A mass Atzeres Tefilah is scheduled to take place in Boro Park on Thursday. Askonim are preparing for tens of thousands of people to possibly attend.

This gathering is will be held on Thursday at 5:00PM on 14th Avenue, from 45th Street to 55th street.

There will be very heavy NYPD and Shomrim presence.

Many Mosdos have already issued announcements and Kol Koreh’s urging their Kehilllos to attend.

This Asifa follows major Asifos which were held in Lakewood, Crown Heights, Monsey, Flatbush and other areas.

YWN will continue to cover as many of these events as possible.

LAKEWOOD: 10,000 Pack Eight BMG Batei Midrashim For Massive Atzeres Tefillah [VIDEOS]

MONSEY: Thousands Gather For Atzeres Tefillah And Divrei Hisorirus [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

Thousands Of Bochurim Attend Atzeres Tefillah For Eretz Yisroel In BMG [VIDEO]

CROWN HEIGHTS: 20,000 Gather For Massive Atzeres Tefillah On Eastern Parkway [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Will cars and bus traffic be able to cross on 49th and 50th streets? Other streets? That could cause exceptional residual mayhem. Where is Jack Meyer zatzal when you need him!

  2. When BP is surrounded by law abiding decent Muslims, Why shldnt this beautiful עצרת be indoors and not give an indication of a pro Israel rally?
    We need to be vigilant. We’re surrounded by Muslims.
    We need to pray and daven but in a place where the outcome isn’t questionable.
    Where are the thinkers when we need them??
    We want to live in peace with our neighbors and not incite them.
    Does anyone get this???

  3. בתי מדרשים is the place. Not closing down an entire city. This is a recipe for disaster.
    BP spin heads! Where are you to cancel this and rent an indoor space?!
    Theres still time to rectify it

  4. Yaapchik. Your worried about cross streets during a time like this? You really have to make it through, go up to 60th, down to 39th. You’ll survive the 2 hours. Sheesh.

  5. When they hear of fervent prayers no altercations not one arrest they will not look at a it as a rally and demonstration and they will learn the utmost respect

  6. Miriam: Your comments are shocking!! On the contrary, we should show the world that we care about what our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel are going through. It is a kiddush Hashem.

    We are inciting the Muslims if we publicly pray to Hashem to protect the Jews of Eretz Yisroel? If we are inciting them, then don’t call them law abiding. If they are law abiding, then they will respect us more for showing support to the people in Israel that went through such atrocities.

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