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DeSantis’s Surgeon General Warns AGAINST Getting Updated Covid Vaccine

Dr. Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general of Florida since 2021, delivered a cautionary message during a Thursday news conference alongside Gov. Ron DeSantis, advising individuals to exercise caution regarding the updated COVID-19 booster vaccine. The vaccine, designed to combat the BA.2.86 omicron subvariant, has not yet received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Ladapo emphasized the lack of concrete evidence supporting the new mRNA COVID-19 vaccine during the news conference.

“There’s a new vaccine that’s on the horizon, a new mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, and there’s essentially no evidence for it,” Ladapo said. “There’s been no clinical trial conducted in human subjects demonstrating its efficacy.”

Furthermore, Ladapo raised concerns about the vaccine’s safety profile, noting a lack of clinical trials confirming its safety for individuals. He pointed out multiple “red flags” associated with the updated vaccines, particularly highlighting the potential for cardiac injury in many individuals.

In a departure from traditional medical advice, the state surgeon general urged Floridians to make their own decisions based on their personal “resonance of truth” rather than relying solely on the guidance of “very educated people telling you what you should think.” He urged individuals to trust their instincts, saying, “When they try to convince you to be comfortable and agree with things that don’t feel comfortable, [that] don’t align with your values, that is a sign, right? That’s a gift.”

Instead of endorsing the use of the new vaccines, Ladapo encouraged people to prioritize healthy nutrition habits as a means of fortifying their immune systems.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. One of the few sane voices in a world of medical insanity.

    Until legislation is introduced requiring proper informed concent and against profiteering from unnecessary and often harmful medical interventions (from these jabs beyond the elderly & most at risk to the crazy trans-X operations targeting vulnerable kids r”l) ….buyer beware.

  2. My physician who has 20 years more experience than Dr. Ladapo recommends having the latest Covid vaccination when it becomes available.

  3. DeathSantis’s SG is a quack who is pro-COVID and pro-death. Any G-d fearing, halacha observing yid is required al pi halacha and according to all rabbonim to get the covid vaccine.

  4. Yet another point in favor of Desantis versus Trump. Compare Desantis’ hire against the dictatorial Fauci that Trump let loose on us.

  5. Domenick, Yaakov, and Gabe, please clarify.
    What exactly about the words “There’s been no clinical trial conducted in human subjects demonstrating its efficacy” do you not understand? What about “concerns about the vaccine’s safety profile, noting a lack of clinical trials confirming its safety for individuals … multiple “red flags” … particularly highlighting the potential for cardiac injury in many individuals” do you differ with? Have there indeed been human safety and efficacy trials for the proposed new covid shot, contrary to what the Florida SG says? If so, please produce them and enlighten us all.
    But you seem to be saying that a vaccine which has undergone zero human tests for safety or efficacy is nevertheless presumed safe and effective. You imply that it’s wrong and foolish to warn about possible dangers, and everyone should be lining up for this untested product. On what basis? You don’t say. Yaakov, how does your physician’s extra 20 years of experience make him more qualified to give an opinion on a brand new product for a new illness in a brand new world situation? Gabe, how do you have the gall to make believe that injecting ourselves with an untested product produced by a corporation with a proven history of major corruption is a Torah obligation – let alone permissible by any stretch of the imagination? You’ve got to be kidding (but I suspect you’re thoroughly brainwashed.)

  6. Domenick, Yaakov, and Gabe, please clarify.
    What exactly about the words “There’s been no clinical trial conducted in human subjects demonstrating its efficacy” do you not understand? 😰 What about “concerns about the vaccine’s safety profile, noting a lack of clinical trials confirming its safety for individuals … multiple “red flags” … particularly highlighting the potential for cardiac injury in many individuals” do you differ with? Have there indeed been human safety and efficacy trials for the proposed new covid shot, contrary to what the Florida SG says? If so, please produce them and enlighten us all.
    But you seem to be saying that a vaccine which has undergone zero human tests for safety or efficacy is nevertheless presumed safe and effective. You imply that it’s wrong and foolish to warn about possible dangers, and everyone should be lining up for this untested product. On what basis? You don’t say. Yaakov, how does your physician’s extra 20 years of experience make him more qualified to give an opinion on a brand new product for a new illness in a brand new world situation? Gabe, how do you have the gall to make believe that injecting ourselves with an untested product produced by a corporation with a proven history of major corruption is a Torah obligation – let alone permissible by any stretch of the imagination? You’ve got to be kidding (but I suspect you’re thoroughly brainwashed.)

  7. @GabeTheMagnificent: After hours if medical testimony, Kvar Horu Bes-din shel shlosha+. Three independent Batei Dininim ruled against the young, healthy & C19 recovered from taking these shots. This trumps any indidual “Rabbi’s medical opinion”.

    You are the quack. Any G-d fearing, halacha observing yid in that category must avoid thes shots at all costs and NOT take extra risk that can be Meabed es atzmo l’daas.

    The potential harms are now fully disclosed in tens of thousands of published Reports (VAERS, vigiSafe, even CDC’s own V-safe by FOIA) and independent studies, so protection Shomer Pesaim Hashem no longer applies according to Igros Moshe.

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