JAW-DROPPING VIDEO: Top University Presidents Won’t Say Calling For Genocide Of Jews Violates School Policy

The university presidents of Harvard, UPenn, and MIT found themselves faced with a simple, yet striking question from Rep. Elise Stefanik during a Congressional hearing on Tuesday, and their responses were nothing less than horrifying.

The House Education and Workforce Committee convened the hearing to address the rising concerns of antisemitism on college campuses.

Rep. Elise Stefanik directly questioned the university presidents regarding their position on statements advocating for the genocide of Jewish people. Despite repeated inquiries, the university presidents would not say that calling for the genocide of Jewish people would violate their schools’ codes of conduct.

Stefanik asked each one of the university presidents if calling for genocide against Jewish people violates the bullying or harassment policies on their campuses.

“If the speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment,” UPenn President Liz Magill said.

“Conduct meaning committing the act of genocide?” Stefanik fired back.

“Do you believe that type of hateful speech is contrary to Harvard’s code of conduct or is it allowed at Harvard?” Stefanik, a Harvard graduate, asked President Claudine Gay.

“It is at odds with the value of Harvard, but we embrace a commitment to free expression even of views that are objectionable, offensive, hateful,” Gay shamefully answered.

Watch the video below, but be warned: if you have blood pressure problems, this might not be the video for you to watch.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

28 Responses

  1. “It is at odds with the value of Harvard, but we embrace a commitment to free expression even of views that are objectionable, offensive, hateful,” Gay shamefully answered.

    Great. So based on that logic, one can call a fellow student who is black a n****r. According to these Sodomites, n****r falls under the same category. N****r is only a slang. Good to know. Keep in mind Mrs. Gay is married to a privileged WHITE Chris Afendulis.

  2. My nephew in Harvard law school had to take hours of classes on microagressions, but yet these same colleges can’t even call people calling for genocide bullying?

  3. Well Rep. Stefanik did a fantastic job there. 👏 I loved her telling them to resign.
    If it was genocide against any other group it wouldn’t be a question.

    These presidents are walking the wrong side of the fine line here.
    If they say this speech violates the code of conduct then they need to take disciplinary action against the students to back that up. If they do that it’s huge numbers of students. Might be a student in there whose parents are big donnors and we certainly can’t discipline them. Same reason the colleges don’t bother to protect their female students from assault. They are busy virtue signaling (oh look at us we all have female presidents we’re so woke! One’s even black) while behind closed doors only protecting the traditionally privileged white males from important wealthy families & athletes. I guarantee you Skull & Bones will never have a female president.
    The whole of the corrupt, greedy, morally bankrupt, “higher education” system needs to be dismantled.

  4. So say some foolhardy student stands up and declares that in reality there are no innocent civilians in Gaza and the Gazans for the most part are complicit in Hamas murder and terrorism. Are they going to be treated with the courtesy that freedom of speech doesnt violate the conduct code of these Ivy League colleges?

  5. What do we Jews expect Would the same question would be asked about any other other ethnic group the answer would be the same?

  6. “right writer”
    it was black person. there I said it. somehow that violates free speech but when its against jews its allowed. Harvard needs to be boycotted and defunded. people should not hire Harvard graduates . maybe they will change their definition of free speech then

  7. Beliefs are merely a reflection of the heart.
    It is clear that these responses are merely a manifestation of their crooked hearts.
    It’s astonishing to see that these people cannot properly respond to a question that any child would find easy to answer.
    In summary when it comes to ethics, if ones heart is corrupt.
    All the schooling in the world will leave them with even less intelligence than a toddler!

  8. I live in Israel, you living outside is the problem….your voice is as dead to me as the gentile sitting on the subway train……indecisions…all of you…mentally most of you, thank g-d I am not an american and I thank g-d every moment not to be part of this disease…..in Israel , please American keep your mouth shut…you are the monsters needing to be tamed

  9. To tzedikis:
    To put it in a nutshell, you are basically saying, that every single American is worse then hamas. According to your logic and understanding maybe try to switch places with the hostages that are still in gaza and try living in those tunnels with your friends for 50 days and then let us see if you will continue to compare us to the nazis. Talk is cheap, go to gaza for 50 days with your hamas friends and then come back to this website and put in your sick evil comments.

  10. This video should go on record
    Give it to aish hatora also
    It will make lots of baalei teshuva no doubt
    Stefinik this time did something like a yid

  11. The universities are cesspools. There’s absolutely no question about that. But Rep. Elise Stefanik is a bully trying to grandstand. Another Matt Gaetz. Her line of questioning (and badgering) presents certain assumptions as facts. If you’ve ever been cross examined at trial (I have) or deposed in a civil lawsuit by an opposing attorney (once again, I have), you’d recognize that these are bully tactics. They try to put words in your mouth that you never said.

    Again, I do not say this because I in any way condone what’s going on at college campuses. It’s abhorrent. And it’s a scary time to be a Jew on campus (or a Jew anywhere for that matter). But that doesn’t change the reality that Rep. Stefanik is nothing more than a schoolyard bully.

  12. @tzedikis: In Israel is it any better with all the leftit’s? Tel Aviv had enough space for hundreds of thousands Anti-Judaism protesters but none for pro-government ones and certainly none for separate Yom Kippur Tefillos…!

  13. Germany right before WW2 was one of the most educated countries in the world. Then these professors and education students became natzis and committed the worst mass murder and atrocities in the history of the world. It was hard to understand how something like this could happen. Now, we are seeing it happen right in front of us. As R’ Elchonon Wasserman said, the biggest professors can commit the worse atrocities if they don’t have fear of Hashem..

  14. 1. University of Pennsylvania and MIT were schools that welcomed Jews, when Harvard (and many other elite school) restricted admission of Jewish students and were reluctant to hire Jewish professors (and “Jewish” then was understood in an ethnic sense – Kal ve-homer they didn’t welcome frum Jews).
    2. Those schools also have the infrastructure frum Jews need (e.g. kosher food). There are many fine universities in the Red States, but they lack the infrastructure frum Jews would need.
    3. If frum Jews (and perhaps even unassimilated non-frum Jews) start moving to the red states (the south and rural areas in general) it would be a radical change. Alternatively, Jews in blue states could switch from being Democrats to Republicans, which would transform both parties (e.g. New York would become purple, and the Republicans who under Trump have become much less conservative would be more moderate in social and economic policies).

  15. Consequently, providing federal funds to these schools violates the Equal Protection clauses of the Constitution and those funds should be impounded immediately!

  16. @ShimieG – Stafanik makes no assumptions. None. She echos what they said, and does not put words into their mouth. She’s skilled at cross examination. That’s not bullying even if it makes you uncomfortable.

  17. Stefanik absolutely did not bully or attempt to grandstand – there was a very clear give-and-take exchange where these rabid antisemites disguised as academic administrators talked about context and free expression regarding calls for the genocide of Jews, which never would have been their positions had the discussion been about ANY OTHER racial/ethnic/religious group. Stefanik wanted a clear understanding about whether or not the codes of conduct at these universities prohibited calling for intifada, from the river to the see etc. and the responses that resulted clarified that codes of conduct and disciplinary measures for racial incitement to violence do not apply to Jews. Not a surprising but a very important message for all Americans to hear.

  18. @ShimieG stefanik did not make any assumptions, nor did she put words in anyone’s mouth. She merely echoed there words. She is talented at cross examination, which means she gets people stuck on their own words. It may not be comfortable to be cross examined, but it’s not bullying.

  19. It is mind boggling to say the least. They all need to be forced to resign – without pay.
    According to their testimony, one can call and chant for all blacks to be killed but it won’t go against their code of conduct (whatever that means!) because no one “individual” was targeted. Seriously brainless!

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