WAR CRIME: Multiple Injuries In Direct Rocket Hit On Tel Aviv Apartment Building [VIDEOS]

Three people were injured after a rocket from a Hamas barrage fired from Gaza struck a direct hit on a building in Tel Aviv on Friday.

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Yonatan Uziyahu said: “The scene was one of significant destruction. Together with additional EMTs, we provided initial treatment to a young man in his 20s who was moderately injured and to two additional people who sustained light injuries.”

A second rocket reportedly also broke through the Iron Dome anti-missile system defending Tel Aviv, but landed in a relatively open area without injuring anyone.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. The message is pretty simple and important and it is a message to every single Yid on this planet, Hashem wants all of us to return to him with a complete heart and Hashem wants us to improve in areas of Emuna , Bitachon and complete and total unity in Am Yisroel-Frum- or not Frum or in between-We all need to get along with a friendly smile.

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