She’s Counting On You! Chasdei Chashi L’Kallah Furnishes Thousands Of Kallahs Homes

Mazel Tov!

The joy and bliss of an engagement! What a simcha! What a time of utter and complete happiness!

Yet as the myriad details set in, the smiles begin to falter for some families. The dance slowly slips off-beat as the whirlwind of demands in making a wedding shifts into reality. Building a new home involves so many, many details…errands…purchases… and reservations related to mounting costs!

While these ba’alei simcha smile to the outside and warmly accept Mazel Tov wishes, hearts constrict in pain and agonizing worry.

How is this all going to fall into place? 

Courageously, the shopping begins – endless trips to department stores and closeout sales in a desperate attempt to set up the Kallah’s home in a dignified manner. And with the large expenses of furniture involved in transforming the couple’s apartment into a cozy home, a dismal truth sinks in. The basic most necessary furnishings – beds, a dinette set and a comfortable couch – simply don’t go on sale!


 Who to turn to? 

Enter Chasdei Chashi L’Kallah, a ray of hope that reinstates the smiles of joy and enables the jubilant dance of wedding preparations by providing essential furnishings of a new home.

Chasdei Chashi L’Kallah was initially established 20 years ago as a zechus for a refuah shelaima for R’ Zev and Mrs. Chashie Weiss A”H. After the chosheve couple’s untimely petirah, 11 yesomim – many of whom were still unmarried – were left alone. Building on the chinuch they had received from their parents that placed emphasis on emunah and bitachon and the words of “Ain Od Milvado” and “Chasdei Hashem” as a constant refrain, the children forged on, dedicating themselves to continuing and expanding this wonderful tzedakah l’Illuy their parents’ nishomos.

Today, Chasdei Chashie L’Kallah boldly answers the desperate call of kallahs and their families. This year alone, the organization has helped 850 kallahs and requests keep coming in. Indeed, in the past 6 weeks CCL has received 120  requests for assistance!

What’s clear is there is a real need. What’s even more clear is that CCL can’t shoulder it alone. We need you to help us provide each needy Kallah with top quality beds, an up-to-date dinette set and a comfortable couch. Delivered from a regular store in a dignified manner, these basic pieces of furniture turn a new couple’s empty apartment into something they can proudly call “home’.


 Can we count on you?

As they embark on the beautiful journey of building a bayis ne’eman b’yisroel, you can have a part in this zechus. Join us in supporting and bringing joy to these kallahs by participating in the 21 st  Annual Auction. Together We Can Do It! Contribute today and have the zechus of bringing joy to a Kallah. Time is running out!  Drawing is this SUNDAY JANUARY 14.

Tizku L’Mitzvohs!

Call us at 636-681-1333 or visit and become a part of the legacy.


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