FIVE TOWNS: Thousands Gather For Atzeres Tefillah In far Rockaway [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

In a remarkable display of solidarity, numerous neighborhood schools and organizations joined forces to bring together over 5,000 people who filled the streets of Far Rockaway for a powerful evening of Tehillim and Chizuk.

Rabbi Yaakov Bender, representing Yeshiva Darchei Torah, and Rabbi Eytan Feiner from the White Shul, both delivered inspirational words of Chizuk to the gathered crowd. The recitation of Tehillim was led by prominent community figures, including Rabbi Nosson Neuman of Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam, Mr. Richard Altabe of the Hebrew Academy of Long Beach, Rabbi Meyer Weitman of Torah Academy for Girls, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod of Young Israel of Woodmere, and Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky of Yeshiva Toras Chaim of South Shore.

The program culminated in a heartwarming moment of unity, with thousands of voices joining together to sing the poignant words of “Acheinu Kol Beis Yisroel.” This uplifting rendition was led by R’ Yisroel Werdyger, accompanied by the musical talents of Dovid Leib Rodkin.

The Achiezer Organization told YWN that they extend their heartfelt gratitude to theirpartners in this endeavor, specifically the RNSP Shomrim Patrol; as well as Rockaway/Nassau Hatzalah and the JCCRP. Endless appreciation is owed to the NYPD led by Captain Timothy Schultz of the 101 Precinct and Inspector Richie Taylor, Commanding Officer NYPD Community Affairs for overseeing a detail of hundreds of police officers who helped secure the event. Thank you as well to NYC Mayor Eric Adams and to Joel Eisdorfer, senior advisor to the Mayor along with Moshe Davis, Senior Liaison.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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