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Shelly Silver Blasts NYPD Security Proposal For WTC

shelly s.jpgIn regards to the NYPD security proposal to secure the World Trade Center once it’s rebuilt, has come under attack by Shelly Silver. [One item on the security list was that the NYPD wanted to photograph each license plate as it enters Manhattan – reported HERE on YWN].

The NY Post reports: 

An NYPD proposal to strictly control access to the World Trade Center once it’s rebuilt has come under fire from Assembly Speak Sheldon Silver, who warned against what he called overzealous security plans that could create “another war zone.”

Sheldon Silver, who represents lower Manhattan, said the security proposal by the Police Department runs counter to the master plan for Ground Zero, which calls for reopening the street grid and creating a vibrant, 24/7 community.

“This is an NYPD wish list, and it’s not a security plan,” Silver said of the proposal, which would ring the World Trade Center with guard booths and barriers, allowing only specially screened cars and taxis.

Silver said he doesn’t want a repeat of the closing of Park Row, alongside Police Headquarters, after 9/11, which he said devastated businesses in Chinatown.

“Based on that experience, I think we have to not create another war zone,” he said.

13 Responses

  1. I’m sure Mr. Silver means well, but i’ll trust the judgement of Ray Kelly and his department. These are insane times with threats from lunatics to harm us all… comming all the time.

  2. I don’t take anything this Weitz & Luxemberg (sp?) ambulance chaser says seriously. I don’t care that he is a yid. My political beliefs are if Sheldon is against it, it’s probably a good thing for us to support.

  3. To the Hon. Sheldon Silver, Esq., from a Yeshiva Chaver (Yeshivas Rabeinu Yaakov Yosef, 1956) who now lives in another city:
    Best wishes for Brachah VeHatzlachah.

  4. “…but i’ll trust the judgement of Ray Kelly and his department.”

    Poster #1 are u nuts. Under the “leadership” of Ray Kelly the NYPD has been run to the ground. Look at the cop that patrols ur area or that pulls u over next time. Compare his appearance with that of say a state trooper or a cop from another state. Please! Half of them can’t even speak english anymore or are below average intelligence. Good cops are looking elsewere and crime is going up. Let them find a more competent agency to do security there.

  5. #4, the reason is simple. Many frum people see Shelly’s support of liberal ideas as something that goes against their values. Many frum people are poltically conservative because they are not fearful of religion. Please don’t misunderstand me; I am not suggesting Sheldon is anti-religion (heaven forbid).

    I personally hold the belief that liberals are liberals before anything else – including religion. That’s a major problem because many things democrats support and will fight to death over go against traditional Jewish values and halacha. Again, I’m not suggesting that checking identities is rooted in Torah. This is a general observation of liberal views.

    Does that make conservative political view perfect? No. They do stupid things too. But political conservatives are more in line with our values – belief in a Creator, belief in moral and ethical laws, etc.

  6. charliehall,

    Your political theory is off the wall. American conservatism today comes from the ideology of William F. Buckley Jr. a true Oheiv Yisroel, if any gentile ever was one, not the characters you mentioned. American conservatism today espouses conservative religious values far more than their leftist liberal counterparts, who you are fans of.

    And Alan Greenspan is an economic conservative.

    Of course these facts don’t fit your leftist ideals, so feel free to fardrei it to your liking, however untrue that may be.

  7. #5 JBC – To start and to be polite, I consider myself far from nuts, as you have so eloquently stated. Ray Kelly takes his marching orders from Michael Bloomberg. I will give you credit for some of your comments regarding the quality and appearance of some of the newer NYPD officers. This blame should not fall on Ray Kelly but on the social times, affirmative action and the legal challenges to recruitment standards. On this point I agree but what can we do? We are forced to live in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic society where the laws favor giving everyone a chance to become a police officer with the old rules of education/height, etc. going down the tubes. My question to you is, since you found my support of Ray Kelly objectionable, what better idea do you have? The World Trade Center area is a war zone. America was attacked and that area is indeed Ground Zero of that attack. As a Jewish American and a decorated veteran of the Viet Nam era, quite frankly, I wouldn’t mind seeing armed soldiers with live ammunition stationed around the City and particularly in that area. It is also my understanding that unless there are extreme circumstances, that is not allowed. The liberals in our society have contributed to the mess that we have with security, worrying about every little nuance and infringement in peoples’ privacy. I for one would rather be infringed upon and safe than make a political point as the liberals are doing. If the government wants to listen into my phone conversations, let them. I am not a threat to my country and have nothing to hide. If they want to photograph my license plate, let them. I have four vehicles; all are legally registered/insured and I drive with a valid driver’s license. Last but not least, Shelly Silver is squawking; what are his great ideas to secure the World Trade Center? And, what is your suggestion to secure the World Trade Center? Respectfully (and not nuts) 12786.

  8. i dont security is a political matter. as much as i respect shelly silver for the interests on new york state and new yorkers(city), i diasagree with him with regard to this security matter. kelly’s recommendations are to followed to the ‘t’.

  9. TO POST#1 – 12786

    12786 – While your service to our country is very much appreciated. As a soldier and one who has fought in battles, u should understand why Ray Kelly is at fault, (u can also add Bloomberg as well) for the way the NYPD is headed. Discipline and high proffessional standards are extremely important in any para-military organization. They need to make quick decisions and need to command the respect of the people to carry them out. Compare our police with say the state troopers, (not a bad choice by the way for the WTC security), or any PD outside the city or state and I think u will know what I mean. A police commissioner who cannot make a move w/o marching orders from the mayor is inept which will hinder the performance of the good officers. The police must be independent from the mayor or we have Tammany Hall all over again.

    My post before was not a support of Silver as it was more of a beware of Kelly. For all of the reasons that both u & I posted, the security of the WTC site should not be handled by the NYPD. U have the state troopers, or the Port Authority Police, which by the owns the site of the WTC.

    Hey, I did say u were nuts but I never said u were stupid. Hope to see ur response.

  10. charliehall,

    The Republican Party does not tolerate anti-semitism as the Democrat Party does with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al.

    Bill Buckley is an originalist. No two conservatives are alike. Yes he supported the Panama Canal deal and was not a big fan of Iraq. But he defines American Conservatism. He is the father of modern conservatism.

    Ann Coulter is a crank. Many conservatives, like Buckley, are more than happy to debate any liberal.

  11. JBC – I agree with some of your thoughts regarding the independent operation of the NYPD, but Ray Kelly serves at the pleasure of the Mayor, but the way things have always been is that the Mayor calls the final shots as far as policy, as was the unfortunate case when David Dinkins allowed a riot to go unchecked for three days in 1991 and the police had their hands tied. The NYPD is a large force; the Port Authority is a much smaller force, and although I don’t doubt their competence, I question their ability to supply the necessary manpower to protect such an important symbol of American freedom. Yes, you’re correct. The Port Authority does own it, but it does all fall within the City of New York and the NYPD has the manpower – good or bad. What are your thoughts about the National Guard loaded with live ammo protecting this and other sites, as they did post-911? I had the occasion to drive past the World Trace Center between 10 and 15 minutes before the first plane struck and, although safe, was stuck on Manhattan Island until 7:00 that night, when I was finally allowed out over the 59th Street Bridge. Although we do not live in a military state, I think the National Guard should be employed to show the seriousness of how we here in America want to protect our citizens and our symbols. Last but not least, it is my feeling that Ray Kelly as Police Commissioner has been particularly good to the Jewish Community. Let us not forget that. He gives the boys in Boro Park, Williamsburgh and Crown Heights lots of latitude. Respectfully, 12786 and still not nuts.

  12. To 12786:

    Giving the boys “in Boro Park, Williamsburgh and Crown Heights lots of latitude” – I’m not so sure thats such a great idea. Funny that u bring up the Crown Hights riots. Do u remember who the police commissioner was at that time? Ray Kelly. That aside, if the Port Authoriy owns that site, let them decide who and how it should be secured. I just feel that a symbol such as that cannot have their security in the hands of an organization that is hamstrung with politics.

    Your Truly, JBC.

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