CREDIT WHERE IT’S DUE: White House SHREDS “The Squad” For Defending Hamas Terrorists

During a press briefing on Tuesday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre rebuked comments made by members of the progressive “Squad” in Congress regarding the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas. Labeling their remarks as “wrong,” “repugnant,” and “disgraceful,” Jean-Pierre made the administration’s stance clear.

When asked about the reactions to sickening comments from Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Cori Bush, Jean-Pierre responded, “We believe they’re wrong, we believe they’re repugnant, and we believe they’re disgraceful.” She went on to add that the administration’s “condemnation belongs squarely with terrorists” and emphasized the atrocities committed against Israeli citizens.

“Our condemnation belongs squarely with terrorists who have brutally murdered, raped, kidnapped hundreds, hundreds of Israelis. There can be no equivocation about that. There are not two sides here. There are not two sides,” she added.

In the aftermath of the Israel-Hamas conflict over the weekend, Tlaib and Bush stunningly suggested the U.S. cease its aid to Israel. Tlaib’s statement mourned the loss of lives on both sides but criticized the U.S. for funding what she referred to as the “apartheid government” in Israel. Meanwhile, Bush called for an end to U.S. support for “Israeli military occupation and apartheid.”

Reps. Ocasio-Cortez and Omar advocated for a “ceasefire” between the two factions, though they did condemn the devastating attacks which resulted in massive numbers of Israeli casualties, including women and children.

But Omar, in a subsequent social media post, drew a parallel between the victims of the Hamas-led attacks and the Palestinians affected by Israel’s retaliatory actions.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. the Beit Din, never has anything out of his mouth that is real, Obama is pulling the strings____i won’t say more but to all the America Jews in Israel it is the country you hail from that caused this war….point blank….

  2. True but honestly we all know he best thing for Israel is for America not to get involved because once they do they will be pressuring for a ceasefire before you know it. Much better to let Israel do what they need to and don’t get involved. They are unfortunately not getting involved to help Israel as much as to have a seat at the table to hinder Israel. I wish this wasn’t true.

  3. A broken clock is also right twice a day. No big chiddush here. Nothing to praise. 2.5 years into this imbecilic presidency and they finally same something that’s correct, I should go gaga about it. Not going to happen.

  4. I don’t Understand why Isn’t it a crime to support a terrorist group’
    “Where are the Federal Prosecutors”
    Prosecute for supporting a terrorist group!
    Forward to US attorney.

  5. “The Squad” was created by a Socialist-Jew, Mr. Bernie Sanders.
    “The Squad” is funded by a Socialist-Jew, Mr. George Soros.

  6. never ever think that these demented evil demorats mean anything for the good of anyone.
    a simple calculation, the USA is around the corner from election votes, and Biden is trying to get back the edge that Trump has on him, by making himself look like a warrior and showing solidarity with something that a huge contingent of potential voters identify with.
    He means nothing good.

  7. Almost all Israelis (I live here) strongly appreciate the strong and supportive WH response to this terrorist attack.
    Why are all you Americaner so small-minded?
    Can’t you acknowledge something that the WH fully deserves heartfelt Hakaras Hatov for?
    That does not mean that you support any other of this administrations other policies.

  8. It would be in our interests if both parties split, with the WOKE and MAGA (America First) groups both of whom are isolationists and include strong anti-Jewish elements becoming separate parties, allowing the mainstream Democrats and Republicans (some would say Old Fashioned DINOs and RINOs, some would say the reincarnation of the likes of John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan) to dominate the political system – though the “first past the post” system might prevent it from happening even if most Americans overwhelmingly favor one of the two “mainstreams”, rather than the WOKE/MAGA offshoots.

  9. It’s not enough to say they’re wrong and their statements are repugnant. Their stance is actually dangerous and should be treated as such.

  10. “getthefactsstraight”, it’s called the first amendment. Not only is it not a crime to support a terrorist group, it can’t be a crime. The freedom of speech is what makes the USA the only truly free country in the world, and it’s why the USA for all its faults is the best country in the world. Limiting the freedom of speech would make the USA just like all the other so-called free countries where you have to watch what you say; they are different from absolute dictatorships like the USSR and the Third Reich only in degree, not in kind.

    It is, however, a crime to give material support to a designated foreign terrorist group, such as Hamas. Material support is not speech, and is not protected, so Congress can and has banned it. Of course none of these people are giving Hamas material support; but if they do and they are caught, they will be prosecuted.

  11. mommamia22, in what way is their stance “dangerous”, and what do you mean by “should be treated as such”? This is America, where we have the freedom of speech. That means we are free to express any opinion, no matter how offensive anyone else finds it. If you want to change that, you are an enemy of our freedoms and therefore an enemy of America and of all Americans.

  12. @Todros Gimpel
    understand your emotions, but try to understand the Americans (I am not one).
    They’ve gone through and watched live systematic destruction of what the USA proudly used to be.
    They’ve reduced the USA to rubble (and similarly here in the UK but in a different way).

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