Winter Boost in Melbourne with the Gateshead Bochurim [PHOTOS]

Over the past month Melbourne Australia experienced a special boost to the community. Shaarei Tefillah brought out five Bochurim from Gateshead Yeshivah aiming to provide a space for the youth to learn, grow and connect in meaningful ways to meaningful young mentors.

During their time in Australia, the Bochurim ran numerous events and programs including a youth Tisha B’av program, a bowling event for high school and organized sports events with local boys. They led a Friday night dinner for over 50 boys, a community kumzitz attended by boys across the community and learnt daily in Shaarei Tefillah and Yesodei HaTorah. The boys also visited Sydney where they ran a learning program in Kesser Torah College, spreading their reach interstate.

Between all these amazing programs, informal events were hosted at different homes regularly where the Bochurim created strong bonds and relationships with countless boys of all ages.

The culmination of their trip was an indescribably special Shabbaton in Point Leo, which saw incalculable amounts of ruach, achdus and kedusha amongst all the boys in attendance. The energy and enthusiasm that radiated from the young participants was truly heart-warming, and a reminder of the incredible potential the Melbourne community possesses across the board.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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