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BMG Makes It Official: Kollel Checks Go Up By 5% For All Yungerleit

During the Adirei Hatorah event at Wells Fargo Center in June, Beth Medrash Govoha rosh yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlit”a announced that plans were being set to raise the Kollel stipends of the yeshiva’s yungerleit.

Lakewood Alerts subsequently reported that BMG was planning to raise Kollel checks by 5%, beginning this Elul zman.

Now, BMG CEO Rabbi Yosef Heinemann is making the raise official.

“With profound appreciation of being one of the Adirei Hatorah of Beth Medrash Govoha, we are pleased to inform you that the monthly Kollel check as of September will be raised 5% to $1,050 monthly,” a letter from the CEO to Kollel yungerleit reads, as first reported by the Lakewood Alerts status.

“When the Rosh Yeshiva announced a raise to the monthly Kollel check at the recent Adirei HaTorah even, he reflected upno the extra ahavas hatorah and kavod hatorah that is manifest through this new initiative. It is truly our zechus to provide this for the Talmidei HaYeshiva and their families, whose mesirus nefesh for limud hatorah and kavod hatorah uphold the world,” the letter adds.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. This is wonderful. Now, how does that work when inflation leaves a significant drop in buying power? Why does the leadership endorse voting for the Democrats that create this inflation? Yes, the increase was long overdue. Now, the responsibility is to take actionis that insure that this has a positive effect.

  2. Lakewhut: You are smart for using the “E” word, rather than the “W” word which can get you thrown off the website…..A small percent of kollel yungerleit succeed in business w/o getting advanced secular education. The others rely on wealthy parents or some combination of government welfare, private charities and the wife’s income.

  3. Kollel Yungerleit are the most treasured part of our society, which should on ly support them. They are keeping up the world. ASHREICHEM!!!!!!!

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