THANK YOU: A Message From YWN As We Conclude 5783 And Enter Our 20th Year

As the year 5783 comes to a close and Yeshiva World News enters its 20th year, we would like to take a few moments to reflect on the tragedies and triumphs this year has presented, as well as the people that are near and dear to us.

From exhilarating simchos that invigorated the spirit of Klal Yisroel, to heartbreaking tragedies and catastrophes that befell some of us and our brothers and sisters, we stood together as one, united by our allegiance to the Torah and our beautiful shared heritage. Despite our divisions and issues that sometimes appear to crack our fraternity, we are ultimately and truly unified as we forge forward together, K’ish Echad B’Lev Echad.

First and foremost among the many who are owed our thanks is the Ribono Shel Olam for the incredible Chesed He has performed for us personally. Upon YWN’s founding twenty years ago, we never could have imagined the success that Hashem would lavish us with, and for that we and both grateful and deeply humbled.

Our hearts brim with gratitude as well for the 100s of thousands of readers across the globe who visit YWN, patronize our advertisers, and continue to make us the #1 site across the globe for breaking news geared toward frum people. Without you, the reader’s, participation in this journey, our 20th year would have never become a reality.

We are deeply appreciative of the 75,000+ people who have signed up to the YWN WhatsApp Groups and YWN WhatsApp Status, the more than 70,000 who follow @YWN on Twitter, the nearly 100,000 who follow @TheYeshivaWorld on Instagram, and the tens of thousands who follow @YeshivaWorldNews on Facebook. As with our website, your involvement is the ultimate key to our success.

To our thousands of advertisers: Thank you for placing your trust in us to deliver the results you need, and may you have overflowing Bracha and Hatzlacha in 5784.

Last but not least, we express our deepest gratitude for the devoted and talented YWN team members who keep YWN ticking day in and day out.

With offices in Baltimore, New York, Canada, Lakewood, Florida and Jerusalem, our team members are at work literally around the clock, and we are endlessly appreciative of their efforts.

The sales team – Chaim, Chayale (with an “E”), David, Hadassah, Yoshi, Avi, Daniel, Shalom, Tamara, Serena, Aron, Esti, Yisroel, Sruly, and Avraham – are the engine of YWN’s operations, and without them, our entire team’s efforts would be for naught.

Special thanks to the staff at the Baltimore Headquarters (Chaim C.) and our tech team in Israel (headed by Daniel G.) and Canada (Shalom S.) for their incredible dedication and tireless work on the technical end to ensure that YWN always stays ahead of the curve in every way possible.

We would also like to express our deepest thanks to our roster of reporters, the YWN Israel Bureau staff (led by Sara R.), office personnel, and our photo & video staff, including: Hillel Engel, Yehuda Boltshauser (the ENTIRE STAFF at Kuvien Images & YWN Israel), PhotoDynamics, and the rest of the team, for capturing as much footage as possible that would be of interest to the YWN readership.

A special thanks is also owed to our incredible social media editors led by Moshe Schwartz, Sruly W., and B.G., whose extremely difficult jobs are performed with an alacrity and efficiency that exceed even our wildest expectations.

Once again, thank you to everyone for reading Yeshiva World News, and making this site THE undisputed leader in news for frum Jews anywhere in the world.

May Hashem grant us all a year of prosperity, health, security, and safety, and may we have the Zechus of reporting the arrival of Moshiach!

Kesiva Vechasima Tova to all!

ויהי רצון שתזכו לכתיבה וחתימה טובה לחיים טובים וארוכים בספרן של צדיקים גמורים

YWN Editor

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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