APPALLING: Palestinian Anti-Semites Dressed As Jews Hold Pro-Hamas Demonstration In Monsey [VIDEO]

In a shocking display of antisemitism, a group of Palestinians dressed up as Orthodox Jews and demonstrated on a street corner in Monsey on Sunday, protesting Israel and expressing their fervent support for Hamas.

It isn’t clear why the group, which calls itself Neturei Karta, decided to dress up as Jews rather than wearing traditional Palestinian garb. Whatever their motivation, the demonstration was shocking to local residents – the overwhelming majority of whom are Jewish.

This isn’t the first time this group has dressed in Chasidic garb and openly supported terrorists. In fact, just weeks ago the group met with the “Butcher of Tehran,” Ibrahim Raisi, at the United Nations. Before that, a delegation from the Palestinian Neturei Karta group met with former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad multiple times.

Neturei Karta Reshoyim flew to Iran when Ahmadinejad held a “Holocaust Denial Conference”, where one of the main Reshonim in this group stood up – Mr Achmed (Yisroel David) Weiss and literally hugged and kissed the Iranian Hitler. You can consider these animals nothing less than holocaust deniers.

At another meting of terrorists, Mr. Weiss told Ahmadinejad that he was “a light to the nations”, and that he was “exemplary” in his recognition of what Zionism really is and his warmth for Judaism.  [SEE VIDEO BELOW]

They have met with Iran’s Foreign Minister, to thank the world’s largest sponsor of Terror for “friendship” with Jews worldwide.

They met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan just days after he called Israel a “terror and apartheid state”.

They have visited the U.S. Capital to show their unwavering support for anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar and her “courageous stance” against Israel.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

60 Responses

  1. won’t let comments disagreeing with this article. go ahead, ask what might be wrong with this article… I’ll try and answer or others can answer. see if everyone aggrees or not with YWN

  2. If any of these people were at the Southern border of Israel at the time of the Hamas attack they would have been slaughtered like anyone else. I don’t know if they realize that.

  3. Every member of the Neturei Karta is a LUNATIC.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a RODAIF.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a MOSAIR.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a CHILLUL HASHEM.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a SHONDA FOR THE G0Y1M.

    When Rabbi Shteinmann ZTL came to Monsey, they spit on his face.

    When will Jews get SERIOUS about stopping this very dangerous evil?

  4. SHIP THEM TO THE MIDDLE OF GAZA AND LET THEM GET BOMBED . I THOUGHT NK was at least a bit sane but their Arab conqueror fetish has gone TOO FAR. These people are absolutely sick in the head. I didn’t care when they protested Israel trying to draft the bochurim, but this is just sick. No mention of our brothers killed by the arab savages and they continue with their fetish PROUDLY not even a week after 1300 Jews were brutally slaughtered by naziarabs. These people have ZERO sense of shame and humanity they should be put in cherem and be labeled rodefim

  5. It’s probably a mitzvah assah to take Mr Weiss and cut him limb by limb and serve him to the Hamas beasts.
    They will probably enjoy him well done. You can use his cohorts as relish.
    You are right – they are momzarim that get dressed up like religious Jews.

  6. what is wrong here ? yaov uvinue done the same for aisov hurushe ,and you can see on a picture rabbi josef chaim zonenfed zetz”l went to the mufti and the gmoro in geeten says raby jochnun ben zakie don the same

  7. what is wrong here ? yakov uvinue done the same for aisov hurushe ,and you can see on a picture rabbi josef chaim zonenfed zetz”l went to the mufti and the gmoro in geeten says raby jochnun ben zakie don the same

  8. YWN, why are you giving them publicity. This is exactly what these haters are looking for. The best thing we could do is ignore these sickos.

  9. I am anti-Zionist, and I am done with Neturei Karta. For years I was sympathetic to them, thinking that even though they are wrong, they are frum Jews who are led by their hashkafa, and are trying to copy Rabbi Yochonan ben Zakai who dealt with murderous Romans and opposed the Kannaim.

    But at this point, we have to realize that they lose the plot. Sympathizing with Arabs after what they did to us in Simchat Torah is unprecedented, evil, and Jew-hating. Rabbi Yochonan only went to the Romans to appease them and to prevent them from destroying everything. He didn’t sympathize with them, and had we miraculously gained an upper hand, he would have no objection to wiping them out.

    I still think that Rav Bloi was a tzaddik, and that he would also disavow this.

  10. Why aren’t these reshoyim being “dealt with”??? What a disgrace. And how bad does this look to the outside world….especially now!!!

  11. There are plenty of anti Zionists on this site who would hold up those signs. These are simply ultra anti Zionists. It’s horrendous. But anyone who speaks about Zionism and degrades the state of israel is only a few degrees less extreme. Let’s learn a lesson here please.

  12. They are 100% pro terror attack. They’ve carried signs saying that the zionists started this fire. Weiss has been interviewed by Arab journalists all over the place speaking on “behalf of the very religious” and claiming that the entire eidah chareidis is pro the terror attacks. He is an animal.

  13. All this talk is wrong. Yes we strongly disagree with them but to call them non Jews and animals and to call for their murder is completely against Torah values. They are are Jewish brothers no matter how crazy they are.

  14. At some point they cross over from being a freakish curiosity to real rodfim by giving comfort and support to our enemy while we are at war.

  15. YWN thinks they’re so clever calling the NK “Palestinians dressed as Jews”. Hahahaha. So funny.

    Of course, the real anti-semites are the Zionists, as the Zionists have amply proven for over a century.

    The NK, on the other hand, are 100% right in their distinction between Judaism versus its godless idolatrous diametric opposite, Zionism and how the Zionist State is against the Torah, etc.

    Their antics like kissing the Iranian leader, which might have anyways been a social requirement at that meeting, doesn’t at all detract from the truth.

    You may disagree with their tactics, but you cannot disagree with the Torah points that they are conveying.

  16. Every Zionist member of the Zionist “Government” is a LUNATIC.
    Every Zionist member of the Zionist “Government” is a RODAIF.
    Every Zionist member of the Zionist “Government” is a MOSAIR.
    Every Zionist member of the Zionist “Government” is a CHILLUL HASHEM.
    Every Zionist member of the Zionist “Government” is a SHONDA FOR THE G0Y1M.

  17. itchik:
    You missed their whole point. No, “we” are not at war. The Zionists are at war.

    While we, of course, daven that Hashem keep all His children safe and well, that is not taking sides in any Zionist war. We want them safe and well, regardless.

  18. LBK:
    Where did he say that he is pro-terror attacks?
    He is certainly right, though, that the Zionists started this whole mess by invading the holy land a century ago against the wishes of those living in the lands, including especially the Torah-observant Jews.

  19. I think that this is the right characterization. I personally have never felt that they are Jewish. In fact, they espouse some of the worst antisemitic propoganda in the world, including that the Zionists caused the Holocaust and control the world. This support for a massacre is absolutely sickening.

  20. “You may disagree with their tactics, but you cannot disagree with the Torah points that they are conveying.”

    Of course we could. It says “תורה בגוים אל תאמין” and these people (the NK) are simply not Jewish and we do not have to listen to ANY Torah points that they may convey.

  21. Dear editor,

    Thank you so much for providing such accurate high standard Jewish news. I 100% agree with your stance regarding the Warped ideology of this group and it’s extremely sad what they do. We all know they are perhaps a group of 100 sick individuals between hundreds of thousands of healthy upstanding Jews. Unfortunately our articles will not change the way these unhealthy people think or act.

    As I see your website always looks to do the right thing, perhaps by publicizing their actions we are giving a magnifying glass to the Chilul Hashem that they create and giving voice to their street corner protest in some corner of Monsey.

    Doing the right thing and taking down this news piece Will not harm your viewership and will only bring Mashiach closer and we know he is at our doorstep.

    May you make the right choices and see tremendous prosperity and good fortune in the Yeshiva World website and all your future endeavors.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best Wishes,


  22. Instead of getting emotional like a bunch of women, why doesn’t anyone think twice about this very interesting phenomenon of sons of holocaust survivors praising holocaust survivors? There must be more than what meets the eye, no?

  23. HaKatan, I was waiting for you to show up. However, I had my doubts. I honestly thought that maybe this one time you would agree that NK is terribly wrong.

    Unfortunately, I was wrong. You came with your brainless comments.

    You write: “The NK, on the other hand, are 100% right in their distinction between Judaism versus its godless idolatrous diametric opposite, Zionism and how the Zionist State is against the Torah, etc.”

    This is not the discussion here!!!
    I agree 100% with this distinction.
    However, protesting for the Palestinians, especially at a time like this, is a demonstration in support of KILLING JEWS. Nothing less.

    There is NO excuse for supporting the killing of Jews.

    Every NK member who is present at such a protest has the din of a moser and rodef to the fullest extent.

  24. To all the supporters of NK: Reb Yoel ZATZAL threw NK out of his botei medrashim because he held them to be completely wrong. There is no heter to ever support murderers of yidden. None. No where in Halacha. To those who mention different stories mentioned in Gemara and different places in Chazal, in none of those scenarios did gedolei yosroel wonder the world and comfort or consort with murderers of Klal Yisroel. NK supports the Iranian regime in their efforts to kill members of Klal Yisroel. Reb Yoel ZATZAL never said a derasha about zioninsm during wars. At those times he spoke about the need to daven more, learn more, say more tehilim and as Hashem for rachmanus on Klal Yisroel. Ask Hashem to stop the spilling of Yidishe blood.

  25. Hakatan, NK are haters of all jews. They are in agreement with Iran in calling for the murder of jews. If they were in southern Eretz Yisroel they would take up arms with Hamas. They have a din of rodfim in Halacha. The fact that you don’t understand that makes you either a Kofer like them or an imbecile, or some other type of miscreant. You and they will rot in gehinom.

  26. Hakatan, your rhetoric is the problem. It’s high time you abandon your hatred and recognize what the State of Israel has done for the Jewish nation.

  27. They should go live in GAZA, if they support them so much!
    They want their videos to be seen. Why are we giving in to that and posting it here? Ignore them, instead of having the outside world think they represent us. These videos are shown all over the world and it’s absolutely awful.

  28. @Hakatan

    Your ideology blinds you so deeply that you can not see a problem with protesting against Israel at this time. I hope one day you can acquire basic human empathy and also are able to increase your IQ so that you can have a clearer understanding of the world.

  29. The only reason I approve of these protests is it’s the only time Chasidish boys are encouraged to learn English.
    Not long ago a NYS education official went to a Chasidish Cheder & asked if anyone can say anything in English?
    One boy raised his hand & said, “Isrrraeli goovenment shame on yoo”
    Another boy said, “A Jew is nisht a Zionist, a Zionist is nisht a Jew”
    The official graded the school proficient & (much to N. Mosters dismay) the case was closed.

  30. I don’t necessarily support everything nk does and maybe some signs were questionable but people saying that during a war especially when yiddin were killed your not allowed to talk against Israel are totally wrong just because yiddin were killed it doesn’t mean that we have to be כופר in the תורה the תורה still stays the same and we still can’t have a state before משיח for sure not a secular one. The claim that the satmar rebbe supported Israel during a war is completely false and obviously you know nothing about satmar the satmar rebbe said the state of Israel is יהרג ועל יעבור period doesn’t matter what. and after the six day war the satmar rebbe said that if they would just have given up the state of Israel there wouldn’t be so much dead and the u.n would for sure stabilize the situation and make sure everyone is safe. Btw that protest was a conter protest against zionists waiving Israeli flags in a satmar neighborhood spreading מינות ואפיקרסות and putting yiddin in danger most people protesting (at one point they had hundreds) had nothing to do with nk.

  31. They should put these menuvalim in cherem, nobody should have anything to do with them, sell them food, let them davenport in the souls and ostracize them completely.

  32. hakatan; Reb Yoel ZATZAL disagreed with you completely. War in Eretz Yisroel is war against all of Klal Yisroel. He called it an eis tzarah l’yaakov. But you know better. I think we should all envy you gan eden.

  33. Hakatan; how and when did the zionists invade? They, the arabs have been killing jews and harassing jews in Eretz Yisroel for several hundred years. Remember the Ottoman empire. How about the leader of the muslims during ww2, he wanted to turn the entire yishuv over to hitler. To you that’s acceptable. aFTER ALL IF THEY LIVED THERE THEY MUST BE ZIONIST INVADERS. Oh,but they included reb yoseph chaim Zatzal and many others. NK are haters who were thrown of satmar by REB YOEL ZATZAL. he called them Sonei Yisroel.

  34. The Torah is very clear about the criteria of being a Yid: merciful, sensitive and kind. Anyone who lacks any of these, their Yichus should be questioned.

    With a sad heart, I am writing these words.
    Last week I was speaking to a several Satmar ‘Chasidim’ one of which was saying that he doesn’t care about ‘Israelis’. I said what about Jewish Israelis? He didn’t care. Not before and not now after the terrible nazi attack on Simchas Torah. I was shocked. How can a Yid speak like this. He was cold and heartless and completely indifferent to the plight of אחינו בני ישראל.

    He was with a few other Satmar ‘Chasidim’, and they all agreed with his cold blooded attitude. Completely indifferent.
    Needless to say that I was shocked and I will never give a nickel to any of their ‘chesed’ organizations and I do strongly believe that it’s problematic to eat their Hashgacha.
    I don’t know their Yichus… and I don’t care to speculate but anyone who can act this way in the face of such bloodshed, obviously doesn’t share the same DNA as עם ישראל.

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