VIDEO: Neturei Karta’s Sickening Attempt To Sabotage Simchas Bais Hashoeiva Thwarted

The Monsey Fire Department deployed numerous resources on Monday – but not for a fire. Instead, the response was for an intentional spill of foul-smelling sludge at the site of the planned Chabad Simchas Bais HaShoeiva at Monsey’s Park & Ride.

The culprits? The notorious malcontents from the extremist “Neturei Karta” sect, who annually protest Chabad’s simchas bais hashoeiva at the site.

As first reported by Monsey Scoop, Neturei Karta attempted to sabotage the event this year by spilling odorous chemicals at the Park & Ride, making the area unusable.

Thankfully, despite Neturei Karta’s sickening move, the event will go on, thanks to the Monsey Fire Department and Town of Ramapo Highway Department.

Its members are working to quickly remove all of the sewage from the site, allowing the joyous event to go on as scheduled.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

43 Responses

  1. Not being from NY (Baruch Hashem) can anyone explain what this is about?
    Why does Neturei Karta specifically target this Chabad Simchas Bais hashoeva?

  2. The Naturei Karta ימח שמם וזכרונם must be locked up for life without possibility of parole, in a pit filled to the brim with their heinous foul-smelling sludge. This is know as:- Taste of their own medicine.

  3. If there is evidence as to who did this, we should expect charges to be filed.
    If there is no evidence, we should expect a slander lawsuit against YWN.
    I’m not sure which to hope for as either way has some pretty bad ramifications

  4. This is a new one on me. What does Neturei Karta have against Chabad? They’re not known to be serious Zionists. They are obviously chazeirim just like their counterparts in E”Y, but Chabad? Strange…

  5. So, so sad that Yidin can act in this manner. There is no justification whatsoever! I wish someday somehow they will come to their senses.

  6. While the articles on YWN have an overt pro-Zionist slant, the editor clearly blew his load on this article, and so I am left with no choice but to respond.

    Every ben Torah acknowledges (albeit some reluctantly) that the “extremist” Neturei Karta are but the shlichim of the Gedolei HaDor שליט”א. Literally EVERY SINGLE GODOL of the previous generations who has encountered the holy askonim of the Neturei Karta has affirmed how absolutely correct and essential they are in the battle against the Zionist avoda zara, from Reb Reuven Grozovsky to Reb Elchonon Wasserman הי”ד to the Brisker Rav and Rav Shach זצוקללה”ה.

    Even the “moderate” and “mainstream’ Rav Aharon Schechter זצ”ל commented regarding the upstanding members of Neturei Karta screaming “Nazi” at the IDF soldiers walking through Meah Shearim: “If the Neturei Karta fully grasped how wicked the Zionists really are, they would suffice with screaming at them “Tziyonim!!”

    And while I have no interest in dumping on Chabad ח”ו, the last Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Schneerson ז”ל was a total daas yochid whose massive campaigns and changes to Chabad chassidus were not approved of by other Gedolim and went against rov minyan u’binyan of the Gedolei HaDor.

    In fact, the רשכבה”ג Rav Shach זצוקלה”ה ironically spoke the harshest words against Lubavitch not for the messianism issue, but for being פורש מין הציבור. The readers of YWN can see it for themselves on Youtube.

    So while I myself might not have the כוחות to perform the acts of קנאות that Neturei Karta do, I can rest assured that the only “extremists” are the wayward Yidden whom as a result of being contaminated by Zionist heresy blow their wads on the holy askonim of Neturei Karta שליט”א.

    Rabbosai, don’t shoot the messenger. Do your final teshuva on Hoshana Rabba, and may you all have a freilichen yuntif. 🙂

  7. The article just repeated verbatim everything that was written in the “Monsey Scoop”. Besides not proving that “malcontents from the extremist “Neturei Karta” sect” were the culprits there’s always two sides to a story.

  8. Stop defending chabad apikorsims ! They are not part of the charedi community and do not belong to Torah and Judaism at all ! They are minims and apikorsims. Just the fact that the crazy leader canceled the mitzva of sleeping in the succah makes them mumarims ! Stop being the accomplices of theses Neo Christian mercenaries. Chabad is an abomination

  9. These neturei karta may be wrong, but WHY, WHY does YWN have to post such loshon hora?!!! who is gaining from this information??!! it doesn;t help anyone to know about this or at least the fact that it was neturei karta who did it!

  10. @Yossi; Firstly, while all the gedolim fought against the Zionists one way or other, even the original Netura Karta headed by the famous Rabbi Amrom Blau, was at odds with many if not most gedolim at the time.
    The modern day Netura Karta, however, while it is an offspring of the original one, must not be compared to the latter. As Rabbi Amrom would have never glorified our sworn enemies like the head of Hamas and president of Iran.
    I still don’t know who and why the Chabbad Chol Hamoed event was targeted, but please don’t say they have the endorsement of ANY gedolim past or present.

  11. Kuvult, I am from NY, from Monsey for that matter, and I can honestly tell you that if not for reading this story I wouldn’t have known about this either. They are a bunch of misfits who do not have the guidance of any rav despite what Yossi Name Edited will tell you. I don’t think he can give one valid source for the quotes he quoted except for the Rav Shach one, but that has nothing to do with NK. Here in Monsey they are known as crazy people who do nothing but stand on street corners screaming like lunatics making a chilul Hashem. No one pays much attention to them. In this incident they obviously went too far and should be arrested and prosecuted. What they have against Chabad? Who knows? They are against everyone except themselves.

  12. The articles mentions “Chabad” (who happen to have been the victims of an attack). Pavlov Dogs hear the word “Chabad” and come crawling out from the slime to start howling in unison.

    Triggered by the word “Chabad” in this article, their mouths foam with hatred against Jews.

    Like all anti-semites and sonei yisroel, they fulfill the halacha b’hidur of Eisov

    One day, Chabad will put tefillin on the tattooed hand of their son and invite their daughter with her gentile boyfriend to a shabbos meal. On that day, the rabid dogs will stop howling and scamper off in shame, tails between their legs.

  13. @Yossi, I do believe that Neturei Karta are well intentioned, but they do not follow Daas Torah.

    I find it quite telling that the gedoilim they mention as supporting their stance (and you have also done this) are all not alive today.

    Even the Satmar Rebbe, who they claim to follow, didn’t advocate for taking the public actions that they engage in.

    The Satmar Rebbe had tremendous Avavas Yisroel for every Yid, whereas the NT see our estranged brothers as the enemy.

  14. Every member of the Neturei Karta is a RODAIF.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a MOSAIR.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a CHILLUL HASHEM.
    Every member of the Neturei Karta is a SHONDA FOR THE G0Y1M.
    When will Jews get SERIOUS about stopping this very dangerous evil?

    The Neturei Karta want evil bloodthirsty Arab murderers
    to rule over 100% of Eretz Yisrael,
    which would then become 100% Judenrein (100% free of Jews).
    When will good Jews take serious actions against the Neturei Karta?

  15. “Yossi Name Edited” made overall statements that are not true
    Every gadol was against israel and pro Niturai Karta – not true
    R Yitzchak Elchanan, Netziv, others in the 1800s were paid chovavei tziyon members, and in the 1900s there were plenty on both sides. As the Satmar Rav told Scoop Jackson, “Sometimes families fight, but Heaven forbid anyone should get hurt”.
    The complexity of the situation being wrapped with “Everyone agrees” is not honest. imho

  16. Rebetzin.. Chabad believe the end justifies the means

    This is against the opinion of practically all gedolim.

    The end does not justify the means!
    particularly when the ends are not guaranteed.

  17. Yossi
    The phrases you used are vulgarities and have no place on a frum website (I don’t know how the mods allowed it). I will be don l’kav zchus that you are just ignorant (in more ways than one)

  18. Rebetzin aka daaton kalos

    Was Rav Schach a sonei Yisroel?

    Ppl feel bad for Chabad they may laugh at Chabad they don’t hate them.

    Chabad are very much cultish. They do their own thing and yes are poresh min hatzibur

  19. The Book “In Their Shadow” part 1 makes it clear that no such blanket endorsement of the Kanoim and Neturei Karta existed, even when they were opposing secular Zionists instead of frum Jews. The Brisker Rav zt”l threatened to move out of Yerushalayim when the neturei karta wanted to protest outside the house of the Chazon Ish. The book also mentions how one of the kannoim pushed the Chazon Ish, and died within the year.

  20. Rav Shach ZT”L, while he was strongly against Chabad, never supported hooliganism or terrorism of other groups. That’s not the litvish way.

  21. Ibj, you wrote: “Rebetzin aka daaton kalos, Was Rav Schach a sonei Yisroel?”

    How dare you question if Rav Schach was Chas Vsholom a…!!!

    To defile the name of Rav Schach while promoting your anti-semitism is disgusting.

    When someone lacks kovod haTorah and hates fellow Jews, he ends up not only mocking Chabad but also Rav Schach and ALL gedolei yisroel. Hate is hate – without bounderies.

  22. What NK do seems abhorrent
    They are our brothers
    To me it’s like having a sibling who
    is a criminal
    Some of us will disown them some not
    HOWEVER if there was a fire in their home C V S we would try save them before we helped others
    We need to be against what others DO
    NK Chabad whoever
    but not against them THEMSELVES they are all our brothers
    As far as Chabad inviting our daughters who married out
    That’s the proverbial line in the sand non of us should be inviting them for a Shabbos meal
    Our parents have been slaughtered to keep the links in our Jewish chain complete
    When we marry out and still get accepted it spits in the eyes of our lineage who gave up their lives for Yiddishkeit

  23. Hmm who to hate on? The Chabad are pathetic, Zionist leftist Chilonim are pathetic and Netirei Karta are equally as evil as Hitler. They’re all Ashkenaz though 🤔

  24. I don’t the “Neturei Karta” of today have the same ideals as those of Rav Amram Blau, and thr Lubavitch of today are not like a few generations ago. Yidden should stop opposing each other. If you don’t like ’em don’t join ’em, but, don’t fight them ether.

  25. I don’t think the “Neturei Karta” of today have the same ideals as those of Rav Amram Blau, and thr Lubavitch of today are not like a few generations ago. Yidden should stop opposing each other. If you don’t like ’em don’t join ’em, but, don’t fight them ether.

  26. Dear YWN,
    Was i not right just look through the comments on this article and you see how much loshon hora and probably moitze shem ra and just general UNESSECARY hate, what for!?! who gained from this article being posted the only thing that came out was prevention of geulah!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. When one compares anyone to hitler yemach shemo or a Nazi
    They have little understanding of what went on in the first half of the twentieth century
    It belittles what the Germans did

  28. While your busy spreading hate and sinas
    Hinom on Chabad, they’re busy spreading love, mitvah, torah and love of hashem to Jews all around the world. Nobody can say they have ahavas Israel like a Chabad hassid has. Maybe that’s why you say they’re poresh min hatsibour. I’ve never Seen people as great and kind as Chabad hassidim. Baroukh HASHEM we have Chabad. Most Jews stand on this today. Thank you HASHEM. Thank you rebbe for your beautiful torah. Thank you Baal Shem tov for your hassidus. For the rest of self hating Jews, I wish you all refouah shelema and to be meikarev to ahavat hinam like Chabad
    A gut moed!!!
    יחי אדוננו מורינו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד

  29. Chabad has the greatest level of love for a Jew. While your busy spitting hate, stupidities and nonsense from your phone, Chabad hassidim around the world are spreading love, mitzvahs, torah and HASHEM to all Jews worldwide. Baroukh HASHEM they’re are still good people like this in the world. Maybe the reason you say they’re poresh Mon hatisbour is because you’ve never seen such great people! Yes it’s shocking to have Jews live in Bangladesh and Pakistan for the few precisous Jews that live there. Baroukh HASHEM we have hassidus. Thank you HASHEM. Thank you rebbe for your torah. Thank you Baal Shem tov for hassidus
    . I wish you all refeoua shelema . Bzh you should be meikarev to chabads love of Jews amen. A gut moed
    Yechi hamelech

  30. Ibj, ראה את המציאה ונפל עליה, why does he fall on it, let him just pick it up and it is his?! Answer: He saw a מציאה and he was so excited about it that he completely lost his ability to think and function al pi Torah. He lost his mind and he dropped himself on it.

    When you see the word “Chabad” you are ראה את המציאה, you lose your mind and ability to act al pi Torah. Instead of picking up the מציאה, and being קונה it, you are נפל עליה all the way to שאול תחתית, like קורח ועדתו, who spoke against משה רבינו.

    Nebech on you and a shanda on your parents that produced such spoiled fruit.

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