SHOCKING: FBI Spying On Trump Supporters In Preparation For 2024 Election

The FBI has been covertly monitoring supporters of former President Donald Trump, with the intent to curb any potential violence or civil unrest leading up to the 2024 elections, a Newsweek report revealed.

The bureau’s efforts come as an attempt to prevent a recurrence of the January 6, 2021, events. However, an anonymous FBI official voiced concerns about the approach, indicating that solely targeting Trump supporters could instigate the very anti-government activities the bureau wishes to suppress. The official stressed the importance of upholding the constitutional rights of Americans to express opinions and stage protests, and said, “It has to tread very carefully,” especially when the Biden administration faces accusations of using the bureau to target right-wing entities.

President Joe Biden has frequently portrayed staunch Trump supporters and certain Republicans as threats to democracy. In a tweet from September 1, 2022, he expressed, “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.” Later, during a speech in November 2022, he voiced concerns about “Extreme MAGA Republicans” challenging the legitimacy of past and future elections.

A high-ranking official from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence hinted to Newsweek that such rhetoric could further radicalize opponents, especially those feeling disillusioned with the electoral system.

Furthermore, Newsweek obtained access to confidential FBI and Department of Homeland Security data. The findings from that data suggest that some experts are skeptical about the appropriateness of the term “terrorism” for the current domestic concerns. They question whether counterterrorism methods, initially designed for radical Islamist groups, are relevant for domestic situations.

The FBI introduced a new category of terrorism in October 2022, titled AGAAVE-Other (anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism). This classification pertains to “domestic violent extremists” motivated by anti-government sentiments, especially targeting associations with specific political parties. Although not explicitly stated, insiders confirmed to Newsweek that this category largely covers the violent actions linked to Trump supporters.

The FBI said in a statement that AGAAVE threats encompass a range of violent extremists, which includes those targeting both Republican and Democratic members of Congress.

A senior intelligence official, however, painted a more nuanced picture, stating that while Trump’s followers indeed pose significant threats of domestic political violence, labeling them as national security threats or potential instigators of a civil war remains debatable. The official added, “That’s for the country to deal with, not the FBI.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. When government agencies (like the FBI, IRS and DOJ) are used to attack political opponents, the government is using the same tactics as: Stalin, Chairman Mao, Fidel Castro and North Korea.

  2. Yes. No question about it. The average black thug living in the government funded projects in the Bronx is petrified to leave his apartment to commit heinous crimes, thinking that some scrawny white kid still living in his single mother’s basement in Wallace Idaho, wearing a red MAGA hat, might be lurking in the shadows! Blacks are suffering from anxiety just thinking of the WHITE male. Chris Wray and Alejandro Mayorkas should keep their promise and start rounding up all middle class white males and throw them in reeducation camps. Maybe then blacks will finally feel comfortable in this racist Country.

  3. The FBI monitors all sorts of crazies, not sure why Trump supporters think they should be treated different. Only a few years ago a bunch of those same supporters engaged in a violent riot on Jan 6. Seems reasonable to ensure that such a thing does not happen again.

  4. The only problem is that FBI has yet again missed the mark, because it was nancy pelosi who turned down having ample security at the Capitol on January 6th, not President Donald Trump שליט”א who graciously made all necessary security ample & very available.

  5. I really think that the combined effects of the events of 2020 – 2021 (a wild pandemic, followed by a summer of violent riots, followed by a tense election, followed by the events at the Capitol in January, following by the covid vaccine) have brought this country past the point of no return. I cannot imagine liberals and conservatives ever trusting each other again, or even having the ability to work peacefully together.

  6. When liberals riot the damage is usually capped at a few billion dollars and minimal loss of life.
    There isn’t really any data on the worst case scenario for when conservatives riot.
    Therefore the fear is that since conservatives are armed, if they were to get as out of hand as liberal riots there would be significant loss of life.

  7. Hmm what happened to BLM? I don’t recall the FBI or police getting too involved… they let things slide when they feel like it.

  8. Political violence in the USA was and remains almost exclusively the domain of the left. Stories like this just prove how corrupt the FBI is, and make clear the case for disbanding it.

  9. Domenick, THERE ARE NO “Republican Nazi groups”. Not even one tiny little one. There are NO nazis in the Republican Party. They are not tolerated there. But they ARE tolerated and celebrated in the Democrat Party, where they are called “Progressives”.

    And the FBI isn’t supposed to surveil civilian political or religious groups. That was what they did in the ’60s and promised not to do again. Then they promised not to spy on mosques any more. So how can they justify this?

  10. > emes nisht sheker

    Seems obvious from (among other sources) the quote from sitting President Biden that the target is the leading political rival (and by extension half the country that voted for the latter).

    > “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.”

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