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SICKENING IN AUSTRALIA: Muslims Chant “Gas The Jews” At Rally, Jew Arrested For Waving Israeli Flag [VIDEO]

Stunning footage of a pro-Palestinian rally outside the Sydney Opera House in Australia emerged on Monday, with hundreds of Muslims chanting the blood curdling cry of “Gas the Jews!”

The demonstration, which celebrated the murder of hundreds of Jews at the hands of bloodthirsty Hamas terrorists over the past three days, was organized by the Palestine Action Group Sydney, and drew nearly 1,000.

Footage shows the crowd – many of them clad in black masks and Palestinian scarves – throwing flares at police and shouting the shocking slur.

While apparently nothing happened to those protesters, a Jewish man who showed up at the demonstration with an Israeli flag, was arrested.

“I walked from Town Hall Station across the road with a rolled up flag. I was literally at the protest for three seconds,” Mark Spiro told Sky News.

“The next thing I know I’ve got multiple police officers trying to grab the flag off of me, then carry me away from the scene, telling me I’m arrested for breach of the peace.”

“The police they should feel ashamed of themselves quite frankly. I was an innocent bystander with a rolled up Israeli flag,” Spiro said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. PLEASE NOTE: Many members of the Australian Parliament spoke out in Parliament of their disgust towards the police minister demanding an apology to the Jewish community for allowing these protests of hatred to happen for the arresting a Jew waving a flag. As of yet, no apology has been given!
    I don’t live in Australia, but I’m assuming that most Australians are disgusted from the calls to “gas the Jews”.

  2. Wikipedia states:

    > The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 forbids hate speech on several grounds. The Act makes it “unlawful for a person to do an act, otherwise than in private, if the act is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people; and the act is done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the other person, or of some or all of the people in the group.”

    And the statute had previously been used to convict (non-Muslim) Holocaust denial.

  3. Why would one expect more
    Are they not all decedents of criminals
    Is it true ? That in recent history they used to issue licenses to hunt Aborigines
    They are leftist liberals who say they are tolerant
    Until it’s not in their narrative
    One can identify as a girl in the morning and a boy in the afternoon
    Zero morality
    gas the Jews no problem
    They are experts at suppressing the indigenous then scream racism to the rest of the world hypocrisy shame on you Australia shame on you

    Anywhere else in the world if such a thing was done there would be heaven knows what!
    Besides, (shouting alla akbar) they’d be immediately shot and arrested as this is a known terrorist labelled battle cry!

  5. Mohammed’s last words before he died:

    “O Lord, kill the Jews and Christians!”

    SOURCE: Hadith Malik 511:1588

    VOCABULARY NOTE: Hadith is a major Islamic holy book, like the Koran.

  6. It did not have a police permit, The Premier of the state was disgusted. Police did not expect this and allowed it to continue because they were concerned for themselves A very brave paster who turned up tried to show support for Israel and was moved on by polic3e for his own safety. Another rally these people want to organise for Sunday night has been already banned . Anyone who tries to attend will be jailed. The police did not expect such a large group. They now know and will be prepared.

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