MUST WATCH: Rabbi YY Jacobson Calls Neturei Karta Iranian Agents, “I Don’t Think They’re Jews K’Halacha”

Rabbi YY Jacobson in a recent address echoed a sentiment and perspective long espoused by YWN, saying that the repulsive members of Neturei Karta cannot be considered Jewish.

“Neturei Karta are just paid agents by Iran. That’s it. Iran pays them off, they pay tuition from Iran. It’s fine, it works for them. Don’t take them so seriously,” Rabbi Jacobson said.

“I don’t think they’re Jews. I doubt they’re really Jewish k’halacha – I doubt they’re Jewish,” he continued. “I can’t say for sure – ich bin nisht der Berditchever – I can’t open a Chumash and tell you they’re not Jewish – but I’ll be surprised [if they are]. Something is off over there.”

“It’s like somebody marching with Hitler,” he continued. “And there’s also Jews that don’t look like Neturei Karta but they speak the same way. There’s something very, very off with them also. Either they’re very sick or they’re still traumatized from the Holocaust – they think maybe we deserve it… There are some Jews who are very, very sick. You have to have compassion for them, but you can’t tolerate their views because they’re lethal, they’re poison, it’s pikuach nefesh.”

YWN has been reporting on these terrorists for many years. usually, YWN receives a heathy dose of “it’s lashon Hara”, while other’s say “don’t give them a platform”. But we feel overwise, and won’t stop.

Since the Simchas Torah massacre, these animals have been attending the most violent and horrifying anti-Jewish and pro-Hamas rallies, where the calls for the death’s of jews have been chanted by thousands of people – including Neturei Karta. There are hundreds of videos available on social media of them chanting “intifada, intifada, long live the intifada”, as well as openly calling for the genocide of millions of Jews living in Israel. They are openly Michalel Shabbos every single Shabbos, as they attend pro-Hamas rallies.

This group has dressed in Chasidic garb and openly supported terrorists (literallty) for many years. In fact, just weeks before the Simchas Torah massacre, the group met with the “Butcher of Tehran,” Ibrahim Raisi, at the United Nations. Before that, a delegation from the Palestinian Neturei Karta group met with former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad multiple times.

Neturei Karta Reshoyim flew to Iran when Ahmadinejad held a “Holocaust Denial Conference”, where one of the main Reshonim in this group stood up – Mr Achmed (Yisroel David) Weiss and literally hugged and kissed the Iranian Hitler. You can consider these animals nothing less than holocaust deniers.

At another meting of terrorists, Mr. Weiss told Ahmadinejad that he was “a light to the nations”, and that he was “exemplary” in his recognition of what Zionism really is and his warmth for Judaism.  [SEE VIDEO BELOW]

They have met with Iran’s Foreign Minister, to thank the world’s largest sponsor of Terror for “friendship” with Jews worldwide.

They met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan just days after he called Israel a “terror and apartheid state”.

They have visited the U.S. Capital to show their unwavering support for anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar and her “courageous stance” against Israel.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

65 Responses

  1. Not to defend NK in the SLIGHTEST, but what does YWN mean when you write: “They are openly Michalel Shabbos every single Shabbos, as they attend pro-Hamas rallies.” Where’s the chillul shabbos?

    Also in the video the NK representative states they call for the ‘PEACEFUL Dismantling of the State of Israel’.

    How does this fit with your description of NK?

  2. Even if they are Jews, people should consider them as Mumzerim and forbid anybody to marry them. Their Chilul Hashem is unforgivable and in my opinion Chayiv Missah B’dei Shemiyim!!!!

  3. No defense for their sick actions . .

    But since when is every comedian a Halachik authority? Especially a Chaba”d Zionist agent!

  4. I am not an authority, but couldn’t we make the assumption that the picture is on Shabbos, since they are wearing their Shabbos garb to a march so they can be seen right at front for the professional photo opportunity?

  5. Reb Yaakov said essentially the same when they, or their predecessors, demonstrated in support of Yassir Arafat when he came to the UN. He said a Yisroel kasher, no matter what his hashkafos, could not appear in support of a man with Jewish blood on his hands, and there must be a psul yichus in their background. Psulei yichus, by their very nature, are indelible. Teshuva can cleanse a dirty garment, but it can not repair it if it is shredded.

  6. Rav Jacobson didn’t limit his remarks to NK. He also included jews “who don’t look like Neturei Karta but speak the same way”. He’s saying that anybody, frum or frei, who advocates in favor of the Palestinian side is suspect about his Jewishness.

  7. haha YY Jacobson who are you? not the gadol hador thats for sure. If only you’d speak so passionately against kofrim and atheist Jews then I hear…now you are just a hypocrite. Some NK are meshuguyim, some NK, especially the ones that live in Yerushalayim have choshuve talmidei chachomim in their ranks…

    again, don’t fall for the chabad hypocrisy of loving atheist Jews who are married to goytas if they come to your chabad house once a year, but hating a misguided group of frum Jews

  8. @yanky1998 I’ll take an atheist Jew who is married to a goya any day over “choshuve talmidei chachomim” that parade with our tormenters and killers.

    You’re just as morally depraved as the NK scum.

  9. Yanky1998, I think the unique issue of NK is putting Jews in physical danger.

    Regarding Yiddishkeit in general, we have the idea of תינוק שנשבה etc. (as the Chazon Ish writes about the so called “apikorsim” in our times יורה דעה סי’ ב סט”ז).

    However, when it comes to protecting Jewish lives, I never heard of saying, “Don’t fight with the dangerous attacker, he’s a תינוק שנשבה”…
    Especially a MOVEMENT that publicly works to put Jewish lives in danger and publicly embrace שונאי ישראל in the name of all religious Jews may deserve no mercy (especially since it can be seen by the world as validation).

    Talking about Chabad: While the Rebbe focused on loving every Jew, even those “who are married to goytas” as you wrote (though nothing to do with if they come to your Chabad House or not) – it’s important to point out that the Rebbe railed passionately and publicly against the Israeli government and reform movement when it came to issues of Jewish survival spiritually (מיהו יהודי) or physically (שלימות הארץ).

    P.S. I’m not necessarily supporting Rabbi YY’s actual statements about the Jewish status of NK, rather pointing out the difference between them and other uneducated Jews.

    I will also point out that while this clip quite dramatic, it is an excerpt of a very important video on the Torah view of the matzav in Eretz Yisroel which I encourage everyone to watch. Google:
    Jacobson – The Tragic Mistakes Made by Israeli Leaders Leading to the October 7th Massacre

  10. I read in 2 other places that regular Satmar people dont make shidduchim with Neturei Karta because their yichus is not clear and indeed many are not halachic Jews.

  11. ac23 then you are not frum

    Menachem Shmei

    The classical argument for tinokei shenishba doesn’t work for a kofer. After all a tinok shenishba is someone kidnapped and raised by goyim. Yet goyim are also mechuyav to believe in Hashem, and there are billions of goyim who do. So being a tinok shenishba might be an excuse for chillul Shabbos etc but NEVER for being an atheist. Those ppl are regular reshayim, much worse than NK

  12. According to an article written by Yerachmiel HaLevi
    on 2023 November 10, the Neturei Karta are
    raising money for Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran.

    Please contact your Member of Parliament or
    Member of Knesset or Member of Congress
    to demand that these traitors be placed on
    a terrorist list & banned & prevented from
    raising funds in our respective countries.

  13. NK are absolutely misguided Yidden that know that the Medinah is treif. And it is!
    The difference? NK embraces Muslims as friends when many of them approve the slaughter of Yidden. Abhorrent.
    Yes. The Medinah is TREIF. We pray for the dismantling of it wo any loss of life. NO. They call themselves Satmar &the holy Satmar Rav Zatzal held the exact beliefs BUUT! NEVER DID HE ENDORSE MUSLIM MARCHES.
    But for YY to name them “Unjewish” is ludicrous. Many erlich yidden are appalled by his many questionable statements along the years. And his blind Zionist propaganda & agendas are worse than NK.
    He isnt the one who can call the shots.

  14. He’s not saying anything new. You will see in next week’s Parshas Semos our very first Rabbi made that discovery early on: “And Moses Feared” (Ex.2:14), see Rashi.

    Unfortunately, we’ve been dealing with this type of Eirev “Rav” riffraff ever since, and the sooner you can mentally adjust to cope with it, the better we will all be.

    I know these lost souls visited Iran and met with ym”sh. Is there any (money trail) evidence that they get ongoing financing for the things he mentions like tuition?

  15. Firstly we have to accept this דעת-תורה unequivocally.
    Furthermore, they definitely are what is Halachically termed as “יצאו מכלל עמיתך” and there is so absolutely no מצוה whatsoever to patronized them or support 1 of their business ventures over that of a נכרי business, and if they would pour non-מבושל wine, it would instantly cease to be כשר

  16. Yanky1998
    Thank you for saying the common sense truth. A real rarity these days.

    We hypocrites cry about the goyim having a double standard, when we ourselves have the worst triple standard ever.
    CONSIDER THIS: a recent article by the editor of YWN called “An open letter to Aviv Gefen” gave this rasha VIP treatment and asked him nicely not to make fun of shabbos in public. As if this is not a Chillul Hashem of the greatest magnitude. The comments were “maybe invite him to your shabbos seuda and show him how nice it is….” ect. He is also falsely given the “tinok shenishba” ticket, against a befeirushe Rambam.

    VS. NK, for the sin of being extremely anti israel, are called… ya know. How come I dont see comments here LIKE “Invite them to your Yom Ha’atzmaut party, show them how nice it is…” “they are tinok shenishba…”


  17. @yanki 1998: ” some NK, especially the ones that live in Yerushalayim have choshuve talmidei chachomim in their ranks…” 100% right – the meshugene NK in the US, UK and around the world stole the original name of highly respected talmidei chachomim starting from the legendary Reb Amrom Blau zt”l. They never embraced those murderers and terrorists. They are a completely different group with no connection. Although there are some of those idiots in Yerusholayim as well.

  18. Is google unjustly biased against Israel?!
    A shocking discovery made google translate, showing its true ugly colors:

    “Desecration of G-ds name” – “חילול השם”
    Instead of the real translation: “Anti Zionist”

    “The sanctification of Hashem” – “קידוש השם”
    Instead of the real translation: “Pro Zionist”


  19. The classical argument for tinokei shenishba doesn’t work for a kofer. After all a tinok shenishba is someone kidnapped and raised by goyim. Yet goyim are also mechuyav to believe in Hashem, and there are billions of goyim who do. So being a tinok shenishba might be an excuse for chillul Shabbos etc but NEVER for being an atheist. Those ppl are regular reshayim, much worse than NK

    Yanky1998, it’s a pity that you didn’t look up the Chazon Ish that I referenced, where he writes that it’s impossible to compare the כופרים of the olden days to kofrim of today, due to the unique darkness and concealment of Elokus that exists in our time.
    Instead, we must be mekarev them with love and show them the light of Yiddishkeit as much as possible ().

    I’m not sure if he would say this about Jews who put other Jews in danger.

    Your understanding of תינוק שנשבה is flawed. The idea is that since his kfira is no fault of his own rather because of his upbringing, he is not guilty for it.
    The idea of תינוק שנשבה is not only for someone who is in captivity among goyim and didn’t keep Shabbos, rather also for children of JEWS who are apikorsim (karaim).

    Rambam (Hilchos Mamrim 3):
    בַּמֶּה דְּבָרִים אֲמוּרִים בְּאִישׁ שֶׁכָּפַר בַּתּוֹרָה שֶׁבְּעַל פֶּה בְּמַחֲשַׁבְתּוֹ וּבִדְבָרִים שֶׁנִּרְאוּ לוֹ. וְהָלַךְ אַחַר דַּעְתּוֹ הַקַּלָּה וְאַחַר שְׁרִירוּת לִבּוֹ וְכוֹפֵר בַּתּוֹרָה שֶׁבְּעַל פֶּה תְּחִלָּה כְּצָדוֹק וּבַיְתּוֹס וְכֵן כָּל הַתּוֹעִים אַחֲרָיו. אֲבָל בְּנֵי הַתּוֹעִים הָאֵלֶּה וּבְנֵי בְּנֵיהֶם שֶׁהִדִּיחוּ אוֹתָם אֲבוֹתָם וְנוֹלְדוּ בֵּין הַקָּרָאִים וְגִדְּלוּ אוֹתָם עַל דַּעְתָּם. הֲרֵי הוּא כְּתִינוֹק שֶׁנִּשְׁבָּה בֵּינֵיהֶם וְגִדְּלוּהוּ וְאֵינוֹ זָרִיז לֶאֱחֹז בְּדַרְכֵי הַמִּצְוֹת שֶׁהֲרֵי הוּא כְּאָנוּס וְאַף עַל פִּי שֶׁשָּׁמַע אַחַר כָּךְ [שֶׁהוּא יְהוּדִי וְרָאָה הַיְהוּדִים וְדָתָם הֲרֵי הוּא כְּאָנוּס שֶׁהֲרֵי גִּדְּלוּהוּ עַל טָעוּתָם] כָּךְ אֵלּוּ שֶׁאָמַרְנוּ הָאוֹחֲזִים בְּדַרְכֵי אֲבוֹתָם הַקָּרָאִים שֶׁטָּעוּ. לְפִיכָךְ רָאוּי לְהַחְזִירָן בִּתְשׁוּבָה וּלְמָשְׁכָם בְּדִבְרֵי שָׁלוֹם עַד שֶׁיַּחְזְרוּ לְאֵיתָן הַתּוֹרָה:
    To whom does the above apply? To a person who denied the Oral Law consciously, according to his perception of things. He follows after his frivolous thoughts and his capricious heart and denies the Oral Law first, as did Tzadok and Beitus and those who erred in following them.
    The children of these errant people and their grandchildren whose parents led them away and they were born among these Karaities and raised according to their conception, they are considered as a children captured and raised by them. Such a child may not be eager to follow the path of mitzvot, for it is as if he was compelled not to. Even if later, he hears that he is Jewish and saw Jews and their faith, he is still considered as one who was compelled against observance, for he was raised according to their mistaken path. This applies to those who we mentioned who follow the erroneous Karaite path of their ancestors. Therefore it is appropriate to motivate them to repent and draw them to the power of the Torah with words of peace.

  20. Criticism of the Israeli regime, if it is based on authentic Torah principles, should be legitimate.

    However, those who refer to Eretz Yisrael as “Palestine”, and those who deny any Jewish right to Eretz Yisrael, should be considered imposter non-Jews collaborating with the terrorist enemies of the Jews.

  21. Not much to be done here in the U.S. but if they are actively assisting Hamas and Hezbolah while in EY, presumably they can be tried and imprisoned for varying crimes. Unfortunately, there is no capital punishment for yidden engaged in treason or similar crimes.

  22. Yanky1998

    Thank for putting the facts straight.

    They’ll excuse every aspect of the Zionist tragedy and all their actions, including endangering Jews around the world . . . But constantly bash these insane people who assume they do right thing.

  23. Can someone point out a SINGLE incident that a jew was harmed as a result of NK attending the palestinian rallies?

    FAKE NEWS!!!

  24. When a Jewish clown attends a pro-Palestine rally in New York or London, no Jews are put in physical danger as a result.

    UJM, here are people in power who call for stopping aid to the Yidden fighting to defend other Yidden in Eretz Yisroel.
    Of course, calling to stop aiding protection of Jews is blatant anti-Semitism, which is still considered taboo in America.
    One of the main excuses that these cowardly anti-Semites use is that there are “ultra-orthodox religious Jews” who are “more Jewish” than most Jews in America, and if they embrace Hamas and condemn Yidden for defending Eretz Yisroel, this is certainly acceptable and it “can’t be considered anti-Semitic.”

    It’s for this reason that I’m not bothered by other “Jews for ceasefire” groups, since I can easily point to their obvious lack of representing Judaism (do they keep kosher? do they keep Shabbos? Have they ever opened up a sefer?)

    When it comes to NK on the other hand, the world sees them as representing Judaism and this is much harder to dispute.

  25. Fanatic:He is also falsely given the “tinok shenishba” ticket, against a befeirushe Rambam.

    1) Against which Rambam?
    2) Did you see the Chazon Ish I referenced?
    3) Did you see the Rambam I quoted?

  26. This is not Satmar. The Divrei Yoel was an incredible ohaiv Yisrael, including those who disagreed with him. Read his biography.

  27. YWN please dont feel the need to apologize when it comes to these rats. that what they are, rats they should be fumigated. why do u think it might be lashon hora, they aren’t Yidden, they are Iranian Muslim terrorists.
    Weiss guy is such a Pig he looks like the bottom of a donkey.

  28. Yes I know the chazon Ish. It does not say that we can l’halacha rely on a kofer’s shechita or other things he does. Also it does not say there is a chiyuv to love kofrim. Nothing close. unfortunately many many people try to twist this chazon ish to support their hippy version of Yiddishkeit where everyone is good and we must hug everyone. Oh wait, except the neturei Karta of course.

    Give me a break. These comments are hypocritical as can be. The NK is US and UK are confused but they are no where near as bad to us as freie Jews.

    Who were active in communist movements in the early 1900’s in Germany, causing the German population to fear Jews and (seeing them as people who want to collectivize their property) vote for H yemach shemo?

    Who started the reform movement, causing massive intermarriage and assimilation that ultimately led to the European communities being decimated?

    Not to mention the leaders of secular zionism who to this day are responsible for generations of Jews to grow up without knowing what Shema Yisroel is. That doesn’t seem to bother some ppl on this forum as much as some NK people screaming against Israel.

    If you want to know who causes the biggest sakanah for klal Yisroel it is definitely the freie ppl, not the NK.

  29. I heard R. Amnon Yitzchak tell one of them that he thinks one day the iranians will turn – and don’t be surprised if they turn on THEM first, regardless of their previous kissing up.

  30. “In a London Kashrus directory, products that are not Kosher are listed with the letters “NK”

    Comparing chazer fleish to the Netuei Karta is very disrespectful of chazerim

  31. Here’s my comment
    For somebody from chabad to accuse them of being mamzer or not Jewish when they have families that learn and study torah and to deny history that most of the Holocaust was done by people that came from Jewish families anybody that saw the horors of the ghetto knows that most of it came from people that was yiden and also in the camps most of the kappos so to say that they aren’t Jewish based on them not feeling for the blood of thier brothers is a “kol haposel bmumo” they should start looking and making sure that they are have clean Jewish family the neturi karta do not think that they are endangering any Jewish lives and think they are saving yiden from bad media

  32. Every member of the Neturei Karta is a LUNATIC.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a RODAIF.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a MOSAIR.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a CHILLUL HASHEM.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a SHONDA FOR THE G0Y1M.

    When Rabbi Shteinmann ZTL came to Monsey, they spit on his face.

    When will Jews get SERIOUS about stopping this very dangerous evil?

  33. I’m honestly confused with Rabbi Jacobson’s opinion on the status of Neturei Karta. 1st he says he doesn’t think they’re Jews and then he starts talking about Jews that are very sick people. So does he think they are Goyim or just very sick Jews?

  34. We know the halocha that you must get killed not to kill a living person this includes a goy maybe a anti semitic goy but the question is what if the person is going to kill cause he can’t past test but they give him a joice kill one Jew or ten goyim so is the issur of killing one Jew worse then that of killing ten goyim unfortunately must explain that killing ten goyim is also the same ” yiharog val yavor” this means get killed and don’t kill

    If anybody would ask these neturi karta if they say and proclaim that they are doing it for the benefit of the Jewish people and not to hurt they would say not for Iran money

  35. Who should we hate more the Zionist that destroyed millions of yiden or these people that with Iran money say that the din of getting killed not to kill person is the same for Jew and gentile and every one killed another time going against this halocha of the shulchan aruch
    The ghetto uprising killed in horors youngest purist people mind boggling to explain what happened there also the quilt of Jewish blood as inferior and those that hurt the kappos family if they had that here people the neturi karta proclaim that they are for the benefit of the Jewish as they also are yiden that keep torah and ask that no killing happen and are asking that no bloodshed of Jewish with the Arab heads of state only for peace what they are saying is something that maybe Biden doesn’t want to hear that it’s not a ethnic war on Jews rather that of property and this is possible

  36. I think if we had gedolim they would tell us that the Zionist government saw October 7 happening and didn’t do nothing about it for long time for propaganda of thier army and that Israel government only exists if they can shmad yiden and if not they themselves will end the country and now we see that it is getting more dangerous for Jewish people like never before and they aren’t winning these sick minded criminal terrorist that hide in the tunnels like self imprisonment and are killing innocent lives and children for no reason or benefit as only smuggling can they have any food or business in the Gaza and now as we keep on bombing the homes we think the uae is just going to pay for it all like they are citizens and then expect them to love the rich children of Israel

  37. habachur hachashuv

    aparently your not so chashuv if you show such lack of ahavas yisroel.
    what do you have against chabad chasiddim????

  38. Menachem Shmei: Even if we grant all your points in your reply to me, it still doesn’t put Jews in physical danger as a result. These clowns attendance isn’t resulting in America giving less aid to Israel. Nor is there any real risk of them causing that.

    Additionally, it is rather very rare to never that anyone in power in the US cite NK as a rationale to reduce aid to Israel.

  39. Do you think arguing about this in the YWN comments will have any effect on them? Does it matter who they are to the extent that we need to say LH about each other?
    Our sole avoda now is to daven for mashiach and the safety of all Jewish people and soldiers. Bashing each other in the comment section here won’t do anything but prolong the galus.

  40. Take a good look at these people because this is how kapos look like. They, and their secular liberal baheima counterparts, who run around to the media, to pro-Fakestinian protests, on campus, on social media, are all kapos. Throughout the generations there were always people who came from the Jewish nation, those whose souls are black and ugly, who caused tremendous destruction to our people by running to our enemies like dogs and pointing fingers at their brethren for imaginary crimes, goading the simmering Jew-hatred to turn into violent flames which consumed innocent Jewish korbonos.

    The fact is, these kapos are excusing the murder, rape, burning and kidnapping of our people. There is absolutely no excuse for the evil perpetuated upon our people!!!! The excuses they give, lying about Israel “oppressing the Palestinians and occupying their land” is an incredible chillul Hashem! It makes our enemies excuse their outright calls for the annihilation of the Jewish nation! I know that many of our people do not understand that when our enemies say that “those who are not Zionists are good Jews” it doesn’t mean they don’t want to kill every Jew including those “wonderful anti-Zionist Jews”! In Islam there’s “taqiyya” where one is allowed to lie for the sake of “strengthening Islam”. This is a war, an intifada, for spreading Islam. At their protests they scream constantly “intifada “. People are so dumb, they can’t understand that legitimizing the Fakestinian narrative in the media and in front of the bloodthirsty masses causes Israel to significantly weaken in their fight against the terrorists.

    How about looking around and seeing what the people who the anti-Zionists are cozying up to have RECENTLY perpetrated upon their own people?! Unimaginable horrors, hundreds of thousands of deaths, millions displaced, of their own people!!! Are you too stupid to understand that they want to do it to Jews too, Zionists or non-Zionist?! How about cracking open a history book and looking what happened to the German Jews and the Polish Jews, and in many places throughout Europe, who were on “good terms” with their neighbors, they thought they were friends and yet it the end they were no friends… These people, even if they smile at the non-Zionists, and say what “wonderful, good Jews these anti-Zionists are”, can bare their teeth in an instant and become lower than animals. They love violence, they love hate, and all their “those wonderful non-Zionist Jews” rhetoric can instantly go down the drain with their simmering hatred that lies in their hearts. Those who stir the pot of hate “l’shem shomayim” or for “humanity reasons” (for those who are secular liberals), if the simmering hatred turns into raging flames, Hashem yishmor, you will have had a hand in all of this horror. The NK will not be able to excuse themselves in front of God; the excuse that they did it l’shem shomayim, pashut only because of the holy anti-Zioni shitta will not fly in front of Hashem; He will exact vengeance upon all those who run to our enemies and spout lies about the “oppression” that “Zionists” Jews commit upon the “poor Palestinians” which angers these haters and further fans the flames of anti-Zionism. Those who say it’s not dangerous to do that don’t know what they are talking about. They do not see the big picture.

  41. Yes I know the chazon Ish. It does not say that we can l’halacha rely on a kofer’s shechita or other things he does.

    Um, which Lubavitchers allow the Jews who they welcome to their Shabbos table to shecht for them?
    Shluchim won’t even use non-mevushal wine at their meals!

    Also it does not say there is a chiyuv to love kofrim. Nothing close. unfortunately many many people try to twist this chazon ish to support their hippy version of Yiddishkeit where everyone is good and we must hug everyone.

    I’m surprised that you write this, doesn’t it say מילתא דעבידא לאיגלויי לא משקרי בה אינשי?
    How can you claim that you learned the Chazon Ish, and then blatantly lie about what it says!?
    Here’s what the Chazon Ish says about kofrim of today (in the link that I POSTED above):
    עלינו להחזירם בעבותות אהבה ולהעמידם בקרן אורה במה שידינו מגעת

    Who started the reform movement, causing massive intermarriage and assimilation that ultimately led to the European communities being decimated? Not to mention the leaders of secular zionism who to this day are responsible for generations of Jews to grow up without knowing what Shema Yisroel is.

    Those people were indeed terrible people whom Chabad was always at the forefront of fighting against. The Zionists engaged in physical battles against Tomchei Tmimim and the Rebbe Rayatz. The Rebbe Rayatz’s rebbetzin was deaf due to a bullet fired at her during one of these attacks.
    The Rebbe Rayatz was arrested and received a death sentence r”l (which was thankfully revoked) for his battles against the Yevsektsia (Jewish Communists).

    The secular Jews of today are VICTIMS of those terrible people, which is why we must treat them with compassion and kiruv.
    This is literally what the Rambam writes, as I quoted earlier: The Karaim were evil reshaim, but their children didn’t know any better so we must treat them with love and bring them back to the proper path.

  42. We know the halocha that you must get killed not to kill a living person this includes a goy maybe a anti semitic goy but the question is what if the person is going to kill cause he can’t past test but they give him a joice kill one Jew or ten goyim so is the issur of killing one Jew worse then that of killing ten goyim unfortunately must explain that killing ten goyim is also the same ” yiharog val yavor” this means get killed and don’t kill

    What is the source for this?

  43. After all is said and done there is still a glaring fact that cannot be denied: The secular anti-israel jews (many of the college anti israel protests are attended by jews) dont get a fraction of the hate that NK does.

    NK haters hate them 10% for being extremely anti israel, and 90% for being extereme chassidim; wearing black knee socks ect.

    Otherwise we need to explain the lack of hate to the 75% undressed anti-israel jewish college students.

  44. After all is said and done there is still a glaring fact that cannot be denied: The secular anti-israel jews (many of the college anti israel protests are attended by jews) dont get a fraction of the hate that NK does.

    Simple. There is no need to vocally disassociate from secular Jew since it is clear that they don’t represent us, as opposed to NK who act like frum Jews.

    This is all obvious, and sourced all over Torah. A talmid chochom who doesn’t behave properly is much worse than an am ha’aretz.
    See: רמב”ם הלכות דעות פ”ה, הלכות יסוה”ת פ”ה ה”ה, ועוד

    Fanatic, you still haven’t provided a source for the “befeirushe Rambam” that you mentioned. Which halacha were you referring to?

  45. Im a little confused

    A. arent you all about ahavas yisroel? so what exactly is this ( hint yanky1998 FaceIt .)

    B. also stop arguing clear rambam ok? just admit your wrong thats it live with it!!!

  46. Im a little confused

    A. arent you all about ahavas yisroel? so what exactly is this ( hint if you think im talking to you ,I am!)

    B. also stop arguing clear rambam ok? just admit your wrong thats it live with it!!!

  47. @Menachem Shmei

    I obviously cannot compete with a Lubavitcher in qouting Rambams… and Ill admit that I never saw the Rambam myself, I just heard from Rabbis that are very trustworthy that a tinok shenishba is
    1) not an excuse for any crime commited. A tinok shenishba murderer is still chayev misa.
    2) Is only someone who never yet heard of yiddishkeit. Once he does, he has a obligation to become frum. If he does not, he will be treated like a meizid.

  48. Fanatic,

    Ill admit that I never saw the Rambam myself, I just heard from Rabbis that are very trustworthy that a tinok shenishba is…. only someone who never yet heard of yiddishkeit. Once he does, he has a obligation to become frum. If he does not, he will be treated like a meizid.

    I quoted the Rambam in a previous post, and it clearly addresses this claim:
    וְאַף עַל פִּי שֶׁשָּׁמַע אַחַר כָּךְ [שֶׁהוּא יְהוּדִי וְרָאָה הַיְהוּדִים וְדָתָם הֲרֵי הוּא כְּאָנוּס שֶׁהֲרֵי גִּדְּלוּהוּ עַל טָעוּתָם

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