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NAZIS IN NYC: NYU Law Students Wave Disgustingly Antisemitic Signs At Pro-Palestinian Rally

A recent protest organized by New York University (NYU) students in Manhattan took a disturbing turn as signs with anti-Semitic messages were displayed, marking the latest instance of rising hatred towards Jews and Israel in New York.

The protest, which took place in Washington Square Park, saw dozens of Gen Z demonstrators waving pride flags and wearing kaffiyehs while demanding “freedom for Palestine” and the “divestment” of Israel’s government.

One young woman held up a pink sign reading “Keep the world clean” with an illustration of the Star of David inside a trash can. Another protester held a similar sign bearing the same message.

The demonstration was organized by Ryna Workman, a law student known for her previous statements referring to Hamas’ attack on Israel as “necessary.” Workman uses the pronouncs they/them, and recently had an offer to join a prominent international law firm rescinded over her sickening pro-terror statements.

NYU spokesman John Beckman responded to the protest, saying, “These signs are anti-Semitic, repugnant, and a disgrace. We don’t know the identity of the people pictured, but we take this seriously and will be looking into it.” He emphasized that anti-Semitism violates the university’s rules, and violators may be subject to university conduct proceedings.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

19 Responses

  1. stop stop stop please reporting this idiotic news already maybe that’s the reason moshiach hasn’t arrived yet because of people like u who are always writing fake news can’t u see the writing on the wall or are u so blind that u can’t even see that anymore wake up already cmon face the reality once and 4 all

  2. The good news is that she gets nyu scholarships and federal taxpayer subsidized student loans for her liberal arts degreeeee

  3. That ugly pig should be using the pronoun “it” instead of “they/them.” That way everyone knows whom they’re talking about without sacrificing proper grammar.

  4. And keep in mind, these professors and intellectuals believe in policing “micro aggressions“, that if for example you address someone without their proper newly invented pronouns that is a form of “aggression“ which is very hurtful to that person… Etc.… But they still have a hard time figuring out who is the aggressor in this case. Pretty amazing.

  5. There have been a few well-publicized efforts by major law firms and banks to push back against these mindless, anti-semitic demonstrations including major donors withdrawing financial support from spineless universities and revoking job offers from those clearly identifiable as Hamas supporters. However, the silence from some of the largest firms with substantial Jewish leadership is deafening. Many of those firms who have spoken out feel compelled to add a “BUT” to their statements expressing empathy with the suffering of the innocents in Gaza.
    There is no “BUT”. October 7th was an act of indescribable evil unknown since the Shoah. Full stop. No other side or context needed.

  6. Divest from NYU.
    Hit them in the pocketbook.
    Let them hear that we’ve chosen alternative hires in our law offices, we’ve chosen other hospitals for our medical care, etc.

  7. Not surprising how absolutely stupid college students are….

    Pride flags????
    But you’re anti Israel, the most pro pride country in the world??
    The Palestinians would kill you in a half a millisecond!
    The contradictions and foolishness shows that college is literally a barn for the next generation of stupid people

  8. Love how the author makes a point to include the pronouns Workman prefers and then proceeds to use the entirely wrong pronouns. Guess this wasn’t proofread

  9. Reply to @dokes91889

    I believe that including her preferred pronouns was for the purpose of showing that this demonstration was organized by a person who is “off the deep end,” not to give credence to that preference.

  10. Side note:
    Pride people are more welcomed in Israel than Chareidim. Fact. Oh. Its a Jewish State. But then.
    These anti Zionist protests weren aimed at Israel only &not Antisemitism but then again, as long as Israel is bombing the hell out of GAZA, this is what ALL Jews get. Swastikas.
    Bibi doesnt give a hoot for a Jewish life. As long as he accomplishes politically what he wants. His rule is over if he backs down.
    And unfortunately the Zionist chareidim are the biggest supporters of this ongoing endless war.

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