HACKED: Overseas Hackers Temporarily Take YWN Down

YWN was targeted by overseas hackers on Tuesday morning, marking just the second such incident in 20 years.

The hack forced the YWN website down as our tech team responded to the cyberattack – who swiftly resolved the issue, fending off the criminals attempting to overtake our network.

YWN thanks its loyal readers for their patience during its brief outage, and is deploying additional cybersecurity measures and resources to ensure this does not happen again.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

27 Responses

  1. I think it is a siman that one should not be working on Chol hamoed.

    There is no need or reason for this site to be updated on chol hamoed
    You are very likely transgressing an issur doraysa.

  2. That’s not hacked. By using wordpress with vulnerable plugins, you practically “left the car window open”.
    (No, it wasn’t me 😉

  3. LBJ: For a site like YWN to have gone 20 years with only TWO hacks and this one lasting only 2-3 hours, I would say that it is a siman from Shamayim that the editors ARE doing their job in accordance with daas torah. Jewish themed websites are a constant target and even Israeli government websites with some of world’s top cyber security experts would only wish to have YWN’s track record.
    Kol hakovod to the YWN professional staff.

  4. If the hackers just write trump bad , then no one would know it’s hacked 😂
    The people that read this site will think it’s Ywn

  5. I am not violating anything by browsing this website. Ywn is violating engaging in business for profit on a chag when there is no need for their services.
    If I remember correctly before the internet one was able to manage on the chag, after the internet they can also manage.
    If you need to hear about McCarthy desperately you can find out other ways.

  6. “Ywn is violating engaging in business for profit on a chag when there is no need for their services..”

    Speak for yourself.

  7. lbj: Learn some halacha before you speak.
    There is no issur mideoraysa to either work or write (if banging on a keyboard is considered “writing”) on Chol Hamoed.
    This isn’t even a clear issur mi’derabonon – just a proper decorum for Chol Hamoed – and that’s regarding writing. Working is such a complex issue that you – who obviously don’t have Smicha, and it’s probably likely you wouldn’t know from what side to open a Shulchan Aruch – are hardly the one to qualify for giving an opinion – much less such a clearly worded “psak” as you spewed.

  8. Going online and typing is not a prohibition. My pot on Amazon is closed for business as it should be but ywn is open to make more gelt and that is a violation of the Torah

  9. I think any Poseik who’s asked should a Jewish news aggregator be open for profit on chol hamoed would say unequivocally no.

    I was not discussing working on chol hamoed in general I was talking about this website/business. It is not complex. It is not a Davar ha’oved.

    According to many rishonim melacha on chol hamoed that is not a Davor haoved or for the purposes of the chag is ossur doraysa, according to others it’s a derabanan. It’s one or the other.
    Unnecessary ksiva on chol hamoed is not a matter of decorum, what are you talking about. it is prohibited.

    As far as your insults that is a nasty lib type tactic that avoids addressing the points that are made.

  10. “For example, work that would normally be prohibited on the festival would be allowed, A) to prevent financial loss or if B) the results of the work are needed for the festival itself. C) Work for public need is also allowed. If one has the ability to take vacation from work without financial loss during those days, he or she is normally REQUIRED to do so”

    Required to do so.

    No loss will happen by vacationing. It is not a public NEED and it is not needed for the purposes of the festival. Mr Haimovitch, Wikipedia says

    Rabboisai not building your bank account for 4 days is not a financial loss.

  11. Lbj states that before the internet, people managed the whole Chag without it. But seems from his comments that he logged on to YWN a dozen times today alone. Seems he can’t survive an hour with checking for updates. Sounds like a definite “tzorchei Y”T for some.

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