SHOCKING: 20% Of Young Americans Think The Holocaust Is A “Myth”

A new poll conducted by The Economist/YouGov has unveiled a concerning trend among young Americans regarding their beliefs about the Holocaust. The poll, carried out between December 2 and December 5, indicate a startling level of Holocaust denial, especially among the younger generation.

In response to the statement, “The Holocaust is a myth,” 20 percent of participants aged between 18 and 29 agreed, while an additional 30% neither agreed nor disagreed. This is in stark contrast to older age groups, where only 8% of 30-44 year-olds, 2% of 45-64 year-olds, and none of the respondents over 65 agreed with the statement.

Overall, 7% of Americans across all age groups believe the Holocaust to be a myth. When questioned whether denying the Holocaust is antisemitic, 17% of the 18-29 age group disagreed, with another 37% uncertain.

Moreover, 23% of the 18-29 demographic concurred with the statement that “The Holocaust has been exaggerated,” and 26% were undecided on their stance.

The poll also explored attitudes toward Jewish people in the United States. It found that 16% of respondents agreed with the statement “Jews have too much power in America,” with the highest agreement rate (28%) coming from the 18-29 age group. A significant number of respondents were also undecided on this question.

Regarding the belief that “American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the US,” 29% of people over the age of 65 did not consider this view to be antisemitic, compared to 23% in the 18-29 age group.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Look more closely at the data and the picture is not so bad. Ilya Somin wrote an analysis of this study, and points out that of the 20% who agreed it was a myth, a majority said they only “tend to agree”, not “strongly agree”, and of those many didn’t actually know what the term “Holocaust” means.

    Such ignorance should not be surprising. “A majority of Americans can’t name the three branches of government, don’t know when the Civil War happened, and support mandatory labeling of food containing DNA.”

    “A person who doesn’t know what the term “Holocaust” refers to might say they “tend to a agree” it’s a myth precisely because of that ignorance. If it was a real thing, they might reason, I would know about it!”

    To read the rest of the article, do a search on “Ilya Somin” and “Public Ignorance About the Holocaust”

  2. You should also ask how many believe that World War II really happened? If one believes that World War II was a Hollywood invention, they also don’t believe in Pearl Harbor, D-Day, the Rape of Nanking or Hiroshima.

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