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WHERE IS THE STATE DEPARTMENT?! Americans Remain Stranded, State Department Is Doing NOTHING!

As previously reported, Chaim V’Chessed continues to be inundated with calls from tourists who came to Israel for Sukkos and now find themselves stranded, as their flights home have been canceled. Most airlines have ceased operations to and from Israel. With the exception of El Al, no direct flights are operating to or from the USA.  Some larger airlines like Turkish Air and British Air continue to operate.

There has been considerable talk of charter flights set to leave Israel. As of now, these flights have largely not materialized. The handful which do seem poised to operate are long sold out. Some travelers have succeeded in purchasing tickets to random destinations such as Athens, Cyprus and Dubai, and making their way home from there.

Chaim V’Chessed has dialogued with State Department officials, seeking an avenue for these US citizens to return home. However, we have not seen much practical movement  or definitive plans on their part. The officials have averred that ‘there is no emergency; the airport is open’. While it is technically true that Ben Gurion Airport remains open, this is disingenuous, as there are scarcely any flights available.

We have been in contact with numerous elected officials who are attempting to alleviate the situation. Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) sent a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken urging his involvement in this troubling situation. It would certainly be beneficial if other Congressmen and Senators get involved in this effort, as well. 

Lastly, a report circulating on the Internet claims that the US is considering using US Navy boats to extract its citizens. To the best of our understanding,  there is no basis or official corroboration for this report.

20 Responses

  1. “STRANDED” – a big head ache yes but sitting in shneller or hotels with food etc.. is right now the least of the issues for the gov when you dealing with over 1000 niftarim many gruesome and amalekim on every front
    by sunday more flights will be going

  2. @lakewut yes it is war. The state Department’s job is to evacuate Americans from war zones.
    @meirG, . I know of at least one couple who went for second days without their (very) young children and are now stranded. yes, ”STRANDED”

  3. This is an annoyance, not an emergency. These people’s lives are not in imminent danger – let them have a bit of patience.

    an Israeli Yid

  4. Dan from Dan’s Deals has a post on this. You can check it out there.
    I have no experience or knowledge on this. Just a possibility.

    “With flights to the US all full or canceled, several friends and family have asked me for help finding flights out of Israel. The key in these situations is finding a flight available to anywhere and then working on finding a separate ticket home from there.”

  5. @meir g, the article is about the American state department ignoring requests from American citizens. They were more than happy to help a couple worthless liberal democrat politicians, but not the tax paying citizens.

    @lakewhut, No one is blaming the Israeli government. They are blaming the United States State department. they promised to help and have not even responded to requests. Let alone attempted to extract any of those stranded. But the liberal anti semite senator from NJ, cory booker, they got him a flight I believe on Shabbos already. I wonder why they were happy to get him out but not the frum jews?

  6. Meir G
    Israel is dealing with the niftarim and amaleikim. This article is about the US State Dept leaving US citizens high and dry.

    Those of us here for sukkos have accommodations only through YT. People are scrambling to find places to stay, huddling in or near their apts on the alert for the next air raid siren to grab their babies and kids and run to shelter where we hear the booms overhead. With terrorist infiltrators lurking in the country, and East Jerusalem a stone’s throw away from ramat eshkol, maalot dafna and arzei, people are terrified

    Many people visiting here indeed are on budgets, and missing work, and spending thousands trying to find tickets home.

    Israel’s war. American tourists are the US responsibility. But our blood is cheap.

  7. It’s wartime!
    Now is NOT the time to be spoiled by needing a direct flight, if you are stuck in Israel and want to come home fly through Dubai, Greece or England.

  8. stranded, you leave us stranded, yes, come and enjoy the holiday, re route all our lives and once again with spoiled affection you are princesses …there is a war, babies are being beheaded and pardon me….roll up your sleeves and take a job that someone had to leave , do something…..helping someone at war and replace them and do their chore supports their families and gives you the possible 120 years you pray for, a simple question, why did you come in the first place as you are running away from Tefiliah

  9. WHERE IS THE STATE DEPARTMENT Occupied with the exceedingly important task & assignment in assuming both Justice department & thr FBI tobreak all laws & prosecute President Donald Trump שליט”א
    Oblivious to fact that if President Donald Trump שליט”א was in the Oval Office and the 2020 election hadn’t been stolen from him, hamas would never have invaded 🇮🇱 , just like 🇷🇺 would never have invaded 🇺🇦

  10. Anyone traveling to Israel in this day and age knows that war can break out at any moment, as we have seen today. Making plans for two weeks of Succos and expecting things to go as planned is living in a different era. Maybe now you can feel the plight of our brethren who have nowhere to run to, breadwinners going to the front lines and leaving work and wives and children alone. So you’ll miss your paycheck this week and have to spend extra money on tickets flying home. But you’re going to safely, leaving אחינו בית ישראל on the front lines. Be grateful that you have where to go eventually and use this opportunity to feel the situation of those that graciously hosted you in luxury for the holiday.

  11. HaKatan – wow – just wow. The depths to which your demented hatred of your fellow Jews takes you is just mind boggling.

    Maybe step away for a minute and say a Perek Tehilim for those Jews putting their lives on the line defending the lives of other Jews? You claim to follow the original Satmar Rav, Reb Yoel ZT”L, a fervent anti-Zionist – who would say Tehilim for the Israeli soldiers during times of war. How about trying to follow his example?

    an Israeli Yid

  12. CT Lawyer you obviously have no idea what the State Department does. Stop giving this administrations a pass. Its well know they don’t like Israel and the Jews. I can give you reliable links. War means getting Americans out of harm way or making sure if they are POW they work on freeing them.

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