CHANUKAH HATE : Polish Member of Parliament Uses Fire-Extinguisher To Put Out Menorah [SEE VIDEO]

In the Polish parliament, a far-right legislator extinguished a menorah’s using a fire extinguisher during a Chanukah celebration on Tuesday. This act, carried out by Grzegorz Braun, was strongly condemned by the parliament’s speaker, Szymon Holownia, who emphasized a zero-tolerance policy towards antisemitic and xenophobic conduct within the Sejm, the Polish parliament.

Footage broadcasted by TVN24 captured Braun using a red fire extinguisher to douse the menorah’s flame, resulting in smoke or haze filling the surrounding area. Following this incident, the parliamentary session was temporarily halted.

Donald Tusk, Poland’s newly elected Prime Minister, labeled the incident a disgrace and stressed that such actions should never be repeated. Tusk, who was elected on Monday and delivered his inaugural address to parliament on Tuesday, committed to advocating for continued Western support for Ukraine.

Braun, who is known for being an anti-Semite and is a member of the Confederation party, has previously made claims about a conspiracy to transform Poland into a “Jewish state.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. Hmm… I think this man is being a bit overdramatic.

    We overcame the Greeks, we’ll overcome him as well.

    הנרות הללו אינן בטלין לעולם

  2. i dont think its ever a good idea to light menoras in public places in chutz l’aretz. trust chazal who never made that the mitzva and the early poskim who say to light inside.

  3. deport harvards ms gay and him together 1 way ticket to shariah law country of their choice but they will kill each other on the plane before they get there–great karma for both of them

  4. 1) There is no mitzvah to make menorah lightings in non-Jewish places like the Sejm. Did they have such things pre-WWII, when prominent Orthodox rabbis served in the Polish parliament? I don’t think so. We are in golus (exile), Poland is not a Jewish country. The Chabad-Lubavitch sect tries to push menorahs everywhere, and use them for PR and political effect, but they are not mainstream Judaism, nor normative Orthodoxy.

    2) If you watch the videos carefully, you will see who is behind this. At around 00:50 in the first video clip you can see a photo of the late leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch sect prominently displayed there. It can also be seen toward the end of the second clip. The Polish fellow believes in one dead Jew (J.C.) as his Lord and Savior, and the Chabad-Lubavitch believe in a different dead Jew, their late Rebbe, in that position. So naturally there is a big clash.

    Bottom line is that we are in golus, and Chanukah is for Jews, not gentiles. The Chabad-Lubavitch attempt to remake Chanukah into a holiday for gentiles is Reform Judaism, and should be strongly rejected by proper Orthodox Jews.

  5. This coming from a member of the government that will threaten to jail you for referencing the country that many of the Nazi death camps were in alongside the names of those death camps or for rightly pointing out that there were many willing Nazi collaborators from within their particular country due to the extreme antisemitism in said country at that point in history.
    Yeah, Poland is not fully reformed.

  6. Lmayseh,
    While you’re right that this was never done through all the generations, it’s not right to say that they’re doing it for PR ETC.
    Their Rebbe truly held that this the way to go (in a practical sense, there is more than one episode where it was Mekarev Yidden to Torah). It’s not the Chasiddim’s fault that their Rebbi was Krum.


    You raise a valid sensible point, however, the concern was for Sakana not necessarily for hatred or raising their ire.

  7. Lemayseh:
    In a time with such antisemitism, do you really need to hate jews aswell?
    The goyim hate us enough. we don’t need to do the job for them.
    Im not chabad in any way shape or form, but is this how you refer to the great Lubavitcher Rebbe zatzal???
    SHAME ON YOU! in your disgusting message you deemed yourself as jew hating as the hamas themselves and their supporters. Go to the Tziyon and ask Mechila if you wish to spare yourself tzaros in your personal life.

    And regarding your actual lie that “publicizing menoras is a chabad invention”. How about open up a gemara Shabbos and you will discover a concept every simple jew should be aware of called “Pirsumei Nissa”.

    You have a problem with spreading Jewish pride? You have a problem with Thousands of Yidden globally becoming inspired by the symbol of the Menora? this is “reform” to you??
    Shame on you!
    Go get some basic “Ge’on Yakov”.
    But its not too late. Go do Teshuva!!

  8. Sensibleyid,
    Another couple of points.
    1. Even if you’d be right that it’s a PR move, so what?. It’s a Kosher PR move for GOOD political reasons. As I once heard from a Ruv, “Satmar Rebbe was 90% לשם שמים and 10% פאלאטיק but the 10% פאלאטיק was 100% לשם שמים “.

    2. In general you’re right that it’s a good idea to trust Chazal who never instituted ’public lightings’.
    Nor did any Gedolim for hundreds of years since.
    I guess they weren’t as smart or caring as Moshiach…

  9. sensibleyid, poskim said to light OUTSIDE in the tefach samuch lepetach. What are you going on about? It’s true that some rishonim say to light inside, but most say to light outside.

  10. @Gadolhadorah,,
    all they are saying is as you can imagine.
    Some are shouting in both shock and disgust at him (for themselves as well it being a mad hazard), him answering with his infamous barely audible babbling, someone screaming about the occupation, and obviously the Policeman caring for him, and making sure that he feels ok, for fear of him being attacked (like they fear anyone accusing them of being heavily directly involved in the WWII atrocious murder butcher campaigns of the nazi’s ym”sh).

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