Ishay Ribo’s Heartfelt Madison Square Garden Debut Makes History

Ahead of Rosh Hashanah, Ishay Ribo’s historic concert united Jews of all backgrounds for an emotional evening of unity, togetherness, and heartfelt song featuring Avraham Fried, Amir Dadon, and Akiva.

Ishay Ribo became the first Israeli artist and the first orthodox Jew to headline a concert at New York’s renowned Madison Square Garden arena on Sunday, September 3, in what became a historic evening of heartfelt songs that united thousands.

A packed Madison Square Garden arena waited with bated breath as Israeli singer Ishay Ribo ascended the colossal stage at New York City’s premier entertainment venue on Sunday evening. Hours later, when his final song dissolved into thunderous applause, the electrified emotions coursing through the audience bore witness to an unforgettable evening of Jewish unity and inspiration.

Coming just twelve days ahead of Rosh Hashanah, Ribo’s performance immersed those present in the moving melodies of Elul. “We’re bridging worlds tonight,” Ribo said of the concert’s theme. “These are songs I grew up on in the synagogue and in my parents’ home; I never imagined a day when thousands would sing those songs here in Madison Square Garden.”

Ribo’s Madison Square Garden debut—partnered with Bnei Akiva of the United States and Canada—reflected the diversity and unity of today’s Jewish world. Jews wearing jeans danced alongside those wearing black hats, and Chassidic, secular, Sephardic, and modern orthodox Jews sang along to a heartfelt repertoire of traditional Mizrachi tunes, modern Israeli rock, Chassidic niggunim, and original pop songs.

Secular Israeli rock star Amir Dadon—performing in the United States for the first time—joined Ribo on stage for a stirring performance of Ribo’s hit song Nafshi, and other classic hits, alongside Israeli popular star Akiva.

Midway through the concert, the music cut short. “I am honored by the presence of an artist who has been a personal inspiration and mentor,” Ribo said. “I stand before him as a student before his teacher,” he added before inviting Chassidic singer Avraham Fried to the stage. Surprised to find himself on the big screens, Fried made his way to the stage amidst uproarious cheering from the audience. United on stage, the two performed an emotional rendition of Avinu Malkeinu in honor of the concert’s auspicious date: the birthday of the Baal Shem Tov and the Baal HaTanya on 18 Elul.

For all those present, the event’s immense scale evoked powerful emotions. “A venue of this scale once seemed unachievable for Jewish music,” Ribo said. “But the world is changing today. There are challenges, but as artists, we’re here to bring light and create togetherness.”

To view Bnei Akiva’s extraordinary offer to concert-goers considering aliyah, including a year of free groceries and a private concert with Ishay Ribo, visit

Media: History at MSG | Media (See below for credits)

Video: Shimmy Socol

Yisroel Teitelbaum
Dani Diamond
Ohad Kab
Dovber Hectman
Mendi Krief

47 Responses

  1. Ahead of rosh hashana are you sick???
    A mixed concert with plenty of kol isha, yishai ribo??!!
    i dont think any of those people are going into the sifrei chaim.

  2. Far be it from me to be hater, but a mixed concert sponsored by Bnei Akiva, featuring irreligious singers doesn’t seem to be quite in the spirit of Elul as the article makes it seem. I have not heard Daas Torah directly address this incident (and I am certainly far from Daas Torah myself), but I cannot imagine any of our gedolim endorsing this, though I may be wrong.

  3. My 2 cents: a yishai ribbon concert in msg is the ushering in of moshiach? 12 days before rosh hashana? Really.
    now if not one mainstream rosh yeshiva would suggest their followers attend such an event, rather they’d encourage them not to attend, than how can one claim that such an event be a representation of yidishkeit and the harborings of moshiach.

  4. Nothing wrong with a concert. Just naarishkeit. Good fun.
    Something very wrong with even half equating “positivity, ahavas chinam, achdus” in a naarishe concert, with moshiach.
    Let me tell you why.
    Because by making this even half have cheapened everything holy, everything with real value.
    So many amaratzim today, believe that they have achieved something holy by spending a few hours listening to some soulful music. That is the yetzer hora talking plain and simple. They know deep down that this is zero compared to doing any mitzvos or maasim tovim. They clothe it nicely with words like “positivity and achdus” but by reinforcing this message, we reach people that you can make anything holy and spiritual and people make do with this sort of Ruchniyus and they don’t even feel any ache in their conscience when they say this is the real thing.
    That’s really bad.
    Everyone should go to the concert and enjoy themselves if they want to. But they must know that a minute spent there, has as much Ruchniyus value as a minute spent sleeping by the pool. It’s pure batolo plain and simple, and there’s this inexplicable yetzer hora attached to soulful music and lots of Jews in a crowd. That tries to convince you that this is something deeper.
    You have to squish that yetzer hora and admit to yourself that you just plain batelled 2 hours of your life. That’s not necessarily wrong. But there’s nothing right about it either.
    End of machooh

  5. When Eliyahu Hanavi comes will there be mixed seating?

    Maybe Golda Meir will sing hatikvah in front of Reb Chaim Rav elyashiv the chazon ish, Reb Moshe the chofetz Chaim the gra and Reb akiva eiger

  6. I find it quite straightforward that individuals who would typically attend mixed-gender events like a Yankees game or a theater production. many Orthodox people I know engaging in mixed gatherings, such as BBQ parties every Sunday, where there’s mingling, food, and drinks …. across genders .. for them at leaset they had a bit of התערוות for ‘ראש השנה’, it seems that those who wouldn’t have attendedthe avoe didn’t attend and didn’t even know about it till this post !

  7. Habachur hachashuv: I am sure glad Hashem won’t be consulting with you about who goes in the sifrei chaim. And everyone else, cool it, I wasn’t there and don’t plan on going next time, but some Yidden get chiyus from this type of thing. Why does that bother you? There are people who won’t be in the beis medrash and might not even hear shofar in shul all Elul but this type of thing gives them some hisorerus. Why tell them it’s the yetzer horah? Maybe some of them will be inspired to be more ehrlich or make some sort of kabalos due to their inspiration. Maybe you don’t need it and I don’t need it but don’t take away the little connection some people have.

  8. From my experience with years of reading articles on this website I have a hunch that this one is in the category of “riling people up” and not necessarily the views of YWN

    Don’t fall for the bait

  9. The drake concert last week was a massive sign that moshiach is coming ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Trust me, I know. Im an influencer.

    Anybody who disagrees is a rosha.

  10. Actually just saw videos of this concert. I am a very normal person who goes to concerts every chol hamoed with my family. I live in the five towns for full disclosure. To name a concert “Elul” a week before Rosh Hashanah that was absolutely LOADED with mixed dancing and thousands of women singing along with me is a travesty and demands a serious protest. We have fallen to such low levels and we have mouthpieces that have zero hashkafa guidance to the point where this even can be praised is simply sickening. I don’t know what else to say. I have nothing to prove that I am not some yeshiva wacko extremist. Just a regular person who goes to concerts with my family at least once or twice a year. And the biggest shocker was Avraham fried. Terrible. Don’t give the “kiruv” line.

  11. Ferd;

    “Don’t give the Kiruv line”
    It’s useless for you to say that. Lubavitch is the creator of this philosophy (in regards to Kiruv) that “the end justifies the means “. There’s a reason Lubavitch was always on “the outside “ with NO other recognized Gedolim agreeing with this Mehalech.
    Over the last four decades many (individuals) have jumped onto that bandwagon. Especially in the realm of “jewish “ music.
    So, once again, it makes no sense to tell a Lubavitcher Chossid something contrary to what their Rebbe taught them.

  12. kindler most of what you said I agree with they are the harbingers of the end justifies the means. This is contrary betachliso to Torah hashkafa. If you have mixed dancing and ppl will donate a million dollars to your mosad, it is forbidden. that Chabad was told different speaks volumes about their leadership.

    As far as the end of what you said you can’t talk to a habadsker at all about hashkafa period. They are a cult. (Whether it’s an orthodox cult is andera shaila)

  13. Why all the negativity? Nobody claimed that this concert was an example of what the yeshivish world should look like, participate in, or support. We should all celebrate such a big showing for a singer whose music is soulful and full of hisorirus. It is heartwarming that people are drawn to his lyrics from across the spectrum of Judaism, especially since his songs are so centered around avodas HaShem. The neshama of our nation is alive and well, BH. Focus on the positive, you’ll be surprised with how much good you’ll find in those who aren’t as “frum” as you are.

  14. Ferd the horse is the only one with a sensible comment. A ferd is a horse.
    But why can’t we see a short video of the concert ?
    It’s everyone choice to listen or not.
    Havd a peacefully new year.

  15. @Bellefemme – That would be forbidden to show anyone. This is 100% אביזרייהו דעריות without a shadow of a doubt. Women shaking their bodies standing 1 foot away from men?!? How low we have sunk. And to praise this?

    And to say “it’s for modern people not sp close to yiddehlshkeit” is insane. #1 there were many frum people there who were terribly nichshol. #2 Are we allowed to break the sanctity of Kedusha and Taharah and Tzniyus for “kiruv”??

  16. MBD being interviewed in Eretz Yisroel this week
    Free translation: “When the first HASC concert was organized (in 5748/1988), the organizers went to ask for a bracha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Of course, it was a concert with separate seating. As the date was getting closer, they realized that ticket sales were well below what they expected.

    So they wrote a letter to the Rebbe and asked, being that it’s a institution for special children, and so much money was already invested, if they can at least have a small section of what is called “family seating.”

    The Rebbe responded in writing:

    “כל הנ”ל אינו משנה את השולחן ערוך, ברכה והצלחה” = all that is written above does not change the Shulchan Aruch. Blessing and Success.

    Of course, in the end there wasn’t an empty seat in the house.”

    For a decade or so, MBD did not appear at HASC concerts, and it’s believed that it’s because they deviated from their original agreement about separate seating and began to have mixed seating. In 5772/2012, when he did return to the HASC stage, it was with the agreement that it would be separate seating only, although it is unclear whether the whole hall was separate, or only the ground floor.

    After HASC 26, in 5773/2013, it seems that MBD did not appear on the HASC stage again. It would seem that the organizers of HASC concerts no longer agreed to his conditions.

    Another interesting point is what he says in the name of poskim that this rule would apply to frum neighborhoods only, and that shluchim, for example, who make concerts as peulos, would not be required to abide by this rule.

    See the video yourself

  17. If there would have been separate seating this mess would have not happened. Yes, there would have been protests beforehand but then there would be a peaceful outcome. Unfortunately, now some famous Jewish celebrities, singers, public figures, etc. will now lose public interest and their ratings will go down. There should’ve been better planning and less commentary on what the concert did to everyone spiritually.

  18. “Maybe Golda Meir will sing hatikvah in front of Reb Chaim Rav elyashiv the chazon ish, Reb Moshe the chofetz Chaim the gra and Reb akiva eiger…”

    Pure lashon horah. If you have seen the movie “Golda” you would know that she had a terrible voice and would never have considered singing in public, putting aside the chashuvah rabbonim in the audience.

  19. Are WE GETTING ahead of ourselves here. This is not DONALD TRUMP MAKING A SPEECH , it’s a concert . A choice to go to it. ISHAI RIBO HAPPENS TO BE VERY TALENTED. Let see those who commented negatively perform this way!!!

  20. Very good comments from people who have a simple Jewish view on the matter. Calling a concert some sort of holy thing in general is a bizayon to Torah and mitzvos, but a mixed concert ahead of yom hadin is obviously not holy; quite the opposite.

    I only hope that the reports here of mingling and dancing with close proximity to opposite genders is not true; if it is, Hashem yerachem… I honestly don’t have words for this entire episode, even if those reports aren’t accurate.

    I’m surprised at fried; maybe he didn’t know it was mixed?

  21. All you nay-sayers I invite YOU to go see Yishai Ribo in concert. He just played in Tsfat and he is one of the best performers I have ever seen: humble, tzanuah, yirat shemayim, and incredibly talented and personable. Stop with all the judgements and holier-than-thou statements (yes- 12 days before Rosh Hashana!). In one fell swoop you judge and pasul all the thousands of Yidden who went to the concert to be moved, inspired, and enjoy a frum performer. Who needs to do teshuva here?

  22. The whole point of learning besides the mitzvah of learning is to improve ones self. It really does not matter how as long as we just get along. Don’t bury your head in the sefer , relate to people and be NICE especially leading to RH and YK. If we don’t have each other then really what do we have.

  23. Reading some of these comments highlights what is wrong with the Yeshiva world today. The Yeshiva world comprises a small percentage of Frum Jews and an even smaller percentage of Jews in general. To think that everyone is and can be on a Yeshiva standard is wrong and simply never existed in our history. Just see the Gemara on Pumpedisa. Not everyone is exposed to an “Elul”. Not everyone has any experience to move them closer to HKBH during these days and if a concert by a very talented and spiritual performer can do that for them I say… Ashreinu! All of the holier then thou commentators who have commented on people going to a concert 12 days before Rosh Hashanah and whether the Gedolim would approve should ask themselves about being on the Internet, Twitter and everything else they’re on during these days. Who are you kidding? I assure you, you are exposed to much worse than a Ishay Ribo concert. Ishay, thank you for what you do, may we ALL learn from you how each person can bring Jews closer together instead of push them further apart.

  24. I am just an observer, not connected to any of the groups in question, but I don’t understand why several of the comments are taking the opportunity to take cheap shots at Chabad. What does this concert have to do with them? A.V made a guest appearance, not the Lubavitcher Rebbe. More of the crowd was litvish than Lubavitch.

    As for the point that Chabad is okay with this type of event, see the comment of Gachi Nordon above.

  25. The issue is : should YW endorse
    a concert where there may be an halactic issue? Going to such concert is not equivalent to going to a mixed basball game.. Is YW, Vin news, social media normalizing an event that may be against halacha? Are we getting our kids used to viewing mixed events where not only families but single frum boys and girls dance and sing as normal? Are we accepting and normalizing behaviors that were unacceptable years ago?

  26. One of the issues is should YW endorse
    a concert where there may be an halactic issue? Going to such concert is not equivalent to going to a mixed baseball game.. Is YW, Vin news, social media normalizing an event that may be against halacha? Are we getting our kids used to viewing as normal mixed events where not only families but single frum boys and girls dance and sing ? Are we accepting and normalizing behaviors that were unacceptable years ago? We have to think about the next generation and have them in mind. We may view this concert as inspiring with some issues. The next generation may not even see that as an issue.

  27. “Pure lashon horah.”

    If you knew basic hilchot lashoi harah you’d know that the prohibition does not exist on someone who is mekhallel shabbat or is a kofer in the torah

  28. The hypocrisy of @frumroshyeshiva is mind boggling. Going to this concert is different than a baseball game… why? Because you like baseball and say so? If you believe a group of women singing together is Asur (Rav Dovid Tzvi Hoffmann Shut Melamud LeHoil disagrees), than it’s Asur at a ballgame where they sing the national anthem and Gd bless America. If you believe mixed seating is Asur, well then it’s Asur at a ballgame too. Not to mention the Pretzus at a ballgame. Don’t be so Frum on other peoples chesbon and don’t be so quick to say categorically something is Asur or Mutar when frankly you are I’ll informed.

  29. @ibj that was a joke from gadolhadorah. She was being sarcastic.

    Once we’re mentioning lashon hara, I’ll write what I recall from sefer chofetz chaim.

    Firstly, you don’t need to say they are kofrim in order for this to be mutar. This is already public and published by ywn, so everyone anyways knows what occurred.
    Secondly, we are not using negative speech against other Jews. Rather, we are protesting what was done because it was wrong. Obviously, if one’s intention is to talk bad of others then this wouldn’t be allowed. Your intention is what matters here.
    Regarding if they kosher Jews, I don’t see a reason to label all of the attendees as not kosher. Despite the fact that is was a violation of lo sasuru, abizrayhu d’arayos, and a chilul Hashem, you cannot prove that any given individual was fully aware of this or even gave it a second thought. That won’t excuse them, but it wouldn’t make them pasul. (It might make them be considered prutzim, regarding hilchos yichud. See poskim).

    We must rebuke and protest, but also assume they were shogegim. I truly feel pity for them.

  30. For all the jealous naysayers making ridiculous and disgusting hateful comments.
    You are the perfect example of a religious zealot and a hateful fanatic.
    And the definition of a religious zealot, is someone who is up all night worrying that maybe just maybe, someone somewhere out there is having a good time.
    You guys are nothing but evil jealous UMFARGINERS.
    If you don’t know what it means, just ask your Yiddish speaking Grandmother.

    P.S it’s guys like you who are holding up the coming of Moshiach,it’s not Ishay Rib or a ram Fried


  31. Shimon Nodel: Thanks for providing LBJ the clarification. I forget sometimes there is always someone who literally thinks Golda Meir is up in shamayim headlining a concert for the gadolim of recent generations.
    Otherwise, I find so many of these posts admonishing all who attended the concert as having forfeited their chelek of olam haboh a bit sad or debating whether its worse to hear women sing along with “take me out to the ballgame” or one if Ribo’s nigunim.

  32. anyone to the right of chaim s. is a fanatic dont you know that

    protesting a concert in elul that had women dancing and girls singing in the presence of thousands of men makes you a fanatic, dont you know that

    ishai ribo and his techeilies will bring on moshiach

    taking the time on this heilige venue to protest public wrongdoing means youre up all night and jealous of real jews.
    you should know that already

  33. מסכת סוטה מ״ח ע״א
    אָמַר רַב יוֹסֵף זָמַרֵי גַּבְרֵי וְעָנֵי נָשֵׁי פְּרִיצוּתָא. זָמַרֵי נָשֵׁי וְעָנֵי גַּבְרֵי כְּאֵשׁ בִּנְעֹרֶת לְמַאי נָפְקָא מִנָּהּ לִבְטוּלֵי הַאי מִקָּמֵי הַאי.

  34. In re the excerpt above from M’ Sotah, R’ Yosef opines that if men sing and women respond, this is licentiousness. If women sing and men respond, it causes the yetzer horah to burn as if one were pouring gasoline on a fire. As to why the two scenarios so different, R’ Yosef holds that BOTH are forbidden but if it is impossible to ban singing entirely, they should at least make an effort to stop the most problematic form.

  35. I really don’t care about the concert but this “influencer” from “meaningful” minute pontificating as if anyone cares what thinks is getting on my nerves. Someone who cares about him should let him know that his $50 podcast microphone doesn’t make him a baal daavar on anything, ever. And yea this is being nice.

  36. To all you jealous naysayers, complaining about some girls dancing solo in front of their own seats.

    Well, yesterday I was at a wedding and saw an old geezer shlepping a kallah by a leash and parading her around in front of hundreds of ogling men at what they call a “mitzvah tanz” (lol)
    Will this bring “mashiach?”
    You tell me, which is worse ?

  37. rabbidovid September 6, 2023 11:41 pm at 11:41 pm
    I really don’t care about the concert but this “influencer” from “meaningful” minute pontificating as if anyone cares what thinks is getting on my nerves. Someone who cares about him should let him know that his $50 podcast microphone doesn’t make him a baal daavar on anything, ever. And yea this is being nice.
    Hey rabbidovid.
    And does anyone care what you think ? LOL
    The difference between Nachi Gordon and you is this, Nachi with his Meaningful Minute podcast, inspires tens of thousands of Jews all over the world.
    Why you sit in front of a computer (most probably in your mothers basement) spewing hatred and negativity all day long.

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