FLATBUSH: Thousands Gather For Atzeres Tefillah on Avenue L [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

A large Atzeres Tefilah took place in Flatbush on Sunday. The NYPD tells YWN that approximately 4,000 people attended.

This gathering was held on afternoon on Avenue L and East 9th Street – near Landau’s Shul.

Mincha was led by HaRav Eliezer Ginsberg of the Mirer Yeshiva, followed by Divrei Chizuk delivered by HaRav Elya Brudny, and HaRav Dovid Ozeri.

Prominent Rabbanim of greater Flatbush led the assembled in words of Tehillim, including HaRav Hillel David, HaRav Yosef Frankel, HaRav Meyer Yedid, and others.

Security was provided by the NYPD and Flatbush Shomrim, who were there is great numbers, ensuring that everyone was safe.

5 Responses

  1. When the police come to our protests, it is to protect us. When the police come to Arab protests, it is to protect the community from the protestors.

    Do with this fact what you will.

  2. It is so heartwarming seeing Yidden (Kein Yirbu) on the other side of the pond davening for the Yidden here in Eretz Yisroel. Makes me proud to be a Yid even more.

  3. ralphz There was one on TorahAnytime, but they chose (in order to boost attendance at the actual event, I hear) to avoid advertising it. It was still watched live by well over a thousand people.

  4. MC: R’ Yisroel Reisman
    Mincha: R’ Leizer Ginsburg
    Speeches: R’ Elya Brudny, R’ David Ozeri
    Tehillim: R’ Hillel David, R’ Yaakov Ben-Haim, R’ Meyer Yedid, R’ Eli Mansour
    Shema Koleinu and Kabbolas Ol Malchus Shomayim: R’ Yosef Frankel
    Acheinu: R’ Moshe Tuvia Lieff

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