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OVER THE TOP: Hillary Compares Trump To Hitler, Says Nazi Leader Was Also “Duly Elected” [VIDEO]

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised some eyebrows in an appearance on “The View,” when she made a seeming comparison between Donald Trump and mass murderer Adolf Hitler in warning Americans not to re-elect the 45th president to the White House.

Clinton was asked by host Sunny Hostin, “What in your view, would happen if [Trump] were to be reelected?”

“Oh, I can’t even, I can’t even think that because I think it would be the end of our country as we know it. And I don’t say that lightly,” Clinton answered. You know, I hated losing, and I especially hated losing to him because I had seen so many warning signals during the campaign. But I immediately said, look, we have to give him a chance. We’ve got to support, you know, the president we have. And I meant it. And I tried really hard.

“And then literally from his inauguration on, it was nothing but, you know, accusing people of things, making up facts, denying the size of the crowd at his own inauguration. And everything that I worried about, I saw unfolding,” she continued.

“I think that he’d be even worse now because he was somewhat restrained, believe it or not, and, in the first term by people who he hired because he thought they would go along with him and they stood up to him. And so now he is going to if he were ever near the Oval Office again, find people who have no principles, no conscience, who are totally tied, you know, to his fortunes literally, and therefore would do whatever he said,” she said.

“So the wreckage is almost unimaginable,” Clinton asserted. “You know, when I was secretary of state, I used to talk about one and done. And what I meant by that is that people would get legitimately elected, and then they would try to do away with elections and do away with opposition and do away with a free press.

“And you could see it in countries where, well, Hitler was duly elected! (That’s right. Right.) And so all of a sudden, somebody with those tendencies, so dictatorial authoritarian tendencies would be like, “Oh, okay, we’re going to shut this down. We’re going to throw these people in jail.” They didn’t usually telegraph that. Trump is telling us what he intends to do!”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. President Donald Trump שליט”א should be Suing Hillary for defamation of his good name.
    Thank you President Donald Trump שליט”א for having spared us from Hillary’s terrifying clutches in 2016 election:- please spare us next year from Crooked Joe Biden’s clutches

  2. don’t ever 4get the fact is that trump finally freed rubashkin from prison and even moved the embassy 2 Jerusalem so what right do u maybe have 2 even compare him 2 hitler yh cmon give me a break ok now will u please

  3. Hitler was never elected! In the Weimar Republic’s last free election the Nazi party got more seats than any other, but it did not get a majority, and actually lost seats. It only got 33% of the vote, down from 37% at the previous election.

    The first government that was established after the election did not include his party. He was appointed only when Schleicher was unable to form a government, and then gradually seized more and more powers.

  4. Totally stupid. Why can’t politicians realize they are not only embarrassing themselves but disrespecting those who died in the Shoah by using comparison or analogies from modern day events to Hitler, the Nazis y’s, etc.

  5. This evil machashaifa is still around ? Didn’t she kiss Sewer I’m A Rat “wife” of Yessir I’m A Rat? I wish someone would have guts to ask her about that. Who cares what this piece of lying, cheating garbage has to say; she’s irrelevant. The rule with her and her compatriots is you know they’re lying because their lips are moving. Rashanta!!

  6. It’s true that he’s not predictable. If he needed the KKK to win the election he wouldn’t hesitate. If he needed Satmer he wouldn’t hesitate either. Look what he did to his first spouse if you think he has morals. The mother of his children.

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