Matisyahu Throws Matzoh Ball For First Pitch At NY Mets Game [VIDEO]

Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu threw the first pitch at a New York Mets game using a matzoh ball. No, really.

Matisyahu was invited to throw out at a pitch at the Mets game on Sunday in celebration of Jewish Heritage Day.

When it came time to throw his pitch, the singer took a swig of chicken soup, plucked a matzoh ball out of the large bowl, and fired to home plate.

The pitch attempt was a failure, missing the strike zone by a mile, and the matzoh ball splintered into pieces as it hit the ground.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. Not baal tashchis if theres a purpose (which you can argue over).

    But its Bizayon Ochlin.

    Either way, this is the portion of jewish culture out there VS. Judaism meaning a connection to HaShem and His Torah.

    Lastly, I still feel gipped off and resentful over the guy fooling us that he’s part of us and pulls us into his style of music, reggae, …then leaves us hanging while he runs off to Hollywood… or wherever.

  2. No matter his level of frumkitehe is still a yid and there is no reason to lambast him in these comments. It is a week before Rosh HShanna. We should try to be more civil to each other.

  3. @ah Yid, when someone ridicules Yiddishkeit by throwing a matzah ball at a poor attempt at humor he deserves all the lambasting he gets.

  4. @ah yid
    I’m pretty sure the mitzvah is specifically to make fun of and embarrass rashayim, haters of Hashem and His Torah. And, this yid is , r”l, directly in that camp. (At least this is the psak of the Chofetz Chaim in Shmiras Halashon)

  5. That’s his entire Jewish heritage right there, just some plain soup topping he throws in a terrible gesture to his stagnant and dying religious affiliation. That’s what’s left from yahadus keviyachol.No Torah but heyy look at me throw this totally jeeeish thing lol aren’t I soo quirky and jewy??

  6. One day. One day. One day……

    All my life I’ve waiting for , I’ve been praying for, for the people to say:
    That we don’t wanna fight no more, there’ll be no more wars, and our children will play.

    One day. One say. One day…..

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