SHE LOVES DEAD JEWS: Rashida Tlaib Refuses To Condemn Hamas Chopping Off Babies Heads

If you haven’t seen true depravity, you’re about to see it now. On Tuesday evening, Fox News journalist Hillary Vaughn had a simple question for anti-Semitic scum Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who has an infamous history of anti-Israel comments.

“Congresswoman, Hamas terrorists have cut of babies heads and burned children alive. Do you support Israel’s right to defend themselves against this brutality?” Vaughn asked.

Easy question, right? A fastball down the middle of the plate, if you will. But not for Tlaib, apparently.

Tlaib ignored Vaughn, prompting the incredulous latter to ask, “You can’t comment about Hamas terrorists chopping off babies heads?”

Again, Tlaib continued walking, refusing to respond. Vaughn tried over and again to get Tlaib to give an answer to her simple, basic question, but Tlaib’s mind is evidently so full of hatred that she couldn’t even bring herself to doing that.

What an utter disgrace of a human being.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. I am glad her taste hasn’t changed, perhaps some wonderful IDF will go into GAZA and take this ladies grandmother and parading her naked through the streets of Jerusalem right infront of the US Gov’t on Gershon Aaron… would fit perfectly into the realm of things….as bring the rest of her family and we will parade them naked through independence park and let them swim in the Sultans Pool, there of course will will just watch….if I pray long enough….who knows, Grandma may be in Israel hand as we talk right now…I would make. special trip myself but I am making sandwiches for the IDF

  2. tzedikis:

    I think at a time like this we should all keep away from speaking or writing ניבול פה
    As it says about ניבול פה that is why בחורי ישראל מתים
    Let us be better than the גויים and not resort to such threats and low language

  3. No one should be surprised here she is no different then any Hamas operative.

    She is a Palestinian with relatives living in Gaza.

  4. While I think that Talib’s response (or lack there of) has been appalling and that it is most likely that she does in-fact “love dead jews”, I think that YWN is ruining its credibility as legitimate news source when it titles articles like this. Please just report the news to us!!!

  5. Among the horrific tales of militant fascistic “Palestinian” Arab atrocities:

    – “There have been reports of se_xual assault and torture.”

    – a father who tried to shield his two children with his body was “murdered with an ax in front of his children.”

    – A survivor recalls how some were raped next to dead bodies before being murdered. Raping girls and then parading them as they bleed. Women were raped and dragged through the streets.

    – Testimony: ‘they raped the girls, then they killed them. Then they switched – did the opposite, first murder then rape them. They always laughed when they did it, I can’t forget how they laughed.’

    – Testimony (on FoxNews’ Waters’ world): I saw an elderly man who was cut …
    We found body parts – unrecognizable if it’s a woman or child. One girl had 20 holes in her…

    – Another’s: “They came to slaughter, to destroy. I know they kidnapped girls. They raped women even after killing them.”

    – Another survivor tells of returning to the site later to look for his friends, and seeing mostly bodies “of young women, lying cold and mutilated.”

    – Another widely-shared video showed a young woman’s nearly naked body, lifeless and mutilated, being paraded through the streets of Gaza in the back of a pickup truck. Palestinian men sat on her, draped their legs over her, pulled at her hair, and spit on her: a broken female body brandished like a trophy.

    – ADL’s Greenblatt: Shooting girls in the legs so that they can’t run.

    – A grandmother burned alive at her home. News reporter: “After my family hid in the bush together for hours, one of the terrorists spotted them and started shooting. My family was massacred.”

    – To one family, the barbarians called and said: “Your girl is in our hands, we will rape and kill her.”

    – A grandchild: “my grandmother was murdered yesterday in a brutal murder by a terrorist in her home. At 7:00 I saw the nightmare of my life, a terrorist entered her home, murdered her, took her phone, took a picture of the horror and posted it on her Facebook. That’s how we found out.”

    – CNN Oct.9.23: There were ‘personal’ killing, shooting in point blank, kniving.

    – Some “simply stood in line and were shot to death in cold blood.” (Kibbutz Be’eri).

    – A child being captured by Hamas was seen being abused by ‘ordinary’ Gazans.

    Jonathan Cornicus: “this wasn’t.. some local initiative and an operation that went astray or people, operatives on the ground who got carried away with themselves. This was the plan. The Hamas spokesperson, a day and a half after the attack happened, he said, the attack went according to plan, and we are happy with the consequences. So that is what we’re looking at.”

  6. Rashida Tlaib is a piece of donkey feces. She looks ugly as she does because her father was a monkey and her mother is a pig.

  7. David, she is a human being. That is a matter of biology, not of character.

    OK1, her grandmother lives in Bet Lechem, not in Gaza.

    think deep, she is not a terrorist. She supports terrorism; that doesn’t make her a terrorist, any more than supporting the arts makes one an artist, or than supporting the Yankees makes one an athlete. And she is not employed by the congress! She is a US representative, so if anyone can be said to “employ” her it would be her constituents. They chose her because they agree with her.

    Loshenhora, she’s a representative, not a leader. Representatives are not supposed to be leaders of anything or anybody. They are there simply to reflect their constituents’ views, and Tlaib does that admirably. The majority of her constituents are vile people who support what Hamas did.

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