zionist mantra of being the ‘spokesperson’ of worldwide Jewry G-d forbid. It is perfectly normal for Jews to express their allegiance to the country/State they live in, and to confirm that they do not bear allegiance to any other country (as this causes anti-Semitism). This is something the Satmar Rav himself did on many occasions, whether it was through letters Harav Avigdor Miller Ztz”l wrote for him in the New York Times, or the rallies/protests he held in Manhattan/outside the UN, with Gedolim from all spectrums of the Chareidi World present.

    Btw @Ferd, I was going to say that Haposel Be’Mumo Posel, but than saw your name, you have already self identified as a ferd. You truly are a menuval.
    You should truly be shamed of yourself, and you are עתד ליתן את הדין. you better ask him mechila quickly.

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