BEYOND BELIEF: Migrant Who Came To NYC 2 Months Ago Commits Over A Dozen Crimes, Released Each Time

A Venezuelan migrant who arrived in New York City just two months ago has already been arrested and released multiple times following a string of alleged random attacks on strangers and law enforcement officers. Daniel Hernandez Martinez, 29, arrived in the city on June 27 and is now facing 14 different charges for a series of crimes, the New York Post reports.

Martinez’s alleged crime spree began shortly after his arrival, with his first reported incident on June 28. Since then, he has been in and out of custody, raising serious questions about the vetting and release policies for migrants in the city.

One veteran police officer with over two decades of experience told the Post, “This is not an isolated incident. These migrants are getting arrested quite often here, and we really don’t know who they are. They really don’t have ID. They’re not being vetted properly, but some of them are committing some of the most violent crimes here.”

Martinez’s alleged criminal activities ranged from petty theft to assault:

  • On June 28, he allegedly stole items including Nutella, slippers, sneakers, hats, Gillette razor blades, and Dove body wash from a Costco in Brooklyn, resulting in a charge of petty larceny. He was subsequently released on his own recognizance.
  • On July 6, he reportedly stole a tool kit from a Duane Reade in Columbus Circle in Manhattan.
  • On July 7, he escalated to assault when a security guard at a Duane Reade on West 35th Street in Manhattan attempted to stop him from stealing a bag of chips and toothpaste. Martinez allegedly pulled out a large knife and advanced toward an undercover officer. He was charged with menacing but released once again.
  • On July 31, Martinez allegedly attacked Jeffrey Bradac, 52, with a bike tire in front of the Row Hotel in Times Square. Bradac, an independent journalist documenting the migrant influx, had previously interviewed Martinez. Martinez was arrested but managed to escape before being re-arrested later.
  • On August 21, he was arrested for violently attacking a woman in Midtown, allegedly grabbing her by the hair, dragging her across the floor, and kicking her. He was charged with menacing, assault, criminal mischief, and weapon possession, then placed on supervised release.
  • On August 24, he was arrested for menacing with a weapon and harassment after threatening a stranger with a chain in front of 701 Eighth Ave. Once again, he was released without bail.
  • On August 28, Martinez was arrested for using a large metal pipe to break locks to steal bicycles in Times Square. This time, he was charged with petty larceny, criminal mischief, possession of stolen property, and burglary tools. While in custody, he assaulted a police officer during a handcuff change, resulting in a charge of assaulting a police officer.

Prosecutors requested $10,000 bail and $10,000 bond for the cop assault case, but the judge set bail at $5,000, leading to Martinez’s detention at Rikers Island.

Concerns have also arisen regarding Martinez’s criminal history in Venezuela and the circumstances of his entry into the United States, though the U.S. State Department, Venezuelan consulate, and Homeland Security have not provided answers to these questions as of now.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. There were videos of criminals in NYC going around in Venezuelan Whatsapp groups in the last 2 years. In them, these criminals explained that Maduro had send them in to create chaos by committing as many crimes they can get away with. They were swearing that they will bring the city down. So go figure. Not every Venezuelan immigrant came here to do that. But bit everyone of them is a boy scout.

  2. Stick to the Biden narrative. WHITE supremacy is destroying our Nation. The quicker we can get rid of the middle class white males in this country, the better we will be.

  3. An accurate commentary in a title for a change.
    Beyond Belief

    If you vote Democrat and chv something happens to your child you are to blame.

  4. We should all pray to G*D that Daniel Hernandez Martinez from Venezuela should drop-dead very soon, and all those like him should drop-dead very soon, and the politicians who allowed him into the USA should drop-dead very soon.

  5. danny boy,

    Once again you’re suddenly being very quiet, you kapo petzl. Why aren’t you lecturing us that it’s wrong to incarcerate someone prior to trial just because his crimes are “annoying”? When will you invite poor Daniel for a sleepover so he can peel your face off with a teaspoon? That would be somewhat “annoying”, wouldn’t it?

  6. I follow דעת-תורה of my saintly Rebbe Moreinu HoRav Avigdor HaKohen Miller ZTKLLH’H and always vote for Republicans, as should every single New Yorker & American, without even 1 single exception quite literally.

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