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PALPABLE HATRED: MSNBC Liberal Insists That “Donald Trump MUST Die In Prison”

In a recent escalation of rhetoric against former President Donald Trump, Dean Obeidallah, a SiriusXM radio host and MSNBC columnist, insisted that Trump “must die in prison.” Obeidallah’s comments came during a discussion with his guest, Mediaite reporter Tommy Christopher, who raised concerns about a perceived double standard in political discourse.

The discussion began when Christopher pointed out the lack of significant backlash when Nikki Haley, a 2024 Republican presidential candidate, insinuated in a July interview with Fox News that President Joe Biden, due to his age, might not complete his term in office.

Christopher then posed a hypothetical scenario: What if Biden were to suggest that Trump could “die in prison” if he faced incarceration for any of his legal troubles?

Obeidallah’s response went further than the hypothetical scenario. He asserted, “I think Donald Trump must die in prison because – I don’t care if he was 45 years old. You should get life in prison if you attempt a coup, and there should be no chance of parole.” He continued, “I don’t care who it is.”

The radio host clarified that he was not advocating for Trump’s murder but rather a life sentence so lengthy that Trump would pass away from natural causes. His stance stems from the belief that such a severe punishment would send a clear message to the public about the consequences of attempting to undermine the democratic republic of the United States.

Over the weekend, Obeidallah shared a Mediaite article that referred to him as a “liberal host,” confirming his position on the matter.

Obeidallah’s rhetoric comes at a time when concerns about Trump’s health and safety heading into the 2024 election have been raised. In a recent interview, Trump was asked about his fears regarding attempts on his life, to which he responded, “They’re savage animals; they’re people that are sick.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. And all the filthy TREASONOUS America-hating Marxist swines of MSNBC,CNN, N.Y TIMES, must die by hanging from the gallows (after being convicted of high treason)

  2. Chugi: Federal law no longer provides for capital punishment by hanging. Also, perhaps educate yourself on the provisions of CFR in re the federal crime of “treason” since it became the Trumpkopf’s favorite rant for anyone who criticized him (he/she is guilty of treason (for having criticized me )
    Finally, and most important, while Yidden do not ordinarily adopt “New Year’s Resolutions”, you might consider reprogramming your boilerplate post which says the same stupid thing irrespective of the issue or post.
    Otherwise, Shana tova

  3. Dorah,

    Most normal people would be more than happy if you lived out your final days in a hospice (no later than the February 12, 2023). Do you recall that beautiful “boomerang” post of yours from earlier this year?

    Otherwise, Shana tova!

  4. Dofi: I remember it well (along with the obvious context of being careful about wishing ill on others).

    A gutten yar to you too.

  5. Gadolhadorah.
    If you object to the way we proposed to execute these filthy treasonous DemonRats, then no problem we have no objection to having them marched in front of a firing squad or frying them in an electric chair.
    And shana tovah to you too.
    And may Hashem enlighten you and make you realize how these DemonRat monsters are destroying our nation, physically and morally.
    How any Jew (even if not religious) can support these evil monsters, is beyond comprehension.

  6. Dorah,

    Obvious context? You violated your own made-up boomerang curse in that post. I’m surprised you’re still around to pollute this site.

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