How to Avoid Common DOT Violations in Trucking

The Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA) is the agency within the  Department of Transportation that oversees the trucking industry. If you are starting a trucking company, you know that they have many rules with which you must comply. According to the website URL some companies can help you comply with those rules. 

There are a few common mistakes drivers make that violate DOT rules. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to avoid these mistakes.

Make Sure Your Lighting Works Properly

One of the most common mistakes drivers make is driving with broken lights. Headlights, tail lights, and turn signals must work for a driver to operate their rig. The trailer must also be lit properly. An inspector can pull you over for an inspection if one of your lights is out. When this happens, they often find other violations. 

If a driver fails a roadside inspection, they may not be able to continue on their route. You might have to send another driver to pick up the truck. The vehicle may be taken out of commission until repairs are made. 

Drivers are required to inspect their vehicles before and after every trip. Sometimes a light can go out while a driver is on the road because a driver might miss LED trailer lights that are out during an inspection. This problem can be avoided if the driver does a quick walk-around inspection of their vehicle after the sun goes down.

Seat Belt Violations

Like most drivers, truckers are expected to wear their seatbelts when they are operating their vehicles. However, some truckers think seatbelts are uncomfortable and do not wear them when they are on the road. 

FMCSA inspectors use a system of points to rate truckers for safety.  Inspectors issue Compliance Safety Accountability points on a scale from 1 to 10. The more severe the violation the more points you will receive. When a driver is caught not wearing a seatbelt, you will get 7 points.

The solution to this is simple. Let your drivers know that they will be fired if they are caught driving without a seatbelt. 

Using A Cell Phone When Driving

Driving can be a monotonous job. There is often no one to talk to and nothing good on the radio. Drivers are away from their family for days and their cell phone is your only way to keep in touch with them.

Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents in the country. It is illegal for a driver of a passenger car to text and drive and it is even worse when a trucker does it. If an inspector sees your driver with a cell phone in their hand, they will be pulled over. 

There is a fairly easy solution to this problem. All you have to do is put a driver-facing camera on the dashboard of your truck. Drivers who know they are being watched are less likely to break the rules. 

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