Yeshiva World News has learned that the New York Times is planning to publish a story later today that repeats their false accusation about rampant corporal punishment in yeshivas. Their hook is that Governor Hochul has signed a bill banning all schools in the State from administering such punishment. That is all good – nobody in the Jewish community opposed that common-sense law, which applies to public as well as private schools.
But YWN has learned that the Times intends to write that the law was passed in response to corporal punishment in yeshivas.
New York Times reporter Brian Rosenthal sent the following email to yeshiva advocates today:
“We are doing a piece today about the state banning corporal punishment in private schools. Gov. Hochul signed the bill yesterday. Obviously we are reporting that this was introduced in response to our investigation into Hasidic schools. We’re wondering if you have a comment on this.”
The problem for the Times is that back in March, bill sponsor Senator Julia Salazar wrote: “To be clear: We introduced this bill because the law should *explicitly* ban corporal punishment in all schools. The use of physical or violent methods to ostensibly discipline students has happened in many schools. I haven’t seen any evidence of it being a pattern in yeshivas.”
As reported in the Algemeiner at the time, Agudath Israel of America also criticized the Times attempt to portray yeshivas as abusive.
“The New York Times has misfired yet again in its latest attack on the Orthodox community,” said Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel. “Our yeshivas are positive, warm, learning environments which impart our traditions; that is why our parents choose them. The notion, painted by the Times, that children in yeshivas subsist in a cruel, abusive environment where they are ‘regularly hit, slapped or kicked by their instructors’ is simply untrue… they are actually far safer there than public school. Agudath Israel supports the new legislation to crack down on unwarranted corporal punishment in all schools, both public and private.”
And in March Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein also called out the Times, saying “Correct, Senator. No corporal punishment at ANY school. As a yeshiva parent/former student, I’m not familiar with the use of corporal punishment at yeshivas, nor would I tolerate it Sadly, the New York Timess continues its onslaught against Orthodox Jews.”
As for the Times recent request for comment, we offer this: “As with its grossly inaccurate reporting on the Gaza hospital, the Times is insistent on placing Jews in stories where they do not belong.”
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
11 Responses
Melanie Phillips (a columnist for The Times of London) said:
Major General Qassem Soleimani — the man responsible for a vast infrastructure of global slaughter and oppression, and with blood on his hands from American and British soldiers, as well as Iranians, Iraqis, Syrians, Yemenis, Jews and others — was described in The New York Times after being annihilated by an American drone as “universally admired”.
SOURCE: The perverse Western mourning for
Qassem Soleimani by, 2020 January 9 www dot JNS dot org
“When Brooklyn’s Crown Heights erupted in three days of anti-Semitic rioting in [year] 1991, the media initially headlined it as a black-white clash without highlighting Jews as victims. The New York Times ultimately settled on the alternative strategy of consistent under-reporting further attacks on Hasidic Jews.”
SOURCE: Crown Heights through a Looking Glass
by Harold Brackman, 2019 November 25 www dot algemeiner dot com
Caroline Glick said:
“The [New York] Times willingness to disseminate pro-Hezbollah propaganda may have represented a new low in its advocacy for terror groups.
But arguably, the [New York] Times decision to champion the most powerful non-state actor in the world — with one of the world’s largest missile arsenals, all pointing at Israel — is not the worst aspect of its coverage.”
“What may be worse is the [New York] Times campaign to effectively disenfranchise American Jews.
The paper undertakes this campaign by using its pages to legitimize anti-Semitism emanating from the Left, delegitimize friends of Jews on the political Right, and shame American Jews who stubbornly refuse to abandon Israel, or turn their back on Israel’s friends.
These American Jews also impertinently notice the galloping Jew hatred on the political Left.”
“This move by the [New York] Times is more dangerous because it is more difficult to criticize.
It is easy to spot apologetics for terrorism. It is harder, and more controversial, to call the [New York] Times out for manipulating American Jews in the service of Left-wing anti-Semites.”
SOURCE: The New York Times’ war against Israel
and the Jews who support it, by Caroline Glick,
01/13/2019 CarolineGlick dot com
The national director emeritus of the Anti-Defamation League,
Abraham Foxman, has publicly canceled his subscription
to the New York Times, explaining in a tweet:
“Today’s blood libel of Israel and the
Jewish people on the front page is enough.”
SOURCE: article titled: “Abe Foxman Cancels New York Times
Subscription Over Front-Page Blood Libel & Anti-Israel Bias”
by Ira Stoll, 2021 May 28 www dot algemeiner dot com
Accusing Jews of killing gentile children is a classical antisemitic trope.
Even the [New York] Times’ own columnist, Bret Stephens, wrote in a recent piece, “The accusations made against Israel — stealing Palestinian land (despite the fact that Israel vacated the territory from which it was subsequently attacked) and wanton violence against Palestinian civilians, particularly children (despite the fact that Israel regularly warned its targets to vacate buildings before targeting them) — can’t help but make me think of ancient libels about Jewish greed and bloodlust.”
SOURCE: article titled: “Abe Foxman Cancels New York Times
Subscription Over Front-Page Blood Libel & Anti-Israel Bias”
by Ira Stoll, 2021 May 28 www dot algemeiner dot com
Gilead Ini of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America [CAMERA] said:
“The more important issue is that The New York Times seems intent on putting the very idea of Israel’s continued existence, the idea of real and functional Jewish national self-determination, up for debate.
In effect, the newspaper has repeatedly raised the question of whether we should rewind history and return the Jewish people to the dark era in which being a Jew meant everywhere being an ethnic minority, subject to the decisions of often-hostile majorities.”
SOURCE: New York Times op-ed: Wipe Israel Off The Map
by Gilead Ini, 2013 September 19 * blogs dot timesofisrael dot com
PS: Please copy this quote to your computer for future reference.
Mark R. Levin (a lawyer and best-selling author) said:
The examples of the [New York] Times’ and mass media’s hostility toward the Jewish State is not even a matter of indifference, as it was during the plight of European Jews in the 1930s and 1940s, which was horrifying.
Instead, there is frequently open and affirmative hostility toward the Jewish State, despite the fact that the small country, a democracy and an ally, faces daily threats of extermination from terrorists groups and surrounding terrorist states, including, if not especially, nuclear-weapons-obsessed Iran.
After examining more than a year’s worth of recent
coverage by the [New York] Times, Gilead Ini of
the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting
in America [CAMERA] concluded that the [New York] Times:
“consistently flouts the rules of ethical journalism.
And it does so as part of a campaign
to protect anti-Israel activists and
steer public opinion against the Jewish State.”
SOURCE 1: The ‘Times’ and Israel: A Review of 2018
by Gilead Ini, February 2019 www CommentaryMagazine com
SOURCE 2: Unfreedom of the Press (chapter 6, page 163)
by Mark R. Levin, published by Threshold Editions,
year 2019, NYC, ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092
PS: Please copy this quote to your computer for future reference.
We should reach out to the New York Times and tell them that we are doing a piece on them about being anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, and we were wondering if they have a comment on this.
Hey left wing crowd, it sure looks like the right wing extremism in America is the the biggest problem we are facing 😂
That’s the Times for you. Hamas is kind and fair, and Yeshivas are cruel.
Meanwhile children in public school, and even in many secular private schools, are being sexually abused and brainwashed that they are of the opposite gender. Many children go on to have puberty blockers as preteens and teens and then do “gender reassignment” surgery due to the sexual abusive brainwashing they got as children from their “educators”. These liberal “educators” are literally forcing children to mutilate themselves which is way worse than a potch here and there, were it to be given in Orthodox institutions, but it very rarely happens in any case. But permanent physical mutilation of children is a billion times worse than corporal punishment and the NYT does nothing about that! Hypocrites does not even begin to describe what the NYT trash “editors” and “writers” are- they are evil.
Wow. With all the Jewish people are going through, the NYT is doing this NOW? Unbelievable.
But not surprising.
Maybe the reason Hashem shows us the leftist/Palestinian demonstrations is because he wants us to be very organized and ready to act. Dovid HaMelech said in Tehillim that he learned his best tactics from his enemies.