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PSYCHOPATHS: Remorseless Hamas Official Vows To Repeat Simchas Torah Attack “Again And Again”

A recently translated interview on Lebanese TV with Ghazi Hamad from the Hamas political bureau reveals the depths of Hamas leaders’ depravity, with the remorseless pile of bones and excrement saying that Hamas would repeat the October 7th/Simchas Torah attack.

“We will repeat the actions of October 7 again and again until Israel is destroyed,” Hamad said, underscoring his willingness to send his animalistic acolytes out again to murder, rape, behead, and bake innocent babies.

Hamad insisted that Palestinians are okay with his statements, saying that they are “proud to sacrifice martyrs” and further demonstrated that the Hamas terror group is comprised of feelingless psychopaths, saying, “Everything we do is justified.”

In a separate interview, another top Hamas official, Mousa Abu Marzouk, showed callous indifference to innocent civilians in Gaza, asserting that it was Hamas’ job to build tunnels to protect its fighters, but not bomb shelters to protect non-fighters.

“It is the responsibility of the UN to protect them,” Marzouk said, completely brushing off any responsibility for the safety of innocents in the territory they control.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Message to Hamas:

    We are given our obligation in the mission to eradicate the evil of hamas from the planet. It states: לא תחיה כל נשמה.

  2. Well this depraved piece of meat had just mow legitimize even more forcefully, every justification for 🇮🇱 to wipe Chsmas off the face of this earth :- I couldn’t think of a better way of commemorating the memory of the Saintly Moreinu HoRav Meir Kahane זצללה”ה הי”ד on his 33rd Johrzeit tonight & tomorrow

  3. yeah cmon do u really believe that he’ll do it again ch exactly in which country will it take place this time around america then london russia where jews live we still are in galus now u know do we really want another holocaust 2 happen now or not all we really want is 4 moshiach 2 come already and have the beis hamikdash rebuilt already how many times am i saying this like a broken tape recorder please can’t u see the writing on the wall already now get out from where ever u live now b4 it’s 2 late 4 u 2 do so we are no longer safe anywhere so long as he hasn’t come

  4. This is why we can never have a ceasefire. Hamas will use that as a means to regroup and plan more suicide attacks.

    The second video: He states that they build the tunnels for protection from Israel bombing Gaza. The only reason Israel is bombing Gaza is because they shoot thousands of rockets and did the unspeakable acts of Oct 7, killing over 1400 people, injuring thousands and kidnapping over 220.

    Gaza could have been a beautiful place to live. Israel left behind all the buildings which could have been used for Mosques, schools, homes etc. They also left behind Greenhouses to grow bug free crops. The Palestinians blew up most of the buildings and destroyed the greenhouses. They could have used the buildings and greenhouses to help the people.

    They could have contacted companies like Nike and asked them to build factories in Gaza to help employ the people. They could have created beaches, resorts and casinos on the bank of the Mediterranean Sea and attracted tourists from all over the world.

    Instead we have radical, hateful, greedy, antisemitic, leaders that don’t care about anything but their hate. They do not care how many Palestinians are killed.

    What is to stop a new terrorist group from taking over after we destroy Hamas?

  5. “Remorseless”? Is this a website like any other? It reminds me of when a Nazi war criminal would be interviewed, by some reporter, and they would state, ” and he showed no remorse”! This is RISHUS!! Are you really surprised that he showed no remorse? Do we have to copy sensationalist headlines from the world at large? Im beyond words!

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