Mayor Bloomberg Endorses Simcha Felder For State Senate

fb.jpgCity Hall – Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today endorsed Councilman Simcha Felder in the Democratic Primary for the 21st State Senate District in Brooklyn.

“Simcha Felder is an independent thinker who makes decisions the same way I do – by simply doing what he thinks is right for the people he represents. I rely on Simcha’s advice on issues big and small because he is honest, fair, and speaks his mind openly,” Mayor Bloomberg said.  “Honesty, openness and fairness are all too often absent in Albany – but that will start to change if Brooklyn Democrats vote to send Simcha Felder to the State Senate in September.”

“It is a great honor to receive Mayor Bloomberg’s endorsement,” said Felder.  “He has great appeal among voters across the city because he thinks independently and works cooperatively to create positive change for the people of New York City.  I have had the pleasure of working closely with the Mayor in creating this change while emulating these same ideals in the New York City Council.”

Over the last seven years, Mayor Bloomberg and Councilman Felder have worked together to make New York a cleaner, safer, and more livable city, all while demanding greater accountability from the government and public servants.  As the Governmental Operations Committee Chair, Felder teamed up with Mayor Bloomberg to pass landmark bills to reform lobbying practices in the city, modernize the Environmental Control Board, and establish the most advanced campaign finance program in the nation.  Felder has worked with Bloomberg to limit the issuance of unfair sanitation tickets, allow homeowners to file complaints against distributors of unsolicited advertising, reduce traffic by rescheduling garbage pickups, and transfer abandoned city-owned property for community uses, such as a new, state-of-the-art garage for Hatzolah of Boro Park.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Aside from the fact that Simcha Felder is a ehrlich Yid, he is also clearly the best choice of the 3 candidates. He has always been available to the community and his staff provides exceptional constituent service. I don’t know if the Mayor’s support will mean as much as Felder’s record and integrity.

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