ANTISEMITE? Vivek Ramaswamy Happily Gives Interview To Virulent Anti-Semitic Podcast Host

Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy (Zach Boyden-Holmes/The Des Moines Register via AP)

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy appeared Tuesday on a YouTube podcast hosted by social media influencer Albert Faleski, also known as “An0maly.” The podcast has stirred controversy due to Faleski’s history of making anti-Semitic remarks, including accusations of Jews having “dual loyalty” and alleging that Zionists prioritize Israel over the United States, even willing to compromise American values to serve their agenda.

During the 40-minute interview, Faleski, known for his criticism of the Republican Party’s support for Israel and pharmaceutical companies, questioned Ramaswamy about his background in biotechnology, his work in China, and his stance on the COVID vaccine. The conversation did not delve into Faleski’s controversial views on Jews or Israel.

Ramaswamy’s appearance on the podcast has drawn attention in light of his evolving position on aid to Israel. While in June, Ramaswamy expressed support for cutting off military funding to Israel, he later backtracked on this stance following criticism at the first Republican debate in August. He now asserts that he would only terminate aid to Israel at the country’s request.

Faleski has faced criticism himself and was once designated “Antisemite of the Week” by On Twitter, he regularly accuses the Republican Party of catering to “Zionists” and “Jewish donors” and alleges that these interests influence the party’s policies and actions. His comments also challenge the U.S. government’s definition of anti-Semitism.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Its possible that Vivek Ramaswamy is or is not an anti-semite but if you go by the criteria that is being used here to accuse of being one here then anyone who gives an interview to the New York Times and a lot of other media venues must be an anti-semite.

  2. You create a lot of anti-Semites by leveling empty accusations of anti-Semitism against anyone who questions the status quo or doesn’t shy away from speaking with others who they might disagree with.

  3. Any Democrat with a record like Ramaswamy would be trashed by hundreds of comments here. And would deserve the trashing.

    Note also that Ramaswamy is literally a Soros Fellow.

    But if he is the Republican nominee most commenters here will walk the plank and vote for him, because supporting political extremists is more important than the welfare of Jews.

  4. Ramaswami lost my support over the last few weeks.

    Originally, I read his press releases and statements, and felt he might be Trump – The Improved Version™. He seems to have the right ideas for America, and is much more of a mentch than Trump’s elephant-in-a-china-shop personality.

    But then I started paying closer attention.
    Some of what he says reeks of naivete – it’s either that or stupidity, and he’s not a stupid man. He looks at too many things in a very simplistic and somewhat childish way – for example, his constant harping on “Americans can handle the truth” – as if the reason we’re inundated with lies is because the government thinks we can’t handle it.
    Some of it is just his smile and attitude. Yes, all politicians, especially those with oval-office ambitions have to put out levels of fake. But his charm seems to be too slimy, too slick, and somewhere in the back of my mind I start expecting him to suddenly start telling me that he’s from Microsoft and that my computer has a virus. (And I do apologize for this, since I know that most of India/Bharat is not full of scammers, but the small percentage who are kind of soured things up for the millions of simple folks)
    But once he started on the aid to Israel, I realized that he’s really a know-nothing nincompoop in regards to foreign policy, who doesn’t have the knowledge and the understanding to handle that part of the presidency.
    And Smerel up above is totally wrong. Yes, the NYT is a known antisemitic newspaper, but it’s still a “paper of record” and giving them an interview is not an implicit endorsement of their views. A Youtube blogger with known antisemitic views is much smaller than a national news(cough)paper, and the only reason for a candidate to speak to such a personality is because you’re targeting his audience, thus at the very least implying that you agree with his stances and opinions. So this was the proverbial last straw.

  5. Saying that some American Jews have dual loyalty, or are more loyal to Israel is not Anti Semitism, because that is a fact, and telling the truth is not anti-semitic.
    Yes, especially religious Jews (including myself) are for the most part more loyal and care more about what’s happening in Israel than in the U.S.
    For instance, hearing that a terrorist bomb went off killing scores of people, would it hurt us more if that happened in the U.S. or if it happened in Israel. We all know the answer but of course, won’t admit it.

    If some Americans are bothered by the billions of dollars in aid to Israel, that does not make them anti-semitic.
    Just like the fact that some of us oppose the hundreds of billions going to Ukraine in their war with Russia, does not make us automatically Ukraine hatters.

  6. No, Modern, you are full of garbage. So Ramaswamy “is literally a Soros Fellow”. Do you have any idea what a “Soros Fellow” is? Here’s a hint: It has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO with George Soros.

    And no, being interviewed by an antisemite does not make someone an antisemite. Accusing him of it cheapens the whole term, and when an actual antisemite comes along you will be left sputtering incoherently.

  7. Here we go again with more guilt by association.
    Vivek is probably the candidates that has been to Israel the most with his involvemnet with of Israeli startup ventures.

    That being said, I don’t he’s the right candidate. I’d first choose DeSantis & Haley on the GOP and RFKjr on the Dems. Each one of those candidates brings a unique perspective to fix some of the major issues that currently plagues America. Another years of Briben would be a repeated disaster of the past 4. Whatever your opinion of Trump (one the best for policy and absolute worst for character IMHO), more than a third of the country cannot even stomach him so that alone makes him not fit.

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