YERIDAS HADOROS: Senate Ditches Dress Code As Fetterman Chooses Casual Clothes

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

The stuffy Senate is now a bit less formal.

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Monday that staff for the chamber’s Sergeant-at-Arms — the Senate’s official clothes police — will no longer enforce a dress code on the Senate floor. The change comes after Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman has been unapologetically wearing shorts as he goes about his duties, voting from doorways so he doesn’t get in trouble for his more casual attire.

“There has been an informal dress code that was enforced,” Schumer said in a statement. “Senators are able to choose what they wear on the Senate floor. I will continue to wear a suit.”

Schumer did not mention Fetterman in his statement about the dress code, which will only apply to senators, not staff.

The changes prompted outrage from some of the chamber’s more formal members, eroding a bit of the good will that first-term Fetterman had earned earlier this year when he checked himself into the hospital for clinical depression. He won bipartisan praise for being honest about his diagnosis, which came in the wake of a stroke he suffered on the campaign trail last year. When he returned from treatment, he started donning the more casual clothes, which he says make him more comfortable.

Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall, a Republican, said it’s a “sad day in the Senate” and that the people who Fetterman and Schumer represent should be embarrassed.

“I represent the people of Kansas, and much like when I get dressed up to go to a wedding, it’s to honor the bride and groom, you go to a funeral you get dressed up to honor the family of the deceased,” Marshall said. Senators should have a certain level of decorum, he added.

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine agreed, arguing that the relaxed rules debase the institution of the Senate. “I plan to wear a bikini tomorrow to the Senate floor,” Collins joked.

Walking to Monday evening’s vote in a short-sleeved button-down shirt and shorts, Fetterman said he wasn’t sure if he’d take advantage of the new rules just yet.

“It’s nice to have the option, but I’m going to plan to be using it sparingly and not really overusing it,” he said.

Asked about the criticism, Fetterman feigned mock outrage.

“They’re freaking out, I don’t understand it,” he said of his critics. “Like, aren’t there more important things we should be working on right now instead of, you know, that I might be dressing like a slob?”

When Fetterman reached the Senate floor, he still voted from the doorway. “Baby steps,” he told reporters as he got on the elevator to go back to his office.

Not all Republicans were upset about the change. Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley was wearing jeans, boots and no tie on Monday evening, an outfit he says he normally wears when he flies in from his home state for the first votes of the week.

“Now I can vote from the Senate floor on Mondays,” Hawley said, noting that he usually wears a suit and tie every other day.

Nearby, Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy was also tieless. The Democrat said he’s been reprimanded by Sergeant-at-Arms staff in the past for not wearing a tie on the floor.

“They would tell us when we were doing it wrong,” Murphy said.

It’s unclear if the rules for more formal attire were actually written down anywhere, but Schumer’s directive means that staff will no longer scold senators for their choice of clothing or ask them to vote from the doorway.

For Fetterman, his signature hoodies and gym shorts were a sign of his recovery. Before he checked himself into the hospital, his staff had asked him to always wear suits, which he famously hates. But after a check with the Senate parliamentarian upon his return in April, it became clear that he could continue wearing the casual clothes that were often his uniform back at home in Pennsylvania, as long as he didn’t walk on to the Senate floor. He still wears suits to committee meetings when they are required.

In recent weeks, the Pennsylvania senator has become more comfortable joking around in the hallways and answering reporters’ questions. His words are still halting sometimes due to his stroke and an auditory processing disorder that makes it harder to speak fluidly and process spoken conversation. He uses iPads and iPhones in conversations that transcribe spoken words in real time.

“I think we should all want to be more comfortable,” Fetterman told a group of reporters on Monday. “And now we have that option, and if people prefer to wear a suit, then that’s great.”


11 Responses

  1. This news website never misses a chance to put down a Democrat. It is a pitty that the only ethical party is the party that you hate so much. Your Judaism has lost its way. Do Teshuvah this year. It’s long overdue.

  2. This news website never misses a chance to put down a Democrat. It is a pity that the only ethical party is the party that you hate so much. Your Judaism has lost its way. Do Teshuvah this year. It’s long overdue.

  3. MJW, you are out of your mind. If you don’t like that YWN puts down Democrats, that’s one thing, and you’re entitled to your opinion about that. But to call the Democrat Party ethical? Wow.

    Is woke transgenderism “ethical”? Is cashless bail and its resultant crime chaos “ethical”? Is the encouragement of drug-addict homelessness “ethical”? Is weaponizing the IRS, FBI, DOJ etc. to quell democratic life and discourse “ethical”? Is forcing gay pride nonsense on everyone else “ethical”? Is sexualizing children “ethical”? Is firing people for not wearing useless masks “ethical”? Should I stop now…

    I repeat, you are out of your mind.

  4. Mark, you have a chutzpah talking about our Judaism losing its way! Anyone who thinks Democrats are ethical has no idea what Judaism is. You are surely one of those heretics who has replaced Judaism with “social justice” and “tikum olam”, which are the exact opposite of Judaism.

    There is no such thing as an ethical Democrat. Every Democrat is an enemy of Hashem and His people. Every one. The mere act of joining the Democrat Party is a public declaration that one has no portion in the G-d of Israel.

  5. 147, JFK did NOT do away with hats. It’s a silly myth that is easily disproven. Hats simply went out of fashion in the late 1950s. JFK did wear one at his inauguration, but at less formal events he often didn’t, just like everyone else.

    The whole concern about this dress code is silly. The senate will not make worse decisions just because it no longer has a dress code. The only issue I have with it is that if they’re dropping it for senators, why are they still enforcing it on staffers? Why does a staffer have to dress nicer than the senator he serves?

  6. mark,

    It’s funny how every time YWN puts down a democrat, the democrats cry “They always put down democrats”

    Whenever YWN puts down a republican, the republicans cry “They always put down republicans”

    Same is with every article they write about Trump or Biden. You always have someone crying about how liberal/Trumpist YWN is.

    These posters are a bunch of little children.

    It’s beautiful to use a news platform that is comfortable with pointing out the problems on both sides of the aisle.

    Thank you YWN!

  7. Is this the esteemed US Senate where Republicans had a hearing on Book Band Defenders where the Republican Senators used inappropriate scenes and language to make their point one week ago ?

    Senator Kennedy was a major offender at the hearing and he should have his mouth and brain washed out with soap.

  8. Jackk, YOU should have your brain washed out. Kennedy was 100% right and did the right thing that ANY DECENT PERSON would have done. If you object to what he did you are not a decent person. The people who insist that these books must be on the shelf in elementary school libraries and assigned reading in elementary schools, and that the parents should have no right to have them removed, should be forced to listen to exactly what is in them and openly say yes, that is what 10-year-olds should be reading. As should you, since you evidently believe that too. You want 10-year-olds to read filth at school, then you should be forced to hear it read out loud to you.

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