Extremists Attack John McCain as ‘Pawn of Jews’

mccain.jpgWhile continuing their racist attacks against Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, white supremacists and anti-Semites have opened up a similar line of attack against his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, claiming that he is a “pawn of the Jews” and an enemy of the white race.

On extremist Internet forums monitored by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Republican candidate has come under sustained attack by anti-Semites and white supremacists who portray him either as pandering to or being controlled by Jews, and as a “race traitor” for his moderate views on immigration.

“While we had expected that the bigots and white supremacists would focus their anger on Barack Obama as the African-American candidate, what has happened is that both candidates are equally unacceptable to white supremacists, who see them as being controlled and manipulated by the Jews,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. 

“In the warped conspiratorial worldview of the haters, McCain and Obama are equally tainted by the controlling hand of Jews, who they allege control the government and pull the levers of power in Washington.”

ADL, which monitors hate groups and extremist speech on the Internet, has posted on its Web site examples of attacks against both Obama and McCain by haters on the domestic scene, as well a cartoon circulated by white supremacists which expresses their virulent anti-Semitism.  The image shows Obama and McCain on bended knee, pleading and kissing the buttocks of a gross stereotypical Jew with hooked nose and side-locks. 

The image is similar to cartoons that have appeared in newspapers in the Arab and Muslim world portraying both candidates as being controlled and manipulated by Jews and Israel.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Dear Editor,
    I must say I am supprissed and rather stunned that you allow this cartoon to appear in such a highstanderd website! the picture is NOT appropriate at all!!

  2. WHat hypocrisy!
    Not all white supremacists are like this group. However, they are against people who treat them badly because the rights of the whites have been violated. Yet, they feel it is fine to violate the rights of other groups!?

  3. This is nothing but classic, cliche, anti-semitic propaganda that goes on all the time. Why do we have to read about this here? Is it not like taking the enemy’s club and making sure we hit ourselves over the head with it?

  4. I understand that the cartoon brings across your point, but isn’t it beyond the limits of decency and basic Tznius to publish the cartoon? I can’t imagine any self respecting Rav being matir publishing that cartoon. Out of respect for your readership, many of whom are Bnei Torah, please remove the cartoon. It’s a gross “Moom” on your entire service.

  5. I would rather have someone who is a “pawn of the jews” than someone who is a marxist with funny names and is a member of Black Liberation Theology. Look it up if you dont know what that is.

  6. #3, Avrohom Abba. I am curious about the sentiments you express for “some” white supremacist groups who are just against people who treat them badly because the rights of whites have been violated.

    While rights of whites are being violated in many instances, as far as I know, all white supremacists are virulent haters and preach violence.

    If there is a white supremacist group that is merely upset about white discrimination, and not in the business of hatred and violence, who would they be? What is such an organizations name?

  7. McCain is no friend of the Jews even though he is the nice, white, conservative non-jew many Jews like to like. His record shows abstaining from key votes that affect Israel and he is against water boarding known al-qaeda terrorists who admit to harboring information they will not reveal. Actually, the opposing candidate has voted in the senate consistently pro-Israel. There is proof.

    The political actions listed in this link include many that McCain did not vote on, at all.


  8. Dear Editor,
    Kol Hakovod to you for accepting the critticism and removing the unapropriate cartoon, Hoping that such material will NOT appear next time in the first place.

  9. Thanks for replacing the cartoon. I personally have reservations, obviously of a different nature, about today’s joke. There are variations with say, Arafat, yemach shemo, that are a bit more PC.

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