TRUMP CONFRONTED: “How Will You Run For President While Standing Trial?” Hear His Response

(AP Photo/Chuck Burton, File)

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt finally asked the pressing question that nobody seems to want to confront: How will Trump be able to run for president effectively if he’s on trial?

“How are you going to make these points, Mr. President, if you’re in trial?” Hewitt asked Trump directly. “I think the first trial is scheduled for March. The Atlanta trial is going to be televised. It’s going to be a mess. How are you going to be able to campaign and make these points if you’re sitting behind a defendant’s table in a courtroom?”

Trump’s answer was, essentially, “we hope the cases magically go away.”

“Well, we’ll be asking for many dismissals of many of these fake cases,” Trump responded. “Look, these cases were brought by Biden. These are campaign cases. Nobody’s done it except in banana republics. These aren’t cases. These are cases that were brought by political opponents. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it. The public gets it. That’s why I’m beating him by so much, and it’s why I’m beating every Republican by so much, among other things, to be honest, because we had a great, we had a great run as president.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


15 Responses

  1. > Amil Zola

    Even if (for the sake of argument) given your bias sentiments, it does well to remember that “Even paranoids have enemies.”

  2. @Amil
    You are Delusional

    These Court-cases will propel Trump straight into the oval office – THIS IS HIS CAMPAIGN!!
    That’s why he skips debates and doesn’t need campaigning or advertising!
    He has the best FREE advertising and campaigning of anyone ever!!!!

  3. I’m laughing at you all and your misplaced loyalty to the former president. Remember, he and his party want to eliminate/reduce your medicaid, SNAP, HUD and other government safety nets that are necessary to the lives of other frum Yidden.

  4. When I heard it’s going to be on tv i couldn’t believe it. Now he won’t have to go anywhere to Campaign. He’s going to have the entire country watching him democrats and republicans With Hashems help with this platform he’ll win by a landslide.

  5. Hey, you know I’m the greatest man on the face of the earth! In fact, nobody has ever been greater than me and so, I can do it! You’ll see! All the judges will dismiss all the cases once they see me! These are just distractions brought on by Biden and the loser Republicans, cuz ya see, they’re all just jealous! They’re jealous and envious! They’re just jealous and envious of me!

  6. It’s amazing how biased YWN is against Trump. Every bit of news about him is phrased in a derogatory way. Truly dishonest- at least let everyone know you’re biased. People use this as their primary news source.

  7. What can he possibly say? Those cases are political, brought by a criminal, illegitimate Administration.

    Noone has been vetted more than President Trump, if they could get him on anything at all, they would by now.

  8. Why is this response news to yeshiva world.
    Being on trial is not a sign of being wrong.

    Many good innocent people are on trial for politically motivated reasons or blown out of proportion crimes.
    Would it look terrible if Hillary was on trial while she ran? The left wouldnt say so. Well trump could have chose to put her on trial but he avoided that road, so now that they do it to him…?

    This is the main lie of the media. If something looks bad, lets panic and assume its bad. The only reason it can bad is because the media themselves and politicians made this trial in the first place. So how bad is that really.

    They concocted it and then say “hey doesn’t that look bad”. This is what the media is all about “Framing people” for political motivations. Rush said it years ago but its obvious.

    If this is still news to yeshiva world, it means that they and maybe many many people still fall for this framing thing and forget so quickly that’s all the left does. One thing falls away, they try the next. Remember trump Russian collusion? Well if you have a short memory, ill remind you it lasted for a few years and the left thought they had trump in the bag. How about Biden and his son for same thing…?
    Remember trump impeachment..?

  9. He is running to stay out of jail and to grift from his supporters.
    Republicans only love justice , national security, and honesty when they can use them to attack democrats.

    He has a card that says “go directly to jail , do not pass mar-a-lago ” in 4 court cases.

    The belief that he gains support from everyday Americans by being a 4 time convicted criminal is not shared by any of the candidates running against him.
    It is his supporters last hope to save themselves the embarrassment of supporting Trump.

  10. Why can’t we get a true conservative and not a incompetent, corrupt, cult-of-personality candidate? Trump tried to undermine our democracy and our free press. He is divisive. He is incompetent.
    Why is it that almost everyone who worked for him (Barr, Bolton, McMaster, Mattis) say he does not know how government works?
    Any other candidate who slept with a Playboy model or paid hush money to a porn star or cheated on his wife, would have been booted out any truly religious moral group.
    To all of you who support him, remember he only loves you because you love him. His only love his himself, not America or Americans.

  11. People first dislike trump, and then call him a criminal. it’s blinded by their dislike.
    what makes him a criminal? that his opponent indicted him in middle of an election? that they call a riot, that he asked for the national guard, an insurrection. that’s all because they don’t like him

    And the proof is, that Biden who they don’t dislike, they don’t go around calling a criminal.
    So this whole politics thing is a chock full of bs.

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