AVI SCHNALL WINS! Lakewood Voters Hoist Agudah NJ Director To Historic Victory In Assembly Race

The Lakewood kehilla on Tuesday turned out en masse to heed the call of the gedolim and vote for Avi Schnall, and their efforts have paid off. Avi Schnall was declared victorious in his bid to unseat incumbent Ned Thomson to represent the 30th Legislative District in the New Jersey State Assembly.

The path to victory wasn’t easy. He entered the race late, and only at the behest of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah. From there, it took a tremendous, pedal-to-the-metal communal effort to turn out tens of thousands of votes in support of him.

The Schnall campaign ran on two primary themes: heeding the call of the gedolim, and uniting behind his efforts to garner more state funding for Lakewood, which has long been a backbencher when it comes to funding for critical needs, such as busing, infrastructure, education, and special education.

When all was said and done, Schnall emerged victorious, despite the uphill battle of winning as a Democrat in the staunchly Republican 30th District.

As a fascinating aside, Lakewood was the most Republican town in New Jersey in the 2020 election, voting more heavily in favor of then-incumbent President Donald Trump than any other municipality. Just three years later, it has elected a Democrat to represent its district on the New Jersey state level.

In other words, despite the best efforts of those who would have been followers of Korach, the overwhelming majority of Lakewood follows its gedolim and votes for its interests – not an elephant or a donkey.

14 Responses

  1. The rabbonim who endorsed him acted strategically in terms of the realities of Trenton. Daas torah can also be daas politics and the decision to have Schnall run as a Dem was the only way to get a frum legislator on the inside where his voice will have more leverage.

  2. People who would’ve been followers of Korach? How dare you. That is not only a pathetically stupid assertion, but a very offensive one. You’re outright suggesting that the gedolim you happen to follow are the only ones, and that anyone who follows anybody else is evil. When people talk about the “Lakewood cult,” this is exactly what they mean. I hope this gets retracted, but I’m not hopeful.

  3. Easing the monetary burden of the klal is an awesome task but I’m quite concerned that Mr. Schnall’s alignment with a party which is at odds with Torah values puts him in position where he thinks he’s helping the klal but HKBH expects those who he chosen to really stand for what He wants .

  4. Larry: Hopefully, these same Gadolim will also decide in 2024 that Yidden should not be told to vote for a racist, misogynistic narcissist whose growing association and support for white extremists has been a contributing factor to the normalization of anti-semitism. And there is still time to do tshuvah in case you voted for him in in 2020.

  5. They voted for Citterelli the republican for governor, against the gedolim, right?
    So obviously, it’s because of the tuition relief PROMISED to us that they voted for Shnall

  6. Normally school choice is an issue Republicans run on. It’s not a winning issue from the left in NJ. It’ll still pour some money to the Mo$$$dos with this win.

  7. At YWN
    I took you seriously until now.
    That Korach comment, is a cheap Jab in the back,that only some secs in society would even give a half sheepish grin.
    You guys can do better

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