Dirshu’s Two Beis Medrash Govoha’s “Chaburas Hashas” Chaburos Celebrate an Evening of Aliyah b’Torah and Hakaras HaTov

Chaburas Hashas, one of Dirshu’s programs, is tailormade for bnei Torah who desire in-depth learning combined with a schedule that empowers them to complete masechtos in a systematic manner.

Beis Medrash Govoha’s Chaburas Hashas chaburah has been extremely successful and currently has more than 120 participants learning in two chaburos, one in the Mizrach Beis Medrash and the other in the Beis Yitzchok Beis Medrash.

The mesibah on Chanukah was a result of the desire of the yungeleit in the chaburah, to express their feelings of gratitude to Dirshu for creating a framework for sustained aliyah b’Torah while learning Shas b’iyun.

Just the sight of the enthusiastic singing and dancing, the simcha shel mitzvah seeming to burst forth from every corner of the hall, was a testament to the outpouring of joy that each yungerman clearly felt at their fortune in being part of such an elite chaburah. Watching the yungeleit dancing, many with their children who had come to celebrate their fathers’ Torah accomplishments, was deeply moving.

Perhaps, one of the most telling aspects of the mesibah was the fact that it only began at 10:00 p.m. Why? So the chaburah should not miss even one night of seder and would complete the quota of the Chaburas HaShas daily learning before beginning the mesibah.

Another beautiful component of the evening was seeing so many Yidden from different groups and sectors of Klal Yisrael uniting through Torah, the common bond that unites us as one. The mesibah was attended by many Litvishe bnei Torah alongside Sefardic bnei Torah standing shoulder to shoulder with Chassidishe bnei Torah, all united in a common goal: to learn two-and-a-half blatt of Gemara, Rashi, Tosafos and selected mefarshim and be tested monthly on what they learned.

In his remarks, one of the Roshei Chaburah, Rabbi Avrohom Zelig Krohn, highlighted a unique aspect of the chaburah, connecting it with Chanukah. He said that one of the things the Chashmonaim‘s adversaries were intent on stopping was the daily bringing of the korban tamid. The korban tamid signifies the idea that there is no break when it comes to avodas Hashem. How? By showing that just as every day, morning and night, the korban tamid was brought in the Beis Hamikdosh without respite, so too when it comes to any area of avodas Hashem, the idea of temidus, of constancy is the key to success. “That is why the chaburah was so intent on not missing even one night of learning. That is why we only started this wonderful gathering after first completing the kollel’s night seder learning!”

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