MAILBAG: Are We There Yet? Things To Keep In Mind On Chol Hamoed

With Sukkos here and the joy of Yom Tov permeating the atmosphere, we are surrounded with questions. More specifically, “What are you doing for Chol Hamoed???”

With almost 5 days of Chol Hamoed, everyone is very excited talking about over 121 different options available.

Well, before you take a trip to the 95th floor of the World Trade Center, or a Wednesday outing to the Bronx zoo, let’s keep in mind a few important items.

1) Making a kiddush hashem. As yidden, we know the world watches us. Let’s not give anyone a reason to make our Chol Hamoed outing viral.

2) Security: before you leave your house make sure to lock up your windows and doors. Set Shabbos clocks as needed and if you are leaving a car at home be sure to remove any visible items of value.

3) The world may not know what a lulav and esrog is. Yes, it’s true. Feel free to take a moment and explain it to your neighbor or a stranger at the hotel you are staying at. Who knows, maybe they’re Jewish and want their mitzva too!

Going to a hotel!? Before popping up your sukkah, maybe kindly ask the front desk if it’s okay to do so, and explain why you want to do it.

4) Driving & Parking: This may come as a shock to some, but the whole world doesn’t operate like Brooklyn. If you are traveling, be aware of the road around you. When parking don’t double park or use a handicapped spot – even if it’s “just for a minute.”

5) Trash belongs in trash cans. Keep in mind that our packaging and wrappers are unique. No need to leave a mess behind.

6) LEAVE ENOUGH TIME! Every year there are stories of people getting stuck at entertainment venues or in traffic close to the zman. Pay attention to closing times and Zmanim.

Name withheld upon request

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Very well said. Thank you
    One point, though: Chol Hamoed is four days, not five. Hoshana Rabba is not chol hamoed; it is a yom tov, and a pretty serious one at that. Yes, I know you have children who need to be “entertained”. That doesn’t make the day chol hamoed. Children need to be “entertained” on Sukkos, Simchas Torah, Rosh Hashana, etc…but those days aren’t chol hamoed, and neither is hoshana rabba.

  2. “This may come as a shock to some, but the whole world doesn’t operate like Brooklyn.If you are traveling, be aware of the road around you. When parking don’t double park or use a handicapped spot – even if it’s “just for a minute…..Trash belongs in trash cans….”

    BUT I guess once you return to Brooklyn from your Moed outing, its ok to double park in front of a fire hydrant, use a handicapped spot (even if you are not handicapped), and thrown trash wherever (since its a real burden to use a trash can).

  3. 4 days of chol hamoed, unless you keep one day yom tov in eretz yisrael. Hashanah Rabah is yom hadin and definitely no time for frivolous tiyulim

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