Terror Suspect Allegedly Targeted NYC Landmarks

sol.jpgAccording to multiple reports, an American-educated Pakistani woman believed to have ties to al-Qaeda was carrying a list of New York City landmarks when she was captured in Afghanistan last month.

According to the reports, potential targets on the list included the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and the subway system.

Investigators say scientist Aafia Siddiqui was also found with detailed information on chemical weapons.

Siddiqui was shot after officials say she grabbed a soldier’s rifle during an interrogation. Her appearance in Manhattan Federal Court on Monday was delayed so she could receive medical treatment.

The 36-year-old mother of three graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a biology degree and then from Brandeis University with a doctorate.

Her lawyer claims that she was framed.

(Source: NY1)

6 Responses

  1. It would be more credible if they were Boston landmarks since she was an ex-Bostonian, not an ex-New Yorker. She disappeared in Pakistan several years ago, and showed up only when a regime change in Pakistan resulted in a Pakistani writ of habeus corpus. For the last three years, her family (an aristocratic westernized family, not the usual al queda types) claimed she was in US custody, which the US could have easily disproved had it wanted to. This makes the whole thing very suspicious.

  2. the lawer has to face reality and realise that a woman framed would not fight back but rather speak up and defend herself. this lawyer is not using any logic.

  3. #1, no offense, but you are making a wreckless statement. What culpability is there in the Jewish origins of Brandeis in regards to this lunatic?

    George Bush, free Jonathan Pollard and put her in his cell. What will her punishment be and who is more of a threat to the security of the United States?

  4. akuperma, there is no such thing as Al Queda types. Some of the most wealthiest families produced some of the most infamous terrorists. Al Queda has made it very clear that they want to target New York and Washington targets. They just got a hold of someone from Boston who is willing to do so.

  5. She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong list and the other wrong list and tried to grab the wrong weapon from the wrong soldier.
    Just how did they happen to pick and “capture” this particular woman?
    You hang around with lowlifes and murderers and then you are surprised and shocked when you are picked up?!
    Woops! She had the addresses of landmarks where much destruction and infamy would be the result. She also just happened to have information on chemical weapons. Oh and also, she just happened to try to grab the soldier’s weapon . Oh they seem to have shot her for some strange reason. I guess she is an innocent victim of anti terrorists.

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