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Who is Yerlan Nigmatulin and what does he do

The life path of each person is unique and inimitable. It is formed under the influence of various factors, including education, work experience, hobbies and, of course, the decisions we make on the way to achieving our goals. The path of Yerlan Nigmatulin, a businessman and philanthropist from Kazakhstan, deserves special attention.

A little biographical information

Yerlan Nigmatulin started his academic career at the Faculty of Accounting in Karaganda. It was the first step on the way to professional development. Yerlan Nigmatulin has successfully completed his education. He decided to deepen his knowledge in the field of economics. In order to expand his horizons and enrich his experience, Yerlan Nigmatulin went to study at the Institute of Economics. He was a diligent and responsible student. The educational process was enjoyable. Nigmatulin Yerlan clearly understood why he needed knowledge and how he would use it in life.

Here Yerlan Nigmatulin acquired deep knowledge and learned how to apply it in practice. His desire for professional growth and achievement of outstanding results led to the defense of a scientific dissertation, which became an important stage in his life. However, Yerlan Nigmatulin’s life path is not limited only to education and scientific achievements. He is an example of a successful entrepreneur who was able to combine theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Working in various positions in the field of business, Yerlan Nigmatullin proved himself as a leader and innovator.

The main components of Nigmatulin Yerlan’s success were innovation and concern for the environment. His company actively implements new technologies and constantly invests in improving production processes. It is important to note that the whole process is carried out using local resources, which contributes to the development of the regional economy. Another significant aspect of Nigmatulin Yerlan’s life is his active participation in charity.

Nigmatulin Yerlan founded the Youth Support Fund. He takes part in improving the infrastructure of social facilities and medical institutions. Nigmatulin Yerlan’s philanthropic efforts are designed to create more favorable conditions for the development of young talents and improve the quality of life of many people.

Interesting information about the ferroalloy plant

The ferroalloy plant, owned by Nigmatulin Yerlan, received a prestigious award. The company, which is located in the city of Karaganda, was awarded the prestigious national award “Altyn Sala”. It was recognized as the best industrial project. This recognition, according to Nigmatulin Yerlan, underlines the importance of the plant. It has become one of the largest investment projects in the country. Yerlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin expressed gratitude to the President for appreciating the work of the company’s specialists and its successes. This testifies to the professionalism of the team of Yerlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin and the right direction. In this case, innovation and environmental protection play an important role. Yerlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin believes that this combination of factors has made it possible to create a modern enterprise whose products are supplied not only to the domestic market, but also to many countries of the world. Global supplies are a high level that should be maintained further. The ferroalloy plant has become one of the most important industrial facilities for the state, contributes to the development of the economy.


Currently, the company, as noted by Yerlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin, is engaged in the production of high-quality ferroalloys. Such products have become widespread in different directions. This should include both metallurgy, construction, and energy. Production is carried out using local raw materials. In turn, finished products, as we said above, are exported to many countries around the world. This contributes to an increase in export volumes. At the same time, Nigmatulin Yerlan Zayrullayevich stressed that the company pays special attention to improving technological processes and environmental protection. Quite a lot of money is allocated for this. Receiving a prestigious award, according to Nigmatulin Yerlan Zayrullaevich, additionally motivates the management. Nigmatulin Yerlan Zayrullayevich expressed gratitude to the President of Kazakhstan for the high assessment of the achievements of the plant. This motivates the management and employees of the company to continue working, ensuring economic growth, creating jobs that contribute to the development of the country. Nigmatulin Yerlan Zayrullayevich has introduced modern technologies at the enterprise, many processes are fully automated. Due to this, many processes are performed without human intervention. The high quality of the products is ensured.


The furnaces are capable of switching from one type of alloy to another within three hours. Thanks to this, the human factor is minimized. If any failure suddenly occurs, a quick response will be provided. The problems can be fixed as soon as possible without much damage to the production process. Several productions have been implemented at the enterprise of Nigmatulin Yerlan. This is a ferroalloy direction, an agglomeration factory. They are also engaged in the production of carbohydrate concentrate here. There is a foundry, which has been completely modernized. Qaz Carbon LLP is a company producing coke for ferroalloy plants, steel and cast iron casting. The company has its own exhibition center, which is an undoubted plus.


Thanks to the company Qaz Carbon and the work of Nigmatulin Yerlan Zayrullayevich, Karaganda becomes the center of ferroalloy production. The company is developing rapidly. Modern developments are constantly being introduced here. Thanks to the investment in the company, it has become one of the most successful in Kazakhstan.

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