WILD: Elon Musk Says ADL Causes Antisemitism, Has “No Choice” But To Sue Them For $22 BILLION

Billionaire Elon Musk said he will file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to “clear” his social media platform’s name against charges of anti-Semitic content.

It all began with a series of Twitter exchanges over the weekend, when Musk doubled down on his criticism of the ADL and engaged with a notorious figure known for his antisemitic and white nationalist views.

The online exchange revolved around Musk’s assertion that the ADL’s aggressive stance on banning social media accounts, even for minor rule violations, ironically contributed to the proliferation of antisemitism on the platform. Musk’s comments were made in response to Keith O’Brien, a far-right Irish activist who goes by the online alias Keith Woods. Notably, O’Brien had previously been banned by Twitter for hate speech but had his account reinstated under Musk’s influence.

Last week, O’Brien played a big role in promoting the campaign to “ban the ADL,” which gained traction on social media. On Friday, Musk publicly supported O’Brien’s call to ban the organization, sparking widespread controversy. Musk, who has identified himself as a free speech “absolutist,” even contemplated polling Twitter users on whether the civil rights organization should be banned from the platform.

In response to Musk’s remarks, the ADL issued a statement on Saturday, expressing their resolve in the face of what they described as a coordinated attack on their organization by antisemites, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, and trolls. The ADL highlighted its recent participation in the 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington and a meeting with the leadership of Twitter, now known as “X,” as possible triggers for the online backlash.

On Monday, Musk tweeted that he’s not really an anti-Semite.

“To be super clear, I’m pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind,” Musk posted.

Musk then responded to a user who pointed out that Chaya Raichik, the frum Crown Heights woman who gained national attention for her X account, LibsofTikTok, which exposes radical liberal agendas across the country, was called an extremist by the ADL.

“ADL has pushed hard for us to shut down account like Chaya’s, even though it has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, which is their supposed charter!” Musk wrote.

Raichik replied to the X owner, requesting that he release all communications on the ADL and other organization who’ve pushed to censor accounts on X (formerly Twitter).

“Great point,” Musk replied. “A giant data dump would clear the air.”

Musk later tweeted: “To clear our platform’s name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation Leadue… oh the irony!”

A user then noted that the ADL has been sued previously over defamation, including a case in Colorado in which it was required to shell out $10.5 million.

“Interesting,” Musk responded. “In our case they would potentially be on the hook for destroying half of the value of the company, so roughly $22 billion.”

He went on to accuse the ADL of being “responsible for most of our revenue loss.” He noted that advertisers avoid controversy, “so all that is needed for ADL to crush our US & European ad revenue is to make unfounded accusations.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

25 Responses

  1. Elon Musk is so astute and incisive that he may not even realize the truth in his own words!

    That the corrupt ADL provokes antisemitism by incessantly antagonizing public figures by playing the antisemitism card is indeed spot on, but that is just the tip of the iceberg of the modus operandi of the entire Zionist establishment.

    And the brutal Zionist occupation of Palestine and oppression of innocent Palestinians is only made worse by the Zionists accusing their critics of antisemitism and invoking the so-called “Holocaust”.

  2. Musk is not totally wrong. We have a history of pushing to far which causes a negative rebound action.
    Asking Musk to go after every 2-bit loser that posts an Antisemitic comment is going to far.
    It causes many who had no opinion about Jews either way to start to believe there is a secretive, shadowy “Jewish Police” that controls everything which obviously as a Non-Jew is something you are not ok with.

  3. The ADL, like any Liberal “Jewish” organization, does not have the best interests of Torah Jewry at heart, to say the least.

    These liberal organizations create the very anti-semitism they claim they are against.

  4. The ADL misuses its charter and mission in order to be a spokesperson for one political party. Time to shut it down. There is little evidence the ADL ever helped Jews and they certainly no longer do and have not in a long time.

  5. Musk is EVIL_____period….may Hashem do us justice with this filth…..how sad in our world that one with a brain of course can cause such damage…more so than even Hitler in the end…..our planet is slowly expanding…..in other words …it could implode to a singular unit….Musk is using far more resources than necessary
    ….I am not a fan of ADL…..but I love all jews

  6. A huge supporter of the immoral degenerate lying menuval, like his other nazi friends that he dined with. Whose core supporters are white supremacists.

  7. A lawsuit might be a bit over the top and if elon is engaging with anti-semites that’s definitely not ok but he has a major point regarding the ADL. they make a fuss about small things and perhaps even things that are not actually anti-semetic which in my humble opinion causes a lot of negative attention that klal yisroel does not need. any yid with half a brain knows that flaunting wealth or in this case stam calling unwanted attention to us is always bad news. I dont know why we have to wait for elon musk to wake us up.

  8. If Elon Musk is an antisemite, is highly questionable but if the ADL is promoting are antisemitism, there is no question about it.
    ADL is a body unrelated to Jewishness thay only brings on Antisemitism.

  9. Hope and pray he is successful and puts these filthy treasonous leftist America hating and religion hating atheistic secular rats out of business.

    ADL is a thousand times more dangerous for Jews in America, than all the so called right wing and Nazi organizations combined.
    We cannot imagine the antisemitism these leftist liberal perverts cause, with their war against everything that is moral and right in America.
    They have been waging war against religion whether Judaism or Christianity since their inception.
    They have been in the vanguard in the fight for the legalization of the murder of millions of unborns, they have been waging war against religion in schools or even the teaching of basic morality.
    But of course teaching grade school children about perversion and deciding to trans gender and mutilate themselves without parents permission that is perfectly o.k,and if decent religious American speak up against this insanity, they are branded by the ADL as Nazis.
    yes all these secular treasonous so called Jewish organizations like the ADL or AJC or ACLU, need to be eradicated and the sooner the better.

  10. The ADL has it’s issues but singling it out is a huge dog whistle to antisemites.

    1) Elon’s always been an idiot and a racist.
    2) He’s desperate to recoop his twitter losses.
    3) Most of the remaining twitter users are antisemites so he’s succumbing to their influences.
    4) He let Kanye & Trump back on Twitter.
    5) Remember the regretable ‘Kanye. Elon. Trump.’ tweet by house republicans? They are 3 narcissistic peas in a pod. They don’t want free speech they want the right to say whatever they want with no accountability and absolute power for themselves.
    6) In many European countries antisemitic hate speech and holocaust denial is illegal. The ADL uses their leverage to attempt to keep it under control in America. Online it’s out of control and contributing to physical attacks on all Jews.
    7) FWIW Tay-Tay warned us about Kanye years ago, if only we had heeded her warnings then….

  11. Musk is probably doing a big favor to the Jews.

    Leftist organizations masquerading as fake “Jewish” organizations do tremendous damage to the Jews, and they drag the Torah through the sewer.

    Let Musk shut them down.

  12. perhaps Jews need to consider which car they will purchase this season…..this man is not just in the car business and twitter he is into selling crypto…..Twitter is another means of selling his phony money schemes…..nothing honest about this man at all….shame…..his one ugly voice will harm one jew and then what will happen…..interesting to see….well for me….MUSK is an enemy

  13. All the people on this forum who are anti Musk are enabling the self hating atheist secular rats who are destroying America. It’s a real bizayon that some of the people in Hollywood who are destroying the morals and family values that the Torah commands, are Jews themselves. We have to speak out and say, no! These atheist rats do not speak for the Jewish community at large. We as frum Jews should be more proud and less apologetic towards freie Jews who today often aren’t even really Jewish (Jewish father, reform conversion etc) and stand up for ourselves. Atheists in klal Yisroel are Amaleik, the chofetz chaim said

  14. n0mesorah your name says it lol. No mesorah. How is what I said a stirah to all humans being b’tzelem Elokim. I’m sure the Amaleikim were also, yet we know what Hashem told us to do.

    The truth is that secular left wing yidden are a shame to the Jewish people.

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