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Kiamisha, NY: Concord Hotel Project Wins Community Support

casino.jpgConcord Redevelopment Project supporters showed up at the Thompson Town Hall in droves Tuesday to demonstrate to Sullivan County Industrial Development Agency board members the project’s worth, and to encourage them to approve all tax incentives sought by developers Cappelli Enterprises, Inc, and Empire Resorts, Inc.

Some 200 residents, business owners, local officials, and construction workers from the Concord site, showed at the public hearing, one held just days before a decision will be made as to which tax incentives will be given to Cappelli.

Concord Raceway Empire Corporation and Concord Associates are asking the Sullivan County IDA for nearly $85 million in tax abatement’s following the multi-phase Concord project, which includes a new Monticello Gaming & Raceway operation, a 1500-room hotel and conference center, and renovations to its existing golf courses.

The total proposed cost of the project surpasses the $1 billion mark, and is expected by many to bring thousands of jobs to the area, and help stabilize the county workforce and economy.

Pattern for Progress President Jonathan Drapkin spoke in favor of the project.

“Derelict and faded resorts are this county’s Brownfields,” explained Pattern for Progress President Jonathan Drapkin.  “The footprint of this project is not hundreds of pristine acres, but rather a sad reminder of a bygone era.”  Drapkin added that is project will “breathe new life into the county.”

Vice President of Planning and Marketing at Orange Regional Medical Center Rosemary Frado also praised the project for economic reasons.  She noted the county’s current unemployment rate is the highest in the state at over six percent, and that there is a direct connection between that and health.

“Without jobs, there is no healthcare, and without healthcare, people put off accessing healthcare until there is an emergency situation or until it evolves into a more serious chronic condition.”

Several business owners, including Gary Schmidt of Schmidt Wholesalers in Monticello, praised also praised the venture.  “People need rooms, a place to stay in the county so that they’re money stays in Sullivan County.  This project will give us direct rooms onsite.  This project will give us the growth we need to let Sullivan County shine again, like in the old days, but only better.  Let’s get this project done.”

The Sullivan County IDA board will be voting on the tax abatement application Thursday evening.


3 Responses

  1. I’ve been comming to Sullivan county since 1957. Will someone explain to me how all of this additional traffic will fit on to the roads as they now are. If route 17 were to be widened that alone could cause a traffic nightmare lasting for years. I must admit after 30+ years of talking about revitalizing this depressed area this is the closest to doing something that has ever been done. The present summer bungalow/hotel/camp visiters will not at all benefit from this project and the traffic mess it will create. Also if too much tax abatements are given how will Sullivan county really gain? The county is repressed and needs revenue… I ask who was responsible for taking away the railroads that once were there and could now be important to the summer and year round residents as a viable way to get to this area?

  2. #3 Flatbusher – I am not complaining, merely stating that there is an inadequate infrastructure in place to accommodate what may be, and I repeat MAY BE, a large influx of traffic to an already congested area. As far as the tax abatement goes, and the creation of jobs, yes, some local will get jobs but my guess is because of the quality of the labor pool in that area, anyone requiring above-average skills may be imported from elsewhere, as was the case in Atlantic City. Speaking of Atlantic City, how much did the local businesses, other than those directly on the boardwalk, benefit from the increase in visitors? Travel one block away from the boardwalk and you’re back in the dark ages. Respectfully 12786

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