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UJO Delivers 4000 New Voter Registration Cards

Rabbi David Niederman, President of the United Jewish Organization (UJO), was joined today at the Brooklyn Board of Elections by King’s County Democratic Chairman Assemblyman Vito J. Lopez, Congressman Edolphus Towns, Senator Martin Connor, Assemblyman Joseph Lentol, Senator Martin Malave Dilan, Senator Eric Adams, Assemblyman Darryl Towns, and Councilman David Yassky.  The occasion was that Rabbi Niederman, having recently wrapped-up a massive voter registration drive at UJO, delivered over 4000 new voter registration cards to Board of Elections.  These new voters will able to participate in September’s primaries.

“This is a wonderful day, of course for the Satmar community, which is a largely represented by these new registrations, but also for the greater Williamsburg Jewish community,” said Rabbi Niederman.  This includes the Pupa, Klosenborg, Squara, Viznitz, Vein and other Williamsburg Jewish communities, who are all empowered by participating in this voter registration drive, spearheaded by the UJO.  This is a great show of our united strength, and that strength is what brings resources to our communities.”

The United Jewish Organization of Williamsburg (UJO) was founded in 1966 to serve the predominantly Hasidic Jewish communities of South Williamsburg with comprehensive social services for low-income and elderly residents.  Today, UJO serves over 50,000 community residents and represents 148 not-for-profit religious, educational, and community organizations that serve the Jewish communities of Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant, and Clinton Hill.

Assemblyman Lopez echoed Rabbi Niederman’s sentiments.  As the political leader and the head of the Democratic Party in Brooklyn, I am proud to celebrate the massive voter registration drive conducted by UJO and Rabbi Niederman and I commend the additional 4200 new registrants.”

Senator Connor was equally enthusiastic.  “I am positively delighted at the success of this non-partisan voter registration drive under the auspices of Rabbi David Neiderman.  This is truly a great day for communities of North Brooklyn, and I congratulate the Rabbi on his phenomenal success.”

Congressman Towns added, “This is tremendous day for all Brooklyn communities.  In these tough economic times, when resources are getting more and more scarce, it is important for Brooklyn to flex its muscles and show, just by its sheer size alone, that is has incredible strength in its communities.  This is a very great accomplishment for Rabbi Niederman, UJO, and the new voters who have just empowered themselves.”

Senator Martin Malave Dilan said, “I congratulate Rabbi Niederman and the Satmar community for this very impressive voter registration drive.  I especially want to congratulate the young people who are getting involved now and making their voices heard where it counts.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. A hearty mazel tov to Rav Niederman, the Rabbonim and the Williamsburg olam. They should go from strength to strength and we should all have nachas from their future successes. Not only have they strenthened the hand of their communities, kinina hura, they have strengthened all of Klal Yisroel and New York state by giving force to the voice of prudent and moral policy in government. Mi’iratz Hashem their wise and courageous efforts have brought us closer to seeing Ha Melech Malchey HaMlochim return His rule to Tsion.

  2. He went a day after the deadline which was so fifteenth so the new registrations doesn’t get processed fast enough to help those in the primary election on September like Simcha Felder

  3. Let’s hope they also are aware of the issues and what the candidates stand for. Talk to young chassidic and yeshivish men and you’ll find many have no idea who the candidates are and what they represent

  4. Mazel tov to Rabbi Niederman, the Rabbonim and olam of Williamsburg, kinina hura. From strength to strength in bringing force to the voice of wisdom and morality to government. Mi’iratz Hashem in the zechus of these yidden who actively participate in protecting their communities, we are one step closer to the Melech Malchei Hamlochim returing His rule to Tsion.

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