Chosson Transported To Hospital After Injuring Foot Breaking Glass Cup Under Chupah

A chosson was injured on Monday evening during his wedding celebration when he broke a glass by stepping on it under the Chuppah in a wedding hall in Bnei Brak. United Hatzalah volunteer EMTs who were called to the scene treated the groom at the scene prior to his being transported to the hospital.

Volunteer EMT Baruch Goldberg, who was one of the first responders on the scene and provided first aid to the groom said, “The groom suffered a large and deep laceration in his foot and required immediate medical attention. I bandaged his foot at the scene after which he was transported to Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak for definitive care.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. This has happened numerous times but it seems like it’s considered “Modernisha” to fix the problem.
    I was impressed at a wedding when the glass was only covered by a cheap facemask & the Ruv of the Satmar Shul went & got a thick cloth napkin to cover it.

  2. Back in the good old days in DER ALTER HEIM, instead of stepping on glass, the CHASAN stepped on the KALLAH’S toes, much safer😂
    They claimed it was a SEGULAH for SHALOM BAYIS.
    By the way, it didn’t work out for me😒

  3. I was once at a chupa where the person in charge had wrapped up an Arcoroc / Duralex glass. As they are almost unbreakable, the choson had a hard time chasing the package round the chupa as it refused to break!

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