FIRST REPORT: NYPD Links Two Boro Park Abductions; Hikind Offers $20,000 Reward

111.jpg9:20PM EST: Credible sources tell YWN that NYPD Detectives have linked the abduction of a 14-year-old girl in Boro Park two weeks ago first reported HERE by YWN, and the abduction of a 4-year-old child in July of 2007 – reported HERE on YWN.

Sufficient evidence has convinced detectives working on the cases that the abductor is the same in both incidents.

The abduction in the summer of 2007 occurred on 52nd Street between 19th and 20th avenues at approximately 8:00PM. Apparently, the child was playing outside her home, when a man forced her into a vehicle and sped off. She was found on a street about two and half hours later, about 15 blocks from where she was abducted.

Parents are reminded to please be vigilant with your children. Do not leave them unattended even for one minute. If you see anything suspicious, call the police immediately.

The NYPD must be publicly commended for utilizing all resources available to link these two horrific crimes. Most notably is the dedication and devotion of Brooklyn South Chief Joseph Fox and his staff at PBBS – for doing everything they possibly can to secure the Boro Park community in the past two weeks. Chief Fox has personally been involved in this intense investigation, and has been in Boro Park countless times in the past few days assisting with the investigation.

The following statement has just been given to YWN by NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind:

“I am deeply concerned about the two Borough Park abductions which have now been tied to the same assailant,” said Assemblyman Hikind (D-Brooklyn). “Already shaken by the recent assault, this will make residents even more anxious about the safety of our children. This is a community with a lot of children and they must be protected. The NYPD is to be commended for the significant resources they have committed to capturing this perpetrator.”
At 8:45 p.m. on August 3rd,  an attacker forced a fourteen-year-old girl into a four-door black sedan, drove the victim to a secluded location. The teen fought with her attacker; he then drove on and left her at Fort Hamilton Parkway and 36th Street after midnight.
On July 16, 2007, a four-year-old  girl was snatched from in front of her home and then dropped off 15 blocks from her Borough Park home. No one has been apprehended in that attack.
“We are urging witnesses to come forward; someone must have seen or heard something,” Hikind added. Anyone with information regarding the suspect should contact the New York Police Department Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS.

Hikind tells YWN that he has raised the reward to $20,000 [from its original $10,000] for information which leads to the arrest and conviction of the Boro Park “serial abductor” on the loose.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN Desk NYC)

13 Responses

  1. The fact that these are linked is indeed scary. Why is there no sketch of a possible suspect? A 14 year old girl should be able to describe an attacker.

  2. Boroparkers have had this coming for years! Jewish Press often had letters from residents begging parents to care properly for their children. NY officials should end custody of biological parents who treat their children as worthless vegetables. Food and garbage is all that should be outdoors unattended, NOT defenseless children!

    Excuses are worthless (I have so many kids, I need help, I thought it was OK, my rav said ‘No Problem,’ blahblahblah). Rationalizing is simply a lie in sophisticated clothing. Parents who put their children in dangerous circumstances are no better than the kidnappers.

    HaShem blesses us with children so we will teach them Torah, and care for them as necessary. It is NECESSARY to protect them from kidnappers. Behave a parents! No excuses.

  3. ygirl #3-
    How old are you? How many kids do you have? Where do you live?
    You have very strong opinions and I’m curious to know what your experience in these areas is.

  4. 1) ygirl is abviously not a parent.
    2) We live in such neighborhoods because they are considered primarily safe, and we don’t need to imprison our children as they do in other neighborhoods. Historically and around the globe children basically have free reign except in dangerous areas.
    3) The fact that the perpetrator is one individual only proves the point that this is a unique situation.

    Yes be vigilant but not everything that happens can one call negligence

  5. While I wouldn’t go as far as ygirl (#3) I do agree that this was a disaster waiting to happen. How many times have I seen kids- dozens of them!- playing in the middle of the street (during the week!) and no adult in site? What do you expect to happen? I daresay Hashem’s trying to send us a message, will we hear it?

  6. very well said ygirl. the same applies for the complexes in Lakewood where 2 year olds wander the streets completely unattended, while cars swerve to avoid them, and the parents are no where in sight. how many tragedies will it take for someone to force these parents to start being responsible. Does child protective services have to get involved to ensure the children are in a safe environment?

  7. #3 – This post is not to defend parents who neglect to take proper care of their children… However, under the circumstancees your post seems a bit harsh – what are you trying to say?? “good for them! now they’ll learn”?!
    How exactly can a parents lack of supervision be the cause of a 14 year old girls abduction? should her mother have been watching her while she was walking in the street???

  8. and if you have more kids than you can handle, perhaps something needs to be done about that. The mitzvah to procreate does not outweigh the responsibility to care for those kids. If you are at the point where your 6 kids is too much, having kid number 7-10 is NOT a mitzvah

  9. #2… “A 14 year old girl should be able to describe an attacker”

    That is a very ignorant comment to make… Anyone, no matter what age, who is attacked in such a cruel way can be traumatized enough to block out memories or just not be able to talk about it without suffering a breakdown… It’s not as simple as “tell me what he looks like…”

  10. Girl in lakewood that was attacked a few years ago was much older and was not able to identify her assailant. B”h he was caught but that was by chance.

    To yossi: think before you write.

  11. i was just waiting for someone to bring up this topic of neglecting your children to tell the olam what happened this sunday is the mountains, which i witnessed first hand:

    story #1- i was waiting in the car right in front of a car where i see a guy around 19-20 drop off 2 kids one aged 1 the other maybe 3. this guy dropped them off at the park and told the 3 yr old to watch the 1 yr. old.
    question: what would have happened if that 3 yr. old would have fell and r’l broke an arm/needed stiches? who would have supervised then?

    story #2- i was walking on the country road, where there were cars all over, and i see a 2 yr. old crying in middle of the street, no parent, no older sibling-no one, the child was by himself. not knowing who this kid is i walked up to him and tried lookiing for his parents or who he belonogs to. well after searching for a couple of minutes, a car pulls up beside us and the mother of this child asks her 2 yr old ,who btw couldnt speak practicaly, ‘where did you go?’
    she had no busha of forgetting her child, didnt even get out of the car to give her kid a kiss or even a little patch on the hand not to run away from ‘mommy or tatty’ again! the car got in the car himself and she then drove off!
    she didnt even ask where i found the kid. she seriously didnt care!!

    now my friends please make sure you do not neglect your children!! you can’t trust anyone these days!

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