INSANITY: Third-Graders Forced To Wear N95 Masks After Classmates Get Covid

An elementary school in a Washington D.C. suburb in Maryland has reinstated a mask mandate, specifically requiring N95 masks, for third-grade students following confirmed COVID-19 cases among a few children. The decision, outlined in a letter allegedly sent to all parents at Rosemary Hills Elementary School.

Clay Travis, founder of OutKick, shared the letter on social media, where it quickly gained traction. The letter, addressed to parents of students in a specific classroom, notifies them of the updated mask requirements. According to the letter, three or more individuals in the classroom had tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 10 days, prompting the school’s response.

Principal Rebecca Irwin Kennedy detailed the measures being taken to prevent further transmission of the virus within that classroom. The N95 mask requirement will be in effect for the next 10 days, except during meal times. Following this period, masks will become optional once again. The school also plans to distribute at-home rapid test kits to students and encourages parents to monitor their children for COVID-19 symptoms.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. This seems really SANE. They didn’t close down the school. They didn’t say the class has to learn at home. They didn’t say wear cloth masks. They didn’t say wear masks for the rest of the year. They said that the kids near the one that got sick have to wear medical grade masks for a few days. Doctors and nurses routinely wear these masks all day. They have been proven to work and are not a big deal. This seems like a completely reasonable approach and one that values in person learning. It doesn’t even seem news worthy.

  2. Amazingly ywn promoted this Insanity just a couple of months ago…
    and how all of a sudden you woke up….
    You allowed it to happen once what do you think they’re not going to come back again..

    Keep on promoting and quoting cdc, FDA and health experts.. 6 months later you’ll be taking them now…

  3. Masks are used in medicine to prevent the transmission of particles much larger than a respiratory virus like covid. Masks don’t work for smaller particles, only larger ones. Ventilators, remdesivir, and other iatrogenic causes were what led to the high mortality rate from covid, which turned out to be little more than a cold. And hospitals are STILL being paid an enormous sum for every covid death, whether dying “from” covid (nonexistent) or “with” covid. It’s been predicted for months that we’ll be hit with another one in September, and here we are.

  4. I don’t know how crazy it is for third graders to be forced to wear a mask if one of their classmates or three of their classmates contract covid
    But it is stunning turn on the vents, Clay Travis actually announced on the radio today a correction
    He mistakenly said it was third graders. In fact it was really kindergartners.
    Making kindergartners wear masks is pretty crazy

  5. I daven for the day when covid will be recognized like a regular virus (Example: flu) and classes won’t get disturbed by it. Those who are sick and/or have symptoms stay home and everyone else has class as regular.

  6. For some people wearing masks is very difficult while for others it is not. For people who are anxious are sensory or easily feel claustrophobic…… it is very difficult to wear any masks, let alone n95s. To mandate something for little kids, and even in certain circumstances for adults, that causes anxiety and excessive physical discomfort is not ok – particularly when we have seen clearly that the desired result is often not achieved.

  7. The largest disease drivers in modern times are schools, especially if they have poor ventilation. Kids transmit disease to each other, and then to the parents and so on. But since this is the US and not smarter countries, I’m guessing their only solution was the mask, and not the rest of it, which includes ventilation and fresh air.

  8. “Masks are used in medicine to prevent the transmission of particles much larger than a respiratory virus like covid.”

    N95 masks prevent the transmission of particles significantly smaller than the COVID virus. Wear them. They may save your life.

    I have sat next to people for hours who tested positive for and got sick from COVID the next day. I didn’t get sick and always tested negative. I was wearing masks. Wear them. They may save your life.

  9. “I daven for the day when covid will be recognized like a regular virus (Example: flu)”

    My Korean friends have been wearing masks indoors for years and wonder why Americans don’t take any virus seriously. Korea’s COVID death rate is one fifth that of the US. Over nine hundred thousand fewer Americans would have died had we done Korea rather than ignorantly insisted on convenience rather than life.

  10. First off, can we all shut up about covid? Do they do this when kids get The flu? Cuz lots of people die from flu…
    There’s so much stupidity here it’s hard to ignore
    First, we knew masks don’t work, but now we REALLY know masks don’t work. Yes, even k95 masks. Cochrane came out with a very good study and basically confirmed what science knew all along but pretended not to during covid hysteria. Masks do not work. The end.
    Even hypothetically if they did, the kids have ALREADY been exposed. Too late. I would keep my kid home for ten days and take him to Disney. Take that, covid lunatics.

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